Webapp for siwecos.de
This component is the browser-based userinterface for Siwecos.de. It allows a user to create and manage and account, login, add domains and retrieve and view scan results.
- node.js > 8.4.0
- npm
- up-to-date browser (IE 11, IE edge, up-to-date versions of Chrome and Firefox)
- working internet connection with firewall configured to allow HTTPs connections to the APIs
- working SIWECOS REST APIs (ca and bla)
It's a browser-based software, so no requirements
The app does not use any local databases to store domain- or account data. Only the user's auth-token is stored in the browser's local storage if the "remember me" feature is enabled.
Any data (domain, scans, user etc.) is retrieved with asychronus background calls. The user's browser directly calls the API endpoint's, no information is tunneled or proxied through other servers.
# install node dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
- Adjust the used API-servernames in src/services/api.js
Find the translatable strings in src/i18n/index.js
# install dependencies
npm install
# build for production with minification
npm run build
This command creates 3 js files (app.js, manifest.js, vendor.js) in /dist/js and one css file (app.css) in /dist/css. On top of that, an index.html with the root-element for the app (
) is created in the /dist folder.It run's in a users browser, no way to monitor that ;)