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Releases: Samw662/android_device_motorola_rhodep-twrp


21 Jun 18:41
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• [CPU Temp] Somehow was not being recognized, now it's fixed
• [General] Deleted a lot of unnecessary kernel modules
• [General] Updated kernel blobs to the last stock firmware ("RHODEP_RETAIL_13_T1SUS33.1-124-6-8-1")
• [General] Deleted: Useless ueventd.rc and recovery.wipe from the source
• [qcom-decryption] Qualcomm decryption fixed (now you're able to decrypt your /data through your password)
• [Fstab] Refined fstab files in the source and added vendor_boot to the backup/restore list
• [Battery] Fixed unrecognized state of the battery