96 commits
to master
since this release
New Features
- Added "/ban" and "/unban" chat commands
- Added "player" param to "/delete" that takes a param of "dead"
- Added "faction" param to "/delete that takes a param of "nofounder", "noleader", or "empty"
- Added new "/kick" chat command. Works with name and steam id
- Added "nopower" param to "/delete all" for cleaning up cube grids with no power
- Added "all" param to "/stop" to stop movement and rotation of all entities on the server
- Added new chat command "/gui" that will open up the main GUI again on the server if running in interactive mode
- Added new chat command "/off" to turn off all, production, beacon, or tool blocks
- Added chat command "/clear" to clear the production queue of production blocks
- Added API methods and GUI dialogs for adding and removing cube blocks on cube grids
- Added command line arg for autosave interval
- Added command line arg for WCF port
- Added command line arg for path override
- And more ...
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with loading plugins when autostart is set
- Fixed bug with chat system not initializing properly with the "nogui" command line arg enabled
- Fixed bug with MyFileSystem initialization in SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper
- Fixed many bugs with inventory systems
- Fixed bugs with resource dead-locking
- Fixes misc bugs with main GUI
- And more ...
General Changes
- Changed cube grid disposal method
- Implemented disposal of FloatingObject entities
- Massive code cleanup
- Finished main implementation of "/import" chat command. Only works with cube grid import right now
- And more ...
This main release contains many, many changes that have accumulated over the last 14 dev builds and I'm very happy that this non-dev release is finally out.