🛠️ Sajan's Dotfiles
Welcome to my personal Dotfiles repository! This is where I keep my configuration files for a clean, productive, and visually appealing development environment. 🔑 Key Features
- i3 Window Manager: Optimized for efficiency and customization.
- Kitty Terminal: Personalized themes and settings for a sleek terminal experience.
- Gruvbox Material Color Scheme: Consistent aesthetics across applications.
- Systemd-Boot Configurations: Streamlined bootloader setup with GRUB as a backup.
- Arch Linux Setup: Fine-tuned for performance and minimalism.
⚡ Easy Installation with setup_dotfiles
To automate the setup process, I use a dedicated script available at setup_dotfiles. This script:
- Automatically creates required directories.
- Uses GNU Stow to manage symlinks for clean and modular dotfile management.
⬇️ Installation Steps
Clone the setup_dotfiles repository and cd into the setup_dotfiles folder:
git clone https://github.com/SajanGhuman/setup_dotfiles.git cd setup_dotfiles
Make it executable:
chmod +x setup.sh
Run the script:
The script will automatically handle directory creation and symlinking using Stow.
🎨 Aesthetic Customizations
Enjoy a cohesive and visually pleasing environment with Gruvbox Material themes integrated across:
- 🐱 Kitty
- ✏️ Neovim
- 🪟 i3 Status Bar
💡 Contributions
While these dotfiles are tailored to my personal preferences, feel free to fork and adapt them to your own setup!