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Module: Hades

Andre Louis Issa edited this page May 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

Members accessible from the ModUtil.Hades table. In ModUtil 3, anything with a name that contains 'Menu' has been removed, and the PrintStack config has been moved to ModUtil.Config.Hades

This module has not been refactored, the explicit functions in this module are generally made obsolete by capabilities from other mods

PrintStackHeight +Int Number of lines of text visible the next time a fresh print stack is created
PrintStackCapacity +Int Number of lines of text stored in the buffer of the next fresh print stack created
Triggers *table Triggers refer to these tables instead of being purely anonymous, for example: "ModUtil.Hades.Triggers.OnHit.Combat.1.Call" is a path you could wrap.
CloseMenu screen(Screen), button(Button)
Safely closes a Menu without breaking input or other menus and calls the closeFunc.
OpenMenu group(string), close((screen(Screen), button(Button)->()), open((screen(Screen), button(Button)->()) screen(Screen)
Begins setup for opening a Menu of a unique group name, closeFunc is called after the menu is closed and after a room transition (which closes all menus forcibly)
DimMenu screen(Screen)
Adds a dim layer behind the screen, must be run before other elements so it is drawn behind them.
UndimMenu screen(Screen)
Makes the dim added by DimMenu completely transparent (to keep the layer order the same)
PostOpenMenu screen(Screen) screen(Screen)
Ends setup for opening a ModUtil Menu, run after you have attached all the components you want to the menu.
GetMenuScreen group(string) screen(Screen)
Returns the screen associated with the group (if it was created using this module)
PrintDisplay text, delay(nil|number), color(nil|Color)
Prints text to the top of the screen. (Can only display one at a time)
PrintOverhead text, delay(nil|number), color(nil|Color), dest(Obstacle)
Prints text above dest (defaults to the player). (Can only display one at a time)
PrintStack text, delay(nil|number), color(nil|Color), bgcol(nil|Color), fontsize(nil|+Int), font(nil|string), sound(nil|string)
Prints text to a list visible on a panel at the base of the screen. (Displays multiple prints at once)
PrintStackChunks text, linespan(nil|+Int), delay(nil|number), color(nil|Color), bgcol(nil|Color), fontsize(nil|+Int), font(nil|string), sound(nil|string)
Prints block/paragraph text to a list visible on a panel at the base of the screen. (Displays multiple prints at onc
NewMenuYesNo group(string), close((screen(Screen), button(Button)->()), open((screen(Screen), button(Button)->()), yes(nil|(screen(Screen), button(Button)->()), no(nil|(screen(Screen), button(Button)->()), title(nil|string), body(nil|string), yesText(nil|string), noText(nil|string), icon(nil|string), iconScale(nil|number) screen(Screen)
Creates a stackable Yes/No dialog, use may require a tutorial unto itself.
CloseMenuYesNo screen(Screen), button(Button)
Closes a Yes/No dialog, called after any of its three buttons are pressed.
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