Link to the paper:
1.Get the code
git clone [email protected]:SPQ-EditDistance/code.git
cd code
git submodule init && git submodule update
2.Compile and preprocess data
mkdir processed
java -cp bin/ offline.DataPreprocessor listOfGenome processed/
3.Run Protocols
./ gen ptcl1 & ./ eva ptcl1
./ gen ptcl2 & ./ eva ptcl2
4.Try to change parameters in Conf.conf and rerun
More data can be obtained from PGP project: Certains genome files has slightly different format and may need slightly changes on preprocessing code.
To run over internet, update the address in Conf.conf to generator's ip address. Make sure each party has their own files.
please email me at wangxiao (aT) cs (Dot) umd (dOt) edu