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Repository for the Master Thesis "The impact of spatial and temporal context in fairness-aware machine learning"

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MSc Data Science master thesis project

This repository includes all scripts used in the MSc Data Science master thesis project The impact of spatial and temporal context in fairness-aware machine learning (currently in progress).

Virtual environment

We use Python v3.8 within a virtual environment will all needed dependencies installed.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate #(MacOS, Linux)
source venv/Scripts/Activate #(Windows)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

Repository organization

  • models folder: includes classes to run multiple machine learning models (sklearn and aif360 models) on selected data
  • notebooks folder: includes Jupyter notebooks used to create general figures and tables for the thesis document
  • utils folder: includes utility functions for plotting, downloading data
  • pages folder: includes the pages making up the streamlit multipage app

Running the app and the analysis

The American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files contain a wide range of both categorical and numerical features, for each US state and across multiple years ranging from 1994 to 2020. To make the data exploration process easier and more accessible, a EDA app built with the Python module streamlit can be used to check and plot data features. Information on columns and recoding of columns can be found at

Data download

To download the data and turn it into a task-specific dataset we use the methods in the script utils/

# change to utils directory
cd utils 
# download raw ACS PUMS data
python --mode download
# after download, use folktables to turn it into task specific data
python --mode rawdata_to_task


All preprocessing and analysis is conducted using scikit-learn and aif360. An app built with the Python module streamlit can be used to visualize the results of the machine learning analysis. Both analysis scripts are adapted to be run locally or on a cluster (in this case the FU Berlin HPC cluster).

To run the sklearn machine learning models locally:

# change to models directory
cd models 
# run models in spatial context
python --mode spatial --task ACSEmployment --year 2014
# run models in temporal context
python --mode temporal --task ACSEmployment --year 2014

To run the aif360 machine learning models locally:

# change to models directory
cd models 
# run models in spatial context
python --mode spatial --task ACSEmployment --year 2014
# run models in temporal context
python --mode temporal --task ACSEmployment --year 2014

To run the scripts in an HPC cluster setting use the bash script (for normal analyses) , (to apply the data augmentation usign domain knowledge) or (for analyses that use upsampled data). These scripts prepare a job array with n total jobs, submitting one slurm job for each combination of arguments in the script. Note that the scripts have to be modified accordingly depending on whether one wants to run sklearn or aif360 models, and depending on the type of analysis (spatial or temporal).

# load Python module in cluster
module add Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.20.0
# change to repo directory (must clone or add scripts into cluster first)
cd fair_ml_thesis 
# run bash script that creates a .slurm job file and submits jobs to slurm scheduler
# (for normal analyses)
sbatch --array=1-n
# (to create sampled data with domain knowledge)
sbatch --array=1-n
# (for analyses using domain knowledge)
sbatch --array=1-n


From the project home directory the streamlit app to visualize EDA plots and analysis results can be executed locally by using the command

streamlit run


Repository for the Master Thesis "The impact of spatial and temporal context in fairness-aware machine learning"






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