Not Engine is Early in Development Cross-Platform Graphics Engine, Based on Node Architecture with Support for Native Scripting
Objective of this project is to create a complete Graphics Engine with support for both 2D and 3D graphics, to make engine able to draw complex geometries with best optimization techniques, such that it can be used either as an Backend Graphics API for C++ or Frontend Game Engine with a Feature Rich Editor (NotEditor).
This Project can be used by Teachers to help students understand the emerging need for OOP Paradigm, one can use this project to easily illustrate Class, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism etc.
Currently Engine Features :
- Basic Editor
- Basic 2D Geometries
- Native Scripting
- Scene System
- Save and Load Scene
Follow these steps :
- Clone Repository (Note : use --recurse-submodules)
- Go to Build-Scripts directory and follow building guide for different platforms from help.txt
- For Visual Studio, open Not.sln and compile.
- For Codelite, open Not.project and compile.
- For gmake/gmake2 open terminal and type make in root solution directory (Tip : use "-j num_of_cpu" flag for faster build with make).
- Windows gcc builds aren't supported yet, working on solution.
- If you can't find Build-Scripts folder, change branch to alpha using "git checkout alpha".
- When building on Linux, make sure you've installed required dependencies like x11, xinput, mesa etc before compiling.
- On Linux, make sure you've installed graphics driver with support for OpenGL 4.x .
Installing Dependencies (Linux)
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinput-dev
sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install libxcursor-dev
sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev
sudo apt-get install libxinerama-dev
sudo apt-get install libxi-dev
Following are Next to be Worked on :
- Event System
- Rendering Layer Abstraction
- UI Components
- Gizmo
- More Rendering APIs Support
- Custom Light Weight Data Structures Instead of Using GLM
- File Archiving
- Complete Custom Data File Parser (*.nsc, *nconf etc)
Currently Project have 0 contributors, If anyone have ideas for this project, share them with me, Find me on Instagram (@Linker.asm) or Facebook (@Satyam1210).