Together with a large number of experts in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) we are preparing the SLAM Handbook to be published by Cambridge University Press. This book will cover the theoretical background of SLAM, its applications, and its future as spatial AI. We expect this handbook will be a good guideline for those working in this field. Starting from the release of Part 1 in November 2024, we will incrementally release the other parts to accommodate feedback from the public. Please use this repository's issue and discussion board to report any issues or ideas regarding this book.
- Chapter1: Prelude
- Chapter2: Factor Graphs for SLAM
- Chapter3: Advanced State Variable Representations
- Chapter4: Robustness to Incorrect Data Association and Outliers
- Chapter5: Differentiable Optimization
- Chapter6: Dense Map Representation
- Chapter7: Theoretical Properties (TBD)
- Chapter8: Part 2 Prelude
- Chapter9: Visual SLAM
- Chapter10: LiDAR SLAM
- Chapter11: Radar SLAM
- Chapter12: Event-based SLAM
- Chapter13: Inertial Odometry for SLAM
- Chapter14: Leg Odometry for SLAM
- Chapter15: Part 3 Prelude
- Chapter16: Spatial AI
- Chapter17: Boosting SLAM with Deep Learning
- Chapter18: NeRF and GS
- Chapter19: Dynamic and Deformable SLAM
- Chapter20: Metric-Semantic SLAM
- Chapter21: Foundation Models for SLAM
We deeply appreciate your contribution to this book!
Henrik Andreasson
Arash Asgharivaskasi
Nikolay Atanasov
Timothy Barfoot
Jens Behley
Wolfram Burgard
Cesar Cadena
Marco Camurri
Luca Carlone
Yun Chang
Boris Chidlovskii
Margarita Chli
Henrik Christensen
Javier Civera
Daniel Cremers
Andy Davison
Frank Dellaert
Jia Deng
Kevin Doherty
Jakob Engel
Maurice Fallon
Dieter Fox
Guillermo Gallego
Cédric Le Gentil
Christoffer Heckman
Javier Hidalgo-Carrió
Connor Holmes
Guoquan Huang
Shoudong Huang
Nathan Hughes
Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula
Michael Kaess
Kasra Khosoussi
Ayoung Kim
Giseop Kim
John Leonard
Stefan Leutenegger
Martin Magnusson
Joshua Mangelson
Hidenobu Matsuki
Matias Mattamala
José M Martínez Montiel
Mustafa Mukadam
Paul Newman
Helen Oleynikova
Lionel Ott
Liam Paull
Marc Pollefeys
Victor Reijgwart
Jerome Revaud
David Rosen
Davide Scaramuzza
Lukas Schmid
Jingnan Shi
Cyrill Stachniss
Niko Sunderhauf
Juan Tardós
Zachary Teed
Sebastian Thrun
Teresa Vidal-Calleja
Chen Wang
Felix Wimbauer
Heng Yang
Fu Zhang
Ji Zhang
Shibo Zhao