The Project Instant Ftp server ,servers a file which is on your the local machine and tunnels to a public url,so that anybody on the internet can download the file which is on your local machine.
Note : The script can only work on unix and linux machines.we are not tested this script on windows. It will brought on later revisions.
- pyngrok
- fastapi
- uvicorn
External Dependencies
Ngrok is simple tunneling tool ,Make sure it sholuld be installed and authentication key is set.Use this link to install Ngrok
- Clone the repository using git clone.
$ git clone
- Type make install. It installs the major dependencies but it won't install ngrok.
$ make install
To remove the script just navigate to the file directory and run
$ make uninstall
$ make-ftp <file_location>
It will give you a link with ngrok sub-domain which can be shared between the users to share the file.