A very simple to use Expandable Table, also could custom header or cell.
Just run the example project, or clone the repo.
- Xcode 12 or above
- iOS 14
- Swift 5.2
The TableView colud be init by code or by IBOutlet,
// IBOutlet
@IBOutlet weak var mainTableView: SJExpandableTableView!
// code init
private lazy var mainTableView:SJExpandableTableView = {
return SJExpandableTableView(frame: self.view.frame, style: .plain)
- Example code
// normal status's height
.configureItem(height: 45)
// top title
.configureHeader(titles: ["項目一","項目二","項目三"])
// allow mutilple selected, dafault is false
// conform to the SJExpandableTableDataSource protocol
// collapse tableView header
.itemTitleDidSelected { _ in }
// collapse tableView cell
.itemContentDidSelected { _ in }
// need pull refresh
.pullToRefresh(header: { [weak self] in
//TODO: ...
}, footer: { [weak self] in
//TODO: ...
// binding data
self.binding.bind(to: mainTableView)
// register custom cell by nib or class
.configureNibCell(cellIDs: ["TextViewCell"])
.configureClassCell(any: [TextViewCell.self])
// conform the (tableView: cellForRowAt:) protocol
.configureItemCell { [weak self] (tb, indexPath, headers, contents, selectedIndex) -> UITableViewCell? in
//TODO: Need return custom cell
// and the custom cell should conform **ExpandableItemCellDelegate** if want get cell tap event
// conform the (tableView: heightForRowAt:) protocol
.configureItemCellForHeight { (tb, indexPath, selectedIndex, content) -> CGFloat in
//TODO: Need return height for cell
Refresh with tableView header -
Collapse all / Expand all
Licence MIT