Poet.ml is a toy project to illustrate how to implement hexagonal architecture (clean/onion architecture) in Ocaml, making use of a functor. This is a command line tool with a minimalist interactive prompt that recites poems. Interface is in French, it should not prevent you to understand the code base, but if it bothers you, please open an issue.
To build this project, you need an ocaml compiler (tested with version 4.07.1), dune (tested with version 1.11.4) and yojson (tested with 1.7.0).
To install dune and yojson :
opam install dune yojson
(install opam previously with your package manager or from source if needed)
To build the project, you just have to run:
dune build ui/console.exe
And to run it:
dune exec ui/console.exe