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SOEN 390

Branch Status
main CI
develop CI


Quality gate


Team Members

Name Student ID Email
Nathan Grenier 40250986 [email protected]
Sumer Abd Alla 40247712 [email protected]
David Carciente 40247907 [email protected]
Giuliano Verdone 40252190 [email protected]
Nirav Patel 40248940 [email protected]
Nathanial Hwong 40243583 [email protected]
Brian Tkatch 40191139 [email protected]
Jutipong Puntuleng 40080233 [email protected]
Rym Bensalem 40237684 [email protected]

Getting Started

Useful Flutter Commands

Command rps Equivalent Description
flutter get rps get Install the Project's Dependencies
flutter analyze rps lint check Run Flutter's Linter
flutter run rps run Start the Dev Environment
flutter build apk rps build android Build the android apk (Pass --debug for the debug build)
flutter build ipa rps build ios Build the ios ipa
flutter install rps install Install the app on the connected device. Can pass --release or --debug flags. (Default --release)

Environment Variables

Secrets and other configuration values are managed through environment variables. When developing locally, they can be configured by creating a .env file in the project's root (concordia_nav), the same location where pubspec.yaml is found.

Note: Default values should be optimized for local development, such that a developer can clone and run the project successfully without having to override any configuration values.

The following variables can be configured:

Variable Description Value

Generating RPS Scripts

  1. First, install the rps package globally using: dart pub global activate rps

    Make sure to add the bin/ folder to your path in order to use rps from the command line. Make sure to add the bin/ folder to your path in order to use rps from the command line.

  2. Then, use the rps gen command to generate the scripts.
  3. You can now use any of the scripts defined in the pubspec.yaml file. Example: rps test will run the rps test -r expanded

    On Windows, if you get an error along the lines of 'command not found', you might need to run rps.bat instead of just rps. (You can alias rps.bat to rps in your shell profile) On Windows, if you get an error along the lines of 'command not found', you might need to run rps.bat instead of just rps. (You can alias rps.bat to rps in your shell profile)

Link to rps repo.

Enabling Pre-Commit Hooks

To enable the project's pre-commit hooks, run the following command: git config core.hooksPath .githooks

If the script isn't executable, make it so on your respective operating system. Example: chmod +x .githooks/pre-commit

iOS Builds

To build the iOS app, you need to create a file concordia_nav/ios/Flutter/Environment.xcconfig with a bundle ID that is unique to your Apple Developer team: