This project aims provide better asserts for tests in Apex. Inspired by AssertJ and other fluent libraries. Currently supports SObject, Boolean, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, List, Set, Map, Id, Blob, String, Date, Time, Datetime, Database.*Result, Exception and generic Object.
FluentAssert is available as a managed package in App Exchange under namespace Fluent
The asserts below can all be chanied like the example below.
Fluent.Assert.that('Hello World!')
A navigator is a handy feature that allows to zoom in on a specific part of a value, do some asserts and get back to the initial value. Once done using the navigator, simply do andThen()
to continue asserting on the initial value.
Type | Navigators |
Set |
size() |
List |
size() |
Map |
size() , values() , keys() |
String |
length() , lineCount() |
Blob |
size() |
While one could do the same asserts in other ways, using a navigator allows a much more fluent way of expression.
Method | FluentAssert equivalent |
size() |
Fluent.Assert.that(someCollection.size()) |
values() |
Fluent.Assert.that(someMap.values()) |
keys() |
Fluent.Assert.that(someMap.keySet()) |
length() |
Fluent.Assert.that(someString.length()) |
size() |
Fluent.Assert.that(someBlob.size()) |
// Object equality
// Same memory
// In some collection
Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
Use extracting()
to dymanically extract fields and assert against them as as List
Account a = ...
// Works with either a comma seperated list in String...
.extracting('Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource')
// or a `List<Schema.SObjectField>`
.extracting(new List<Schema.SObjectField>{Schema.Account.Name, Schema.Account.AccountNumber, Schema.Account.AccountSource})
// Pass
Account a = new Account();
a.addError('FluentAssert specific error');
// Failure
Assert.that(new Account()).hasErrors();
// Pass
Assert.that(new Account()).hasNoErrors();
// Failure
Account a = new Account();
a.addError('FluentAssert specific error');
// Pass
User u = new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId());
User cu = u.clone();
// Failure
User u = new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId());
// Pass
// Failure
Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
Snippet below works for Integer
, Long
, Double
, and Decimal
. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
// start included, end included
Fluent.Assert.that(something).isBetween(start, end);
// start excluded, end excluded
Fluent.Assert.that(something).isStrictlyBetween(start, end);
Snippet below works for List
and Set
. Set is not supported in containsExactly
, containsSequence
, doesNotContainSequence
, containsSubsequence
, or doesNotContainSubsequence
since they are unordered.
Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, and isNotSame
All examples below uses the following constants:
private static final List<Object> ABC = new List<Object>{
'A', 'B', 'C'
private static final List<Object> EMPTY_LIST = new List<Object>();
private static final List<Object> LATIN_ALPHABET = new List<Object>{
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T',
'U', 'V', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
// Pass
// Failure
// Pass
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).hasSameSizeAs(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).hasSameSizeAs(new Set<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
These methods will simply look at the presence of elements. Supports both single input as well as List
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).contains(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).contains(new Set<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContain(new List<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContain(new Set<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContain(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContain(new Set<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).contains(new List<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).contains(new Set<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
This method will pass if any of the expected elements are in the list.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsAnyOf(new List<String>{'A', '@'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsAnyOf(new Set<String>{'A', '@'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsAnyOf(new List<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsAnyOf(new Set<String>{'@', '#', '!'});
This method will pass if all elements are in the same position in the list and no other elements are present.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactly(new List<String>{'A', ... 'Z'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactly(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
This method will pass if all elements the list regardless of their position and no other elements are present.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(new List<String>{'Z', ... 'A'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(new Set<String>{'Z', ... 'A'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(new Set<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'});
This methods will pass (or not) if a given sequence is in the list of elements. In order to pass the sequence must be in the same order and without gaps/other elements in between.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsSequence(new List<String>{'X', 'Y', 'Z'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContainSequence(new List<String>{'Z', 'A'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContainSequence(new List<String>{'Z', 'A'});
This methods will pass (or not) if a given subsequence is in the list of elements. In order to pass the subsequence must be in the same order but it can have gaps/other elements in between.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsSubsequence(new List<String>{'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContainSubsequence(new List<String>{'Y', 'U', 'O', 'I', 'E', 'A'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsSubsequence(new List<String>{'Y', 'U', 'O', 'I', 'E', 'A'});
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).doesNotContainSubsequence(new List<String>{'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y'});
This method will pass if the list is sorted. Implementation will create a new list, sort it and use that against actual. Be aware that sorting is done acording to Apex Developer guide.
// Pass
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(new List<String>{'Z', 'A'}).isSorted();
This method will pass if the collection contains only the given elements. Ordering is not taken into account and elements can be in both collections more than once.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsOnly(new List<String>{'A', 'B', 'C'})
.containsOnly(new List<String>{'A', 'A', 'B', 'C'})
.containsOnly(new List<String>{'C', 'B', 'A', 'C'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(LATIN_ALPHABET).containsOnly(new List<String>{'A', 'B'});
This method will pass if the collection contains only the given elements only once in any given order.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsOnly(new List<String>{'A', 'B'})
.containsOnly(new List<String>{'C', 'B'});
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsOnly(new List<String>{'D'});
Fluent.Assert.that(new List<Object>{'C', 'C'}).containsOnly(new List<String>{'C'});
This method will pass if actual has values that are null
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(new List<String>{null, null}).containsOnlyNulls();
// Failure
Snippet below works for Date
, Datetime
, and Time
. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
This methods will pass (or not) if actual is between (start/end included) or stricly between (start/end excluded) a range.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBetween(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 1), Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isStrictlyBetween(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 1), Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 13));
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBetween(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 1), Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 10));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isStrictlyBetween(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 1), Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12));
This methods will pass (or not) if actual is after (or equal to) an expected Date.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isAfter(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 11));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isAfterOrEqualTo(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12));
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isAfter(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 10));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isAfterOrEqualTo(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 11));
This methods will pass (or not) if actual is before (or equal to) an expected Date.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBefore(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 13));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBeforeOrEqualTo(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12));
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBefore(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12));
Fluent.Assert.that(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 12)).isBeforeOrEqualTo(Date.newInstance(2020, 5, 13));
This methods will pass (or not) if actual is today.
// Pass
// Failure
Supports List<SaveResult>
, List<UpsertResult>
, List<DeleteResult>
, and List<UndeleteResult>
. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
This method will pass if all results in the list are failures.
List<SaveResult> result = Database.insert(...);
// or List<SaveResult> result = Database.update(...);
// or List<UpsertResult> result = Database.upsert(...);
// or List<DeleteResult> result = Database.delete(...);
// or List<UndeleteResult> result = Database.undelete(...);
This method will pass if all results in the list are successes.
List<SaveResult> result = Database.insert(...);
// or List<SaveResult> result = Database.update(...);
// or List<UpsertResult> result = Database.upsert(...);
// or List<DeleteResult> result = Database.delete(...);
// or List<UndeleteResult> result = Database.undelete(...);
Most support for String
delegates to methods already on String
(see table below) but is here to support a fluent programming style. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
Strings can also be casted to Integer
, Long
, Decimal
, Double
, Boolean
, Date
, Datetime
, Id
using asXxx()
like below.
Method | Description |
contains |
contains the specified sequence of characters in substring |
containsAny |
contains any of the characters in expected |
containsIgnoreCase |
contains the specified sequence of characters without regard to case |
containsNone |
doesn’t contain any of the characters in notExpected |
containsOnly |
contains characters only from the specified sequence of characters and not any other characters |
containsWhitespace |
contains any white space characters |
endsWith |
ends with the specified suffix |
endsWithIgnoreCase |
ends with the specified suffix, case ignored |
equalsIgnoreCase |
is not null and represents the same sequence of characters as actual |
isAllLowerCase |
all characters are lowercase |
isAllUpperCase |
all characters are uppercase |
isAlpha |
all characters are Unicode letters only |
isAlphaSpace |
all characters are Unicode letters or spaces only |
isAlphanumeric |
all characters are Unicode letters or numbers only |
isAlphanumericSpace |
all characters are Unicode letters, numbers, or spaces only |
isAsciiPrintable |
contains only ASCII printable characters |
isBlank |
the specified String is white space, empty (''), or null |
isEmpty |
the specified String is empty ('') or null |
isNotBlank |
the specified String is not whitespace, not empty (''), and not null |
isNotEmpty |
the specified String is not empty ('') and not null |
isNumeric |
contains only Unicode digits |
isNumericSpace |
only Unicode digits or spaces |
isWhitespace |
contains only white space characters or is empty |
startsWith |
begins with the specified prefix |
startsWithIgnoreCase |
begins with the specified prefix, case ignored |
This method will pass if the String has a length as expected.
// Pass
// Failure
This method will pass if the Strings line count is as expected.
// Pass
// Failure
Snippets below works for Map
. All examples below uses the following constants:
private static final Map<Object, Object> EMPTY = new Map<Object, Object>();
private static final Map<Object, Object> ABC = new Map<Object, Object>{
'A' => 'a',
'B' => 'b',
'C' => 'c'
Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, and isNotSame
// Pass
// Failure
This method will pass if the Map contains the entry.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsEntry('A', 'a');
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(EMPTY).containsEntry('A', 'a');
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsEntry('A', 'b');
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).containsEntry('B', 'a');
This method will pass if the Map contains the entry.
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(EMPTY).doesNotContainEntry('A', 'a');
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).doesNotContainEntry('A', 'b')
.doesNotContainEntry('B', 'a');
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(ABC).doesNotContainEntry('A', 'a');
Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
. Has navigators for message
, cause
, and rootCause
is a navigator that allows asserts on the Exceptions message String.
Exception e = new UnexpectedException('Hello, FluentAssert!');
// Pass
Fluent.Assert.that(e).hasMessage('Hello, FluentAssert!')
// Failure
Fluent.Assert.that(e).hasMessage('Hello World!');
and rootCause
are navigators that allows asserts on the Exceptions cause and root cause.
Exception rootCause = new IllegalArgumentException('Root Cause Exception');
Exception cause = new TypeException('Cause Exception', rootCause);
Exception e = new UnexpectedException('FluentAssert Exception', cause);
.hasMessage('Cause Exception')
For now support for Id
is pretty straitforward. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
// Pass
// Failure
Support for Blob
. Also supports isEqualTo
, isNotEqualTo
, isNull
, isNotNull
, isSame
, isNotSame
, and IsIn
// Pass
Apex is not the best language to write generic frameworks in. To compensate the classes in force-app/main/generated
is generated from templates in templates
using fmpp. Github Actions is used to verify generated sources are in sync with their templates.