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Let's build friendships together.
- Work with backend team to sort out APIs
- Work with design team for initial lo-fi and hi-fi design
- Further knowledge of Apple's MapKit framework
- Learnt how to integrate Facebook login into iOS app
- Learnt how to deal with provisioning profiles
- Learnt how to submit app to the appstore
6 June 2017:
- Text changes and label positioning
5 June 2017:
- Notifications
- Textfield auto caps on every character on entering vehicle number
- Textfield auto caps on first letter of every word on entering vehicle brand
- UI changes to map annotation callout
- UI changes to bookings and offers list
- UI changes to bookings and offers details screen
- Removed past offers and bookings
- Fixed: Text errors and typos
1 June 2017:
- Switched to Google Maps
- Offers now have ongoing and completion statuses
- Fixed: Capitalised all vehicle numbers
- Fixed: Creating offer now includes vehicle description
- Fixed: Map view does not flicker anymore
- Fixed: Custom map annotation view now dismisses as expected
- Fixed: Booking is fixed
- Fixed: Loading UI now follows application colour scheme
- Fixed: Offer list text is now centralised when there are no offers to display
- Fixed: Booking list text is now centralised when there are no bookings to display
31 May 2017:
- Fixed: Keyboard scroll
30 May 2017:
- You can now view who booked your offer and how many seats they booked
- Fixed: Custom map annotation views are now able to be dismissed as expected
- Fixed: Cancelling a booking now no longer crashes
29 May 2017:
- Added a custom map annotation
- Slight UI change to screens for booking rides, viewing offers and viewing bookings
28 May 2017:
- Improvement to autolayout in Bookings list and Offers list screen
- Added map pin icon
- Changed map default zoom
- Slight change to table display in the screen for booking a ride
- Standardised labels
- Standardised Create Offer screen with Android counterpart
27 May 2017
- You can now search for more accurate addresses
- Fixed: Bookings list does not crash anymore
- Fixed: Bookings cell labels are now correct
- Fixed: Removed extra "add" sign in Booking screen
- Fixed: Setting a date just by tapping the "Done" button now works as expected
26 May 2017:
- Autolayout done
24 May 2017:
- Added popup when succesfully deleting offer
- Fixed: Vacancy now displays the correct amount
- Fixed: Booking listings now fixed
- Fixed: Login button did not appear when there is no saved facebook account
22 May 2017:
- Auto login works
- Improvements to booking list loading time
- Fixed: Booking now works
20 May 2017:
- Added pax check when you book to avoid over-booking pax limit
- Available pax now shows correctly
- Improved getting info popup alert
- Fixed: App does not crash anymore when viewing bookings whose offers have been deleted
19 May 2017:
- Improvements to handling of dates
- Fixed: Map now displays all available offers correctly
- Fixed: It does not crash anymore when you do not set date in the date picker screen
- Fixed: Screen slides back into listing offers or bookings after deleting an entry
18 May 2017:
- Gets all nearby offers now instead of getting all offers
- Standardised label displays in several screens
- Added an alert popup for booking seats
- Fixed: UTC issue when displaying time
16 May 2017:
- Added relevant information when displaying offers and bookings in list
- Added a popup alert to notify users that they cannot book their own offer
- Fixed: Local date and time now displayed when trying to book
15 May 2017:
- Destination address now show on map annotation
- Added custom address name for user to input
- Added a "No offers" and "No bookings" screen
- Added number pads for textfields requiring number input
- Added date picker for picking meeting time
- Colour scheme done
- Fixed: Alerts finally appear
- Fixed: Offers filter bug
- Fixed: Bookings filter bug
13 May 2017:
- You can now cancel your booking
- New date screen for pickup time
- New booking screen
- New screen for viewing offers
- New screen for viewing individual offers
- Slight change to location search screen
- Launch screen is set
- App icons set
- Sign in screen is set
- Fixed: Vehicle number can be entered with whitespace
- Fixed: Remarks textfield now scrolls for visibility when typing
- Fixed: Offer date filter is now fixed
11 May 2017:
- You can now edit an offer
- You can now delete an offer
- Bug fixed: Posting offers fixed. This bug is largely due to the project restructure.
- Bug fixed: Choosing your start and end locations do not crash the app anymore. 10 May 2017:
- You can now book rides
- Bookings list done
9 May 2017:
- Facebook authentication
- Project restructure
5 May 2017:
- Restructured project to only use Firebase auth
- Display annotations now work on the map
- List of offers now available
- Integrated with server
- Now you are able to create an offer