Release type: Bug fixes, New features
Stanford CAPx 7.x-1.3, 2016-02-05
- Bugfix: Removed hook_install views save and install time check for private files dir.
- Bugfix: Reduced duplicate warning messages.
- Bugfix: Fix UI for field collection mapping where it was only showing one.
- Added variable cache clear.
- Added block module as a dependency.
- Removed empty error messages caused by the new autonodetitle module.
- Bugfix: Fixes to taxonomy term saving.
- BASIC-1639: protection against images that were unable to be saved to disk.
- Publish orphans that were automatically unpublished.
- Bugfix: Fixes for orphans that are not on the API any more.
- CAPX-167: Expand and collapse all for the data browser.
- CAPX-113: Floating scrollable mapping sidebar.
- CAPX-113: Fixes for page offset and updates to data browser quick links.
- CAPX-89: Skip API call to count the sunet ids as we already have them.