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The Team

Radosław Jajko edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

Scada-LTS is an OpenSource project based on the ScadaBR application. So we should also remember about members from that project.

Scada-LTS project developers

List of all contributors can be found here. Each one tires to give the best of himself to the project but as it often happens in IT world the developers changes projects they work on. To see them engagement follow up the statistic presented in related page. Below you will find the our team in which we work together at the present moment.

Our team

We work together as Teal organisation where we treat each other equal. Our goal is to make the Scada-LTS the best application of that kind on the market using the best of ours ideas. We try to make relationships between contributors instead of using hierarchy or central command and control. But there is a one person who has started everything:

CEO of the project:


About us

We work as a team day by day to improve the Scada-LTS project. We try to use the cutting edge technologies to make the best user experience in this kind of application. If you noticed a problem send a message to us and we will try do our best to solve your issue.
