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Prepare environment to develop (IntelliJ Community)

Radosław Jajko edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 3 revisions


This tutorial was based on the Intellij Community Edition version 2021.2.



  • MySQL server installed
  • Tomcat server installed
  • NodeJS installed
  • Git installed

Installation of each of that components was described in the Getting Started section on our Wiki.
(Gradle and Java JDK will be provided by Intellij)

Installation and Configuration

  1. Download JetBrains Intellij Community Version from web.
  2. Install (or extract) the downloaded archive and run the application.
  3. On welcome screen select "Create New Project" and select "Get from VCS".
  4. Choose repository URL and use Git Version Control. Paste the URL of the Scada-LTS project and click "Clone" button.
  1. *If there is a privilege dialog, click "Trust this project" button to load the gradle configuration.
  2. Gradle is loading the dependencies and preparing project for development. (It may take a while)
  3. Use Gradle extension to navigate within available tasks.
    Use buildRun to build the Java and Frontend projects and to run the tomcat server.

Debug application

You have to start Tomcat server in debug mode. Use for that runDebug or buildRunDebug Tasks. You can run it also manually just to run $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ jpda run.

Then you have to attach to that process. So for that we need to create a new Run/Debug configuration. Click on the "Edit Configurations" button (green hammer icon) and click "add Remote JVM Debug".

Set the name for that task and make sure that is connection to the tomcat instance on port: 8000. Apply and save.