Individual Case Study 2020
A case studies of relational database design and query based on available data and information on using mySQL.
- Inital Study (1 week)
- Database Design & Data Collection (1.5 weeks)
- Implementation and Data Loading (1.5 weeks)
- Testing and Evaluation (1 week)
- Proposal
- DB: ER Model
- DB: Normalization
- SQL Schema
- End-User Views
- Analytical Queries
- Schema Design
- SQL Queries
- Potential adopter analysis
- In-shelter animal data analysis
- Animal shelter intakes analysis
- Animal shelter geographic distribution analysis
- Related Project: 2020 US Animal Shelter Intake Geo Analysis
- Interactive Story-teling Dashboard
- Featured Viz of The Day (VOTD)
- Schema in mySQL
- Sample Dataset
- Queries: Provider | Adoptor | stored procedure