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gsf edited this page Apr 15, 2011 · 1 revision

This is a copy of open tickets from the old Trac system.

#251 Member switch shift options online new defect blocker -- scheduling Reported by shinara, 17 months ago.

Description When a member logs into their accnt and want to switch a shift, they really need to only be offered shifts that are complimentary to theirs. I guess I need to make a list of shifts that are equal. Or perhaps in the "job" tab of scheduling, there can be some radio buttons or some such for each job and what jobs it can be traded for?

#279 workshift sign-in / hours balance display new defect blocker scheduling Reported by headley, 14 months ago.

Description refs #242, #226.

how to manage signin:

if you log in from the store, you get an "are you here for a workshift?" greeting. you can create a workshift you're not scheduled for if it isn't a scheduled shift. are you going to work less/more than your full shift? related reports for reviewing shinara uses one on a weekly basis. managers may want to look at today's schedule to make sure people have signed in, showed up, etc. keeping track of hours - how is this done? notation.

Currently: a task has an "hours worked" field and an "hours" field (hours you were supposed to work). Tasks can be flagged 'makeup' or 'banked'. In these cases, "hours" don't count toward hours you were supposed to work. At the beginning of your shift, you're billed 2 hours. If you sign in, those hours are paid. If you're unexcused, they aren't paid. If you're excused, it's a "balance exception," raises your allowable balance for 4 weeks. If you do a makeup shift it takes decreases your hours balance. what drives the need for hours to be worked? (passage of time vs. unmet scheduled workshifts)

every four weeks your account accrues 2 hours (unless you're excused by committee work, e.g.) as you work the hours, they come off yr account.

outliers: farm workers: 3 hours every month march-november. They don't have scheduled workshfits in mess but rachel records their hours when they work them. She also keeps track of them on a spreadsheet.

tool library - these workshifts are scheduled in MESS>

committees - it would be nice to keep track of actual hours that people are working on committees.

LOA people. workshift exempt.

#298 Reporting-Cashier Training accepted enhancement blocker reporting Reported by shinara, 11 months ago.

Description Here's a request for a report that lists all cashiers who have not attended a cashier training yet. Cashier training attendance is listed in work shift history. Should be pretty simple to create such a report or make it an added feature to the report for "cashiers with email"? Can you email me when it's up and running?

#321 Purchases on a Frozen account new defect blocker accounting Reported by shinara, 3 months ago.

Description If a member purchases food on an account that has "must work" hours, "needs shift," "on loa" or $ over their limit, this should require either a staff person to initial it and/or a note in the note's field.

#132 Scheduling-changing the date associated with the task assigned enhancement critical scheduling Reported by shinara, 2 years ago.

Description In the scheduling screen when you are creating a new task or clicking into an already created task, there needs to be a way to affect the date associated with the task, say a one time cashier shift is entered on 2/26 and submitted but it actually needs to be 3/26.

#191 Adding new Member/Account new enhancement critical -- membership Reported by shinara, 20 months ago.

Description Instead of the current “add a member” and “add a new account” buttons only being in the Account/Member list pages:

When creating a member profile, it would be hella easier if there was a “add a member” button on the account page

When creating an account, having an “add a new account” button on the member page.

#215 multiple transactions in cash sheet entry new defect critical -- accounting Reported by headley, 18 months ago.

Description -I'm a fan of, and used to, the automatic decimal placement setting in Excel. I think it's a good time saver. Is that a possibility?

-When an account has multiple transactions in a cell, entering them on multiple lines is a lot more time consuming than it was in Excel. I haven't looked at the after hours page yet, which I think you said allows "=4.32+2.54+..."-type entry, but if that's the case, it would be really helpful to enable that on the main cash sheets entry screen. This would also mean that if we get to the point where actual cashiers are using MESS, they wouldn't need an adding machine, which would be really nice.

#241 more functionality on account page new defect critical -- membership Reported by headley, 18 months ago.

Description add send member email button to account page.

shinara found add / edit / remove buttons for individual pieces of data to be really useful.

#242 automatic calculation of hours balance new defect critical scheduling Reported by headley, 18 months ago.

Description Let's have the tally appear exactly as it would on the Cash sheets: .o3 or 3.00 etc rather than 24 hours for 2009 so I can compare them against one another. It should count back only till April 2009--when MESS was up and running and attendance was less prone to errors.

#243 Duplicate members new defect critical -- membership Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description Members leave and rejoin. Rejoining members should not escape their past! If a member leaves owing a balance, they should rejoin owing a balance.

The program should not allow me to create a new member profile for one that already exists--at least if the First and Last name match an existing profile, the computer should prompt me: "A member profile by this name already exists. Proceed?"

#247 Member-Hours Balance Changes report new defect critical -- reporting Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description I'm unclear as to whether the Hours Balance Changes will be infinite/ for each account. IE, next year will also show changes made from 2009. Essentially, this should be a list of all missed/corrected/banked hours/made up, everything aside from regularly scheduled, attended shifts.

Column headings could be a little more clear and with an added column: "Old Hours Balance," "Adjusted Hours Balance,& "New Hours Balance."

#271 Logging in as Departed Member new defect critical membership Reported by shinara, 15 months ago.

Description I have noticed this is possible--as long as the member is still linked to an account. What do you all think about this? What if I booted my proxy shopper off my account (ie they were departed in MESS), but they could still look at all my account/contact info?

#272 Hours balance display new defect critical membership Reported by shinara, 15 months ago.

Description Many of us have been wondering if it is still necessary to have that quirky excel version of hours still in effect on the cashier input page/member log in--.02, (.08), 2.98, etc. I believe Jim wrote a MESS post about it. Maybe something we'll have to brain storm together on?

#275 notes for mem equity transactions accepted defect critical -- mess Reported by dan, 15 months ago.

Description It would be helpful if all member equity transactions required a memo.

#281 Board would like to know who is on committees new enhancement critical mess Reported by headley, 13 months ago.

Description conversation with Peter (Collopy).

wants to be able to update committee membership on MESS, which would automatically make changes on the listserv.

sometimes there are different listservs based on who is attending meetings vs. who wants announcements / minutes.

this might move into working groups as well.


easy to add table for committee membership. page in mess shows committee membership to all logged in members. any committee with a public list has an archive linked to from mess. preferably protected under member login. connecting to mailman? on another machine? on mess server?

schedule with meeting attendance?... this would match up with workshift / tasks infrastructure. verifying workshift attendance? look at riseup - crabgrass. essentially a social networking site for organizations / committees. connections and bulletin boards, etc.

#291 show total member equity on transaction report new enhancement critical accounting Reported by headley, 11 months ago.

Description this works when you give the transaction report start: before mess, end: the date you're looking at, type: member equity. we should be able to get this easily using aggregate sum.

right-hand column, bottom (since it is not adding up to anything).

#292 close out report should obey store day new defect critical accounting #305 add equity to cashier view new defect critical mess Reported by dan, 9 months ago.

Description Can we make it so that when a cashier brings up someone's account on the cashsheet input tab, their amount of equity is displayed, similar to how it would say "must pay" or "must work"? This would help with the member equity fundraising.

#313 Departed Members can log in new defect critical membership Reported by shinara, 8 months ago.

Description It appears members/proxies who are departed can still log into the account they used to be on. To protect current member's info (bal, contact info, etc), I think MESS needs to make this not possible. Esp. since some people who use an account are booted by the account owner b/c of misbehavior.

#315 Orientation tracking new enhancement critical reporting Reported by shinara, 7 months ago.

Description Can you all make a report that lists members and proxies that have attended an orientation? The report would have to check workshift history and notes fields. And could it be customized to search members or proxies individually?

#316 Equity associated with Members new defect critical membership Reported by shinara, 7 months ago.

Description It would be great if equity payments/amounts could be attached to individual members. Some accounts have 2 or more members in them and the equity is lumped together so it's impossible for me to see what part belongs to who should one member decide to leave (we have to write a check for their part of the equity). I suppose this would require cashiers to choose a member's name when an equity payment is made.

#320 Deposits being attached to the member new defect critical mess Reported by shinara, 3 months ago.

Description In the case where there are more than 1 person on an account, deposit $ should be attached to each member accordingly. This may require selecting a member's name on an account when an equity is billed or paid.

#322 Member Participation/Engagement Requirement new enhancement critical membership Reported by shinara, 6 weeks ago.

Description We need MESS to help impliment part of the Member Policies regarding member Participation Requirements:

"Participation (effective when work shifts become optional, i.e. upon the implementation of the paragraph below) Members are required to attend at least two events related to Mariposa or its mission annually. These events may be membership meetings, board meetings, or educational events designated as meeting this requirement by the Education, Training, and Orientation Committee, who shall also coordinate the development and facilitation of relevant workshops. On the anniversary of their joining the co-op, any member who has not attended two such events in the last year shall be considered inactive and shall not receive a member discount until they make up their event attendance. If they fail do so within 60 days of the warning, their membership shall be terminated for cause. Members who have not yet attended two events since the last anniversary of their joining the co-op shall be sent a list of events at nine months and twelve months after that anniversary. Those who were members before this policy became effective shall not be required to attend any events during their first period under this policy if it is less than six months long and shall be required to attend at least one event if it is longer than six months."

Because member join dates are different, we need MESS to send out 9 month and 12 month reminders to members (based on their join date) if they are still owing 1 or more of their participation requirements. MESS would need to scan a member's workshift history to determine if the member is owing a PR or not (perhaps working off a list of "jobs" that qualify). Except--in this beginning phase there will be a smaller requirement (explained in the above paragraph).

Ideally, MESS would have a spot where the person who lists qualified upcoming events can enter the events and then the automated email going to members draws from the list.

We are also discussing the possibility for members to self-report through MESS...tbc

#60 members should be able to schedule themselves for shifts at least 3 days in advance (nothing sooner) assigned defect major -- scheduling Reported by, 2 years ago.

Description Need to doublecheck with Shinara on this, but my understanding is 3 days is a good buffer for members scheduling themselves so that staff can have an idea of where spaces need to be filled.

#81 members have skills accepted defect major membership Reported by, 2 years ago.

Description Relate membership.Member to scheduling.Skill, m2m -- need to be able to display and edit also.

#139 Timetable--Screening Farm shifts out assigned enhancement major scheduling Reported by shinara, 2 years ago.

Description Is it possible for the timetable to not show that farmers are scheduled once a month, but for them to appear in the scheduling tab?

#140 Check box function in mem. profile & added Task accepted defect major scheduling Reported by shinara, 2 years ago.

Description check boxes, in adding task if it's a makeup/bank/excused shift, allow multiple checks when they should only allow 1; in member profile under -primary-acct contact-shopper should only allow 2 checks

#162 Test task buffer updating and create cron job accepted defect major scheduling Reported by gsf, 22 months ago.

Description Need to test the task buffer updating to make sure it isn't overwriting created or changed tasks, then create a cron job that will keep the buffer going two years into the future.

#166 Departed status only checks for existence of date_departed assigned defect major Refactor membership Reported by headley, 22 months ago.

Description should also check to make sure that is today or earlier.

#224 as new members are added, how do they get MESS accounts? new defect major mess Reported by headley, 18 months ago.

Description can we automate? refs #191 --- or maybe not

#226 committee hours entry - make this easier for shinara new defect major scheduling #232 report: workshift attendance per month (or longer) new enhancement major reporting Reported by dan, 18 months ago.

Description Hi, it would be really helpful if there were a simple report we could run that would show what percent of workshifts in a given month were missed.

#245 Reports--Balances over limit new defect major reporting Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description Please add a column for account balance limits so this can be compared against how much they owe.

#246 Member--Shift Swap/Switch History new defect major scheduling Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description There needs to be a shift swap/shift switch history for each account. IE who they switched with/the shift info.

#263 reports that would be great to have new enhancement major reporting Reported by dan, 17 months ago.

Description -being able to search for a specific number within a specific period of time (user input: transaction amount regardless of positive or negative, start & end date, with the option of specifying transaction type)

-the transaction summary by member report mentioned in a previous ticket

accounts with no activity other than dues/deposit for a specified period of time

-transaction totals ranked by account--so we could see which accounts buy the most in bulk, etc

-ability to list all transactions recorded by a certain person

#287 add next workshift to alerts snippet new defect major accounting Reported by headley, 12 months ago.

Description or somehow make this pop up when cashier enters account name.

#297 unicode problem in ebt bulk order display new defect major accounting Reported by headley, 11 months ago.

Description e.g. models.transaction.objects.get(id=50970)

#300 Members--departing date new defect major membership Reported by shinara, 10 months ago.

Description When editing a member profile, if a future departure date is entered, the member or proxy shows up in purple as already departed even though the date has not passed. Would be great if this field recognized today's date and, if the entered date was still ahead, didn't count that person as departed.

#302 tip for members trying to switch shifts in the next 11 days new enhancement major scheduling Reported by headley, 9 months ago.

Description is it possible to update the pop-up window that folks see when they try and switch shifts less than 11 days in advance. something to the effect of "Sorry, you can't switch your shift this way because it occurs less than 11 days from now. Please contact another member who has the same type of shift as you on an alternate week and swap with them. You can see their names and numbers on the...(I can't see these pages so i'm not sure what to write here). Then call the coop and let the staff know. Thanks so much"

#303 auto-generate balance warning emails new defect major accounting Reported by shinara, 9 months ago.

Description from Shinara Auto generate balance warning emails if an an account say is over for more than a week or two. The warning could allude to the letter I would end up sending if it remained frozen for a month, and it could mention the ability to pay by paypal

#304 Errors in save() with newer version of Django new defect major mess Reported by gsf, 9 months ago.

Description Update of Django resulted in errors such as the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 95, in get_response response = middleware_method(request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs)

File "/var/www/mess/core/", line 55, in process_view *view_args, **view_kwargs)

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 25, in _wrapped_view return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 25, in _wrapped_view return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

File "/var/www/mess/accounting/", line 346, in EBT

File "/var/www/mess/accounting/", line 130, in save payment_amount=regular_sales)

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 138, in create return self.get_query_set().create(**kwargs)

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 352, in create, using=self.db)

TypeError: save() got an unexpected keyword argument 'using' #308 (Re)Schedule: The All-New, All-Better Scheduling Interface new enhancement major scheduling Reported by gsf, 8 months ago.

Description Here's the place to put ideas about a new scheduling interface that will combine "schedule" and "timecard" into one omnipotent system, friendly to both staff and members. With it we hope to address many scheduling-related tickets, including #92, #246, #251, and #279.

#309 Member Shift trade tab new enhancement major scheduling Reported by shinara, 8 months ago.

Description Wouldn't it be great if MESS had a tab (or link under "Forums") where members could advertise a shift they want to trade? They would fill out a standard form:

name account name phone number/email shift date/time/length of shift looking to trade type of shift additional comments The posting could then dissolve after the date of the shift passes...or the member who made the post could erase it if they fill it so they don't continue to get calls about it.

[OR] Better idea:

Established trades could be confirmed in MESS and then MESS would automatically make the change!! This would require both members initialing the trade--one member posting the request; second accepting member signing into their account and accepting trade. Something like that. This would eliminate Staff involvement. MESS could also check to see if the members are eligible to trade--like a closing cashier for a closing cashier; or a setup store keeper with a setup store keeper, etc.

#314 Need to switch a shift? option enhancement new enhancement major scheduling Reported by shinara, 8 months ago.

Description The "need to switch" option for members only considers one shift in advance. It would be helpful if when this link is clicked, a new page comes up that shows a list of a couple future shifts and the member can select the one they know they can't make and then choose a sub shift. If they select a shift that is less than 11 days ahead, the system will notify them they must contact the store instead.

#317 equity payment plans new enhancement major accounting Reported by dan, 4 months ago.

Description Staff would like MESS and IS4C to be able to handle alternate payment plans for member equity. Now that member dues have been done away with, the default will be $25 per quarter in equity billed to each account. (For the future in IS4C, the way this is currently set up in MESS actually works pretty well, if there's some way to translate it to IS4C.) But the staff would like there to be options (available on request, but not advertised) for folks who can't manage the $25 to be billed $15 or $10 per quarter. I guess there would have to be a payment plan classification (with three options) that each member would have a setting for.

#319 Cashier Enhancement new enhancement major accounting Reported by shinara, 3 months ago.

Description On cashier input page: the word balance be replaced by "store-credit" or "member owes" based on whether a member has credit or owes $. MESS would need to recognize the parenthesis or absence there of to determine with heading to use.

#324 emails should be unique new defect major membership Reported by gsf, 3 weeks ago.

Description User emails should be unique since we're using them for logins. We should check the ones in the system and flag any existing duplicates, then alter the model and the database table to prevent future duplicates.

#83 Clean up accounting JavaScript assigned defect minor Refactor accounting Reported by, 2 years ago.

Description we are duplicating the javascript and url's for accounts/member drop down selection currently at /accounting/cashier?account=1

To make DRY put it in membership, take duplicated .js out of tasks.js, taskevents.js, cashier.js, cashierevents.js and break into new javascript files

#92 frequency and interval on tasks needs fewer options assigned defect minor -- scheduling Reported by, 2 years ago.

Description Frequency and interval only needs "Every week", "Every 4 weeks", and "Every 6 weeks" in schedule view.

#104 Phone list / email list assigned enhancement minor -- reporting Reported by, 2 years ago.

Description Shinara says she wants a report to help when she's trying to notify all membership of something. It should list the emails of members who have emails, to be copied and pasted somewhere, and it should list the phone numbers of members who have no email, to be printed so someone can call them.

#129 Jobs need 'active' flag accepted enhancement minor scheduling Reported by shinara, 2 years ago.

Description These can be stricken from the list: -Cleaner -Clean/Bath -Closing -Opening -Produce help -Produce Lead -None

#131 Create More Exempt Statuses accepted enhancement minor membership Reported by shinara, 2 years ago.

Description Exempt--Kids "--Seniors "--Caretaker "--Single parent "--Health "--Special

no general exempt needed

#160 add WorkExemption model to allow exemption types and start and end dates accepted defect minor membership Reported by gsf, 23 months ago.

Description Members need to be able to be marked exempt from work for a period of time, and for various reasons. This table will allow that.

#200 update help documentation assigned defect minor mess #212 Member Log In-Proxy shoppers new defect minor membership Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description Updating proxy shopper contact info should be an ability of the member/s on the account. Generally, proxies don't give us their emails, so there's no way they could change it besides through a staff person.

#216 cover page + EBT shd print w/ cash sheet new defect minor -- accounting Reported by headley, 18 months ago.

Description so staff doesn't have to print it out separately.

#231 unsuccessful password reset should link to password reset screen new defect minor -- mess Reported by gsf, 18 months ago.

Description Unsuccessful password reset page (see should have a link to the password reset page ( This might require the creation of templates for the password reset pages, which might also be a good idea.

#234 reports for members new enhancement minor reporting Reported by dan, 18 months ago.

Description It would be cool if members could view, if nothing else, a summary report of their transactions in a user-defined time period. Like, they'd select "all year" or "last month" and the report would show $2000 in regular sales, $56 in bulk orders, and $2300 in credit card payments. (Also will the account activity history on member's account pages always show all transactions? Eventually that'll get really long...)

#237 too easy to record a transaction twice new defect minor -- mess Reported by dan, 18 months ago.

Description I've noticed that if it's easy to enter a transaction twice, which isn't good: If I hit enter, then while the transaction is submitting if I accidentally hit enter again. This has happened to me both when I thought I hadn't hit enter the first time, and when I didn't mean to hit it the second time. Don't know if there's anything that can be done about it...

#238 Member Log in--emails accepted enhancement minor -- membership Reported by shinara, 18 months ago.

Description When a member logs into their account and changes their email address, can an email be sent to me so that I know their old email and their new one so I can unsubscribe the old one from our list and subscribe the new one?

#254 Scheduling--One time fill new defect minor -- mess Reported by shinara, 17 months ago.

Description When "one time fill" for a shift is clicked, can the duplicate task to be filled be automatically opened instead of the scrolling back down the page deal?

#286 update contact info at checkout. new enhancement minor membership Reported by headley, 13 months ago.

Description Lots of expired member data. If staff could flag an account, we could pull the flag into the alerts snippet. Cashier would then tell the member, then... ? unclear how cashier would cause account to be updated.

#306 Export shifts to Google Calendar new enhancement minor scheduling Reported by gsf, 9 months ago.

Description Daisy wants to be able to export her shifts to Google Calendar. We should get an iCal export working.

#310 Schedule Appearance new enhancement minor scheduling Reported by shinara, 8 months ago.

Description Moe requested the 3 blank lines on Sunday appear above the Dancer shifts--instead of at the bottom of all the shifts.

#312 broaden what "today's transactions" displays? new defect minor mess Reported by dan, 8 months ago.

Description Thomasin is recording checks that people wrote at the board meeting, to boost equity. These transactions (an equity increase and a check payment recorded on the same line) are not appearing on the "Today's Transactions" list under the cash sheet input tab. Is that deliberate? At first thought it seems like all transactions should appear there, no?

#318 accounts under new membership structure new enhancement minor mess Reported by dan, 3 months ago.

Description This is based on information Joshua gave me from a working group developing options for group house accounts under the new membership structure. He can offer further clarification.

"This is the way it makes sense using the data and layout of our current system:

members would get entered the same way as they do now. acct page would be associated with one member. perhaps we'd rename this "membership." this is where equity is recorded. we'd create a new page "link memberships/ group house" or two separate pages. this is where we would then average discounts/ combine memberships etc. its not finalized, but at our last meeting we were talking about 4 or more individuals sharing residence being considered a group house and only having to pay half of the required equity." So, the main ideas are that: -The new structure will have one member per account, but individuals can opt to have combined account balances. When this happens, their discount levels would be averaged. -Four or more individuals living together could combine their accounts, and they would have a lowered equity requirement. (This needs to first be proposed to the board.)

#323 "Wall" calenders new defect minor mess Reported by shinara, 6 weeks ago.

Description Something has changed in the wall calender widths? When printed some of the first letters/numbers in the box on the right are shifted and dangling over in the box on the left. Doesn't appear onscreen--only when printed. This also happened once when I was printing the schedules.

#282 receipts by text message new enhancement trivial Wishlist accounting Reported by paul, 13 months ago.

Description OMG this is so the way of the future. If you put in a phone number for "receipts by text message" then it should text you a receipt every time you make a transaction. I realize we're moving towards accepting cash, and cash is going to want receipts, and this will totally keep us ahead of the curve and away from ugly "parallel port receipt printers"

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