This is the SUNET CDN manager server which serves an API and UI for configuring the CDN service.
Running tests require a local PostgreSQL 15 or newer. The need for at least version 15 is because the database setup expects the "Constrain ordinary users to user-private schemas" schema usage pattern as described at
If running macOS the following can be done prior to running tests:
brew install postgresql@17
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@17/bin:$PATH"
Some tests utilize Testcontainers for Go (specifically for running sunet-vcl-validator). This means you also need to be able to run containers for these tests to work.
Start database, keycloak and sunet-vcl-validator:
docker compose -p sunet-cdn-manager -f local-dev/docker-compose.yml up
Initialize the sunet-cdn-manager realm in keycloak:
Create a config file for connecting insecurely to the local PostgreSQL database:
sed -e 's/"verify-full"/"disable"/' -e 's/"password"/"cdn"/' sunet-cdn-manager.toml.sample > sunet-cdn-manager-dev.toml
Initialize the sunet-cdn-manager database (this will print out a superuser username and password):
go run . --config sunet-cdn-manager-dev.toml init
Start the server in development mode (disables cookie requirements for HTTPS):
go run . --config sunet-cdn-manager-dev.toml server --dev
When working with this code at least the following tools are expected to be run at the top level directory prior to commiting:
gofumpt -l -w .
(see gofumpt)go vet ./...
staticcheck ./...
(see staticcheck)gosec ./...
(see gosec)golangci-lint run
(see golangci-lint)go test -race ./...