The R package povmap is designed to facilitate the production of small area estimates of means and poverty headcount rates. It adds several new features to the emdi package. These include new options for:
- incorporating survey weights,
- ex-post benchmarking of estimates,
- two additional outcome variable transformations,
- and several new convenience functions to assist with reporting results.
## To install the package from CRAN, run the following in R:
## To get a bug fix or to use a feature from the development version, you can install
## the development version of povmap from GitHub. Sometimes, povmap maybe unavailable in CRAN (although this is typically ## unlikely)
## alternatively,
### estimate a unit level model with sample and population weights
ebp_model <- ebp(fixed = eqIncome ~ gender + eqsize + cash +
self_empl + unempl_ben + age_ben + surv_ben + sick_ben +
dis_ben + rent + fam_allow + house_allow + cap_inv +
pop_data = eusilcA_pop,
pop_domains = "district",
smp_data = eusilcA_smp,
smp_domains = "district",
na.rm = TRUE,
weights = "weight",
pop_weights = "hhsize",
weights_type = "nlme",
B = 2,
L = 2)
#> Empirical Best Prediction
#> Call:
#> ebp(fixed = eqIncome ~ gender + eqsize + cash + self_empl + unempl_ben +
#> age_ben + surv_ben + sick_ben + dis_ben + rent + fam_allow +
#> house_allow + cap_inv + tax_adj, pop_data = eusilcA_pop,
#> pop_domains = "district", smp_data = eusilcA_smp, smp_domains = "district",
#> L = 2, MSE = TRUE, B = 2, na.rm = TRUE, weights = "weight",
#> pop_weights = "hhsize", weights_type = "nlme")
#> Out-of-sample domains: 24
#> In-sample domains: 70
#> Sample sizes:
#> Units in sample: 1945
#> Units in population: 25000
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> Sample_domains 14 17.0 22.5 27.78571 29.00 200
#> Population_domains 5 126.5 181.5 265.95745 265.75 5857
#> Explanatory measures for the mixed model:
#> Marginal_R2 Conditional_R2
#> 0.673562 0.7251496
#> Residual diagnostics for the mixed model:
#> Skewness Kurtosis Shapiro_W Shapiro_p
#> Error 0.6572179 9.757903 0.9521260 9.944428e-25
#> Random_effect 0.4185469 2.852405 0.9801002 3.295740e-01
#> ICC: 0.1580318
#> Transformation:
#> Transformation Method Optimal_lambda Shift_parameter
#> box.cox reml 0.6046901 0
### showcasing the actual poverty map
load_shapeaustria() ## reading in the shapefile
## the new `map_plot` now requires sf shapefile objects
## rather than the older `sp` (it's dependencies are being phased out)
map_plot(object = ebp_model,
map_obj = shape_austria_dis,
indicator = c("Head_Count"),
map_dom_id = "PB")
###### ---------------------------------------------------- #######
# compute direct estimates
direct_est <- direct(y = "eqIncome",
smp_data = eusilcA_smp,
smp_domains = "district",
weights = "weight",
var = TRUE,
B = 2)
### some general pre-estimation statistics
ebp_reportdescriptives(model = ebp_model,
direct = direct_est,
smp_data = eusilcA_smp,
weights = "weight",
pop_weights = "hhsize",
CV_level = "state",
pop_data = eusilcA_pop,
pop_domains = "district")
#> $cv_table
#> indicator ebp_cv direct_cv
#> 1 CV for Area: Lower Austria 0.0005623766 0.03030733
#> 2 CV for Area: Vorarlberg 0.0096720887 0.16370318
#> 3 CV for Area: Upper Austria 0.3875383775 7.39427881
#> 4 CV for Area: Styria 0.0053397075 0.31487144
#> 5 CV for Area: Salzburg 0.0768486572 0.45859197
#> 6 CV for Area: Tyrol 0.0192320593 0.68041843
#> 7 CV for Area: Carinthia 0.0154801556 0.25072764
#> 8 CV for Area: Burgenland 0.0209849881 0.87719916
#> 9 CV for Area: Vienna 0.0269278962 0.17973145
#> $basicinfo_df
#> indicator census survey
#> 1 Number of Units 25000 1945
#> 2 Number of Regions 9 9
#> 3 Number of Target Areas 94 70
#> $poverty_df
#> indicator model survey
#> 1 National Poverty Rate 0.141604 0.1528866
#> 2 National Poverty Line 10924.320000 10924.3200000
### compare the means between survey and census prior to model estimation
variables <- c("gender", "eqsize", "cash", "self_empl",
"unempl_ben", "age_ben", "surv_ben",
"sick_ben", "dis_ben", "rent", "fam_allow",
"house_allow", "cap_inv", "tax_adj")
ebp_test_means(varlist = variables,
pop_data = eusilcA_pop,
smp_data = eusilcA_smp,
weights = "weight")
#> variable smp_means pop_means diff pvalue
#> 1 age_ben 5478.609860 5304.056507 -1.745534e+02 0.9898989
#> 2 cap_inv 487.265886 456.851454 -3.041443e+01 0.9944134
#> 3 cash 12712.233319 12706.449297 -5.784022e+00 0.9997571
#> 4 dis_ben 523.440415 542.325741 1.888533e+01 0.9965279
#> 5 eqsize 1.610035 1.603376 -6.659056e-03 0.9937560
#> 6 fam_allow 1617.487932 1624.957604 7.469672e+00 0.9987536
#> 7 gender 1.371915 1.390840 1.892518e-02 0.9780223
#> 8 house_allow 61.819822 65.413716 3.593893e+00 0.9947154
#> 9 rent 608.004341 770.357579 1.623532e+02 0.9856212
#> 10 self_empl 2039.125009 1966.965080 -7.215993e+01 0.9949896
#> 11 sick_ben 61.836570 67.450918 5.614348e+00 0.9957620
#> 12 surv_ben 61.917778 88.952360 2.703458e+01 0.9838119
#> 13 tax_adj -76.558371 -82.539963 -5.981592e+00 0.9978321
#> 14 unempl_ben 463.508414 429.382134 -3.412628e+01 0.9903023
### report EBP model coefficients with significance levels
ebp_reportcoef_table(ebp_model, 4)
#> Variable coeff std_error
#> 1 (Intercept) 406.4743*** 10.6335
#> 2 genderfemale 7.8761 5.0849
#> 3 eqsize -32*** 4.8715
#> 4 cash 0.0125*** 0.00025
#> 5 self_empl 0.0104*** 0.00031
#> 6 unempl_ben 0.0087*** 0.0012
#> 7 age_ben 0.0129*** 0.00031
#> 8 surv_ben 0.0128*** 0.0026
#> 9 sick_ben 0.0110*** 0.0033
#> 10 dis_ben 0.0137*** 0.0008
#> 11 rent 0.0083*** 0.0004
#> 12 fam_allow -0.00006 0.0009
#> 13 house_allow 0.0156** 0.0064
#> 14 cap_inv 0.0088*** 0.0007
#> 15 tax_adj -0.0054*** 0.0014
### compute the CVs (several CV types are estimated including
### Horowitz Thompson CVs, CVs accounting for the design effect,
### bootstraped CVs i.e. calibrated or naive)
head(ebp_compute_cv(model = ebp_model, calibvar = "gender"))
#> Domain Direct_Head_Count EBP_Head_Count HT_Head_Count_CV
#> 1 Amstetten 0.2727273 0.272976680 0.3157348
#> 2 Baden 0.0250000 0.041176471 0.9484184
#> 3 Bludenz 0.4705882 0.392251816 0.3344887
#> 4 Braunau am Inn 0.3793103 0.383753501 0.2855876
#> 5 Bregenz 0.0000000 0.006823821 NaN
#> 6 Bruck-Mürzzuschlag 0.0000000 0.020138889 NaN
#> CB_Head_Count_CV DesignEffect_CV EBP_Head_Count_CV
#> 1 0.1963673 0.2027130 0.05618261
#> 2 1.9158379 1.8528466 0.50857165
#> 3 0.1512468 0.1524379 0.37168619
#> 4 0.1700101 0.1747679 0.11225965
#> 5 NaN NaN 3.58601508
#> 6 NaN NaN 2.56021421
### report the model fit and normality assumptions
ebp_normalityfit(model = ebp_model)
#> indicator value
#> 1 rsq_marginal 0.6735620
#> 2 rsq_conditional 0.7251496
#> 3 epsilon_skewness 0.6572179
#> 4 epsilon_kurtosis 9.7579034
#> 5 random_skewness 0.4185469
#> 6 random_kurtosis 2.8524049
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub