Personality Prediction System via CV Analysis
This system will help to select the right candidate for the desired job profile, which in turn provide the expert (all the workers in a company or country) for the organization. Admin can easily shortlist a candidate based on their personality scores and select the appropriate candidate for a particular job profile. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be defined as a process that enables a machine to become more like a human, because of this deeply cutting the distance between machines and humans. This system will focus not only on qualification and inexperience but also focuses on other important aspects, which are demanded for a particular job position. Admin can store the data in excel sheet for further comparison and sorting of data.
The system built in this project predicts personality of peoples by using their gender, age, score of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and experience. It parses all the data from CV/resume and on the result page, it shows all the information from the entered data and uploaded resume. This system uses logistic regression for training the model and pyresparser module for parsing the information from resume which is built using nltk and spaCy module in python. Description of Methods and Flow in the System
It sometimes called "Intellect" or "Imagination," this measures your level of creativity, and your desire for knowledge and new experiences.
This looks at the level of care that you take in your life and work. If you score highly in conscientiousness, you'll likely be organized and thorough, and know how to make plans and follow them through. If you score low, you'll likely be lax and disorganized.
This dimension measures your level of sociability. Are you outgoing or quiet, for instance? Do you draw energy from a crowd, or do you find it difficult to work and communicate with other people?
This dimension measures how well you get on with other people. Are you considerate, helpful and willing to compromise? Or do you tend to put your needs before others'?
Sometimes called "Emotional Stability" or "Neuroticism," this measure emotional reactions. Do you react negatively or calmly to bad news? Do you worry obsessively about small details, or are you relaxed in stressful situations?
- pandas
- numpy
- tkinter
- functools
- pyresparser
- sklearn
- nltk
- scaPy
clone the project
Open cmd in the working directory and type
To run the project run
and test it.