- The salesforce standard email template only merge object itself fields, can't do merge parent fields. The MergeFields class can do this.
- If we want to send the email using apex code, and the client want to use email template. So we must be use setTargetObjectId method in our apex code, however, we don't want to use it. So we need to parse the email template using MergeFields class.
Please see the code below, you only need to call it in your apex code. So easy.
Map<Id, String> objectIdToContent = MergeFields.parse(ids, content);
ids -> record ids and content -> email template body
EmailTemplate templateObj = [select Body from EmailTemplate where DeveloperName = 'Test01'];
Set<Id> contacts = new Set<Id>;
for(Contact con : [select Id from Contact limit 100])
Map<Id, String> objectIdToContent = MergeFields.parse(contacts, templateObj.Body)
EmailTemplate templateObj = [select HTMLValue from EmailTemplate where DeveloperName = 'Test01'];
Set<Id> contacts = new Set<Id>;
for(Contact con : [select Id from Contact limit 100])
Map<Id, String> objectIdToContent = MergeFields.parse(contacts, templateObj.HTMLValue);
This is a Unmanaged package, please see the installation url below. https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04ti00000011RRj
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