Very easy library for using Discord API and Discord IPC
implementation files('path/to/D.Java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar')
DiscordIPC ipc = DiscordIPC.connectToPipe("APP_ID", new IPCEventListener() {
// Ready event
public void onReady(DiscordIPC client) {
// Set RPC Large Image and large image text
PresenceAssets assets = new PresenceAssets()
.setLargeText("Build 22H2");
// Create our activity
Activity activity = new Activity(true)
.setAssets(assets) // Set large image, small image, etc...
.setDetails("Clean Windows 11 22H2") // Set details for activity
.setState("Watching YouTube") // Activity state
.setTimestamps(new PresenceTimestamps()) // Set start time to current
.setButton1(new Button("Tojex Community", "")) // Add the button to activity
.setButton2(new Button("My Youtube", "")); // Add the button number 2 to activity
client.setPresence(activity); // Update our Rich Presence
DiscordIPC ipc = DiscordIPC.connectToPipe("APP_ID", new IPCEventListener() {
public void onReady(DiscordIPC client) {
public void onAuth(DiscordIPC client, User user, String accessToken) {
System.out.println("Welcome, " + user.toString() + "!");
// We can update Rich Presence here