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Badger Hands-on Session

Welcome to the Badger hands-on sessions! Please read through the prerequisites section before the hands-on session to get ready for it :)

A video for the instruction part of the first hands-on session can be found here.


Please do these before the hands-on session, since the setup could take tens of minutes or even longer, based on your network condition. Thank you!

0. Clone the repo

Run the following command in terminal:

git clone

Then cd to the root of the cloned repo:

cd Badger-Handson

1. Setup a Badger environment

Badger and its plugins are python-based packages/scripts, so a proper python environment is needed. The easiest way to play with Badger w/o messing w/ your system is through docker. If you feel confident and would like to install Badger directly on your system, conda would be a good choice. Please choose one of the two paths below to get Badger installed on your computer.

Install Badger with docker

  1. Install docker if you haven't done so already. You can follow the tutorial showed up when you launch docker for the first time to get a feeling of what docker is about

  2. Pull the pre-configured Badger docker image into your computer:

    docker pull slacml/badger-handson

    The docker image is around 2.5GB so it would take some time to get downloaded. When the pulling is done, run docker images to make sure the image is listed there

  3. Install XQuartz if you are using a mac. In order to expose the GUI from within the Badger docker images, we need to forward the GUI to an X window system, which is provided by XQuartz

After the installation, for the mac users, you'll need to check the Allow connections from network clients option under the Security tab of the XQuartz preference, as shown below:

XQuartz pref

If you choose to go with the docker option, a set of bash scripts are provided to make life easier:

  • Run Badger in docker:

  • Use Badger in docker again after quit the container:

  • Run Badger in docker and delete the container when quit:


    Note that Badger that launched by cannot be resumed after quit!

  • Remove the Badger docker container and reset other system settings:


Install Badger with conda

  1. Install conda if you haven't done so already

  2. List all conda environments on your computer:

    conda env list

    and make sure you don't have an environment named badger. Then create the badger conda environment with the given yaml env file:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    It would take some time (~30min) since there are some bulky packages to be resolved/installed in the predefined conda env

Beginner's Tasks

These slides contain some cheat sheets and solutions to the following tasks, so please give it a look when you get stuck!

0. Configure Badger

Tell Badger where to find:

  • Plugins
  • Database (routines)
  • Logbook
  • Archived runs

1. Hello world

This task should be done w/ Badger CLI.

  • Investigate silly algo to see the hyperparameters
  • Investigate silly env to see the available variables/observations
  • Use silly algorithm to optimize silly environment with the routine config given in tasks/01/config.yaml
  • Modify tasks/01/config.yaml to limit the viable range of q1 to [0.4, 0.6], run and save the routine as helloworld
  • Rerun the helloworld routine you just saved

2. Constrainted optimization

This task should be done w/ Badger GUI.

  • Launch the Badger GUI

  • Load the helloworld routine

  • Add l1 as a constraint, set the rule:

    l1 < 0.5

    And make it a hard constraint, run the optimization, keep going until alert being triggered 3 times

3. Add extra variables on the fly

This task should be done w/ Badger GUI.

  • Load the helloworld routine
  • Set all available silly environment variables (q1, q2, q3, q4) to be optimization variables
  • Try to also add q5, q7, and q9 as optimization variables, run the optimization

4. Let's do some real thing

This task should be done w/ Badger GUI.

  • Create a new routine with simplex algorithm and inj_surrogate environment

  • Set optimization variables to be:

    • SOL1:solenoid_field_scale
    • CQ01:b1_gradient
    • SQ01:b1_gradient

    And optimization objective to be:

    • Minimize norm_emit

    We'll refer to this routine config lately as routine config X

  • Use the default params of simplex algo, run the routine, save the optimal to logbook

  • Set the start_from_current hyperparameter of simplex algo to false, run the routine

  • Tune the x0 hyperparameter (the initial solution) to make the routine work, save the optimal to logbook, reset the environment

  • Close and relaunch Badger GUI, figure out a way to add a hard constraint:

    sigma_x < 0.15

    to routine config X, WITHOUT configuring everything from the beginning (note that we didn't save the routine)

  • Switch the algorithm to basic_bo, run the optimization again, save the optimal to logbook, reset the environment

  • Delete all the failed runs in this task

5*. Add noise to the norm_emit observation

  • Read code of the _get_obs function in plugins/environments/inj_surrogate/

  • Add a Gaussian noise ~ N(0, 0.01) to the norm_emit observation. To generate a Gaussian noise ~ N(mu, sigma^2), in Python one could:

    import numpy as np
    noise = sigma * np.random.randn() + mu

6*. Create a constant optimizer (noise meter)!

  • Based on silly algorithm plugin, create a const algorithm plugin that repeatly evaluates the initial solution for a given times
  • Use your const algorithm to optimize routine config X
  • Change the objective in routine config X to norm_emit_x, use your const algorithm to optimize the modified problem

Questions? Contact us on slack, email


Materials for the Badger hands-on sessions.






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