Welcome to my GitHub repository! I'm a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (Class of 2023), and I'm passionate about creating innovative web applications using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. If you're looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic software developer, you're in the right place.
- Full Stack Development: I specialize in end-to-end web development, from creating RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.js to building interactive and responsive user interfaces with React.js.
- Database Expertise: I have experience working with MongoDB, crafting efficient data models, and integrating them seamlessly into my applications.
- Problem-Solving: I love tackling complex challenges and finding elegant solutions through code.
- Version Control: I'm proficient in using Git and GitHub for collaborative development and version control.
- Team Player: I thrive in collaborative environments and believe in the power of teamwork to create exceptional software.
Here are some of the projects you'll find in this repository:
NxtTrendz Ecommerce Website: UserName - rahul and password - rahul@2021 This is a Ecommerce website that secured with user authentication and displays various products details. β User authentication was provided and protected routing contepts where used. β Utilized React components, props, conditional rendering, and state updates to create dynamic app. β Router concept applied here to use single page appication. β Enhanced with CSS for a visually appealing design. Technologies use: React JS, CSS
IPL Dashboard: This is a simple app which gives us the information of the recent matches played by the selected teams. β Utilized React components, props, conditional rendering, and state updates to create dynamic app. β Router concept applied here to use single page appication. β Enhanced with CSS for a visually appealing design. Technologies use: React JS, CSS
Emoji Game: Designed a fun, challenging memory game with randomized emoji clicks. β Utilized React components, props, conditional rendering, and state updates to create dynamic gameplay. β Enhanced with CSS for a visually appealing design. Technologies used: React JS, CSS
Todos Application: A task management solution, designed to make life easier. β Streamlined task management through a combination of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for an intuitive interface. β Seamless CRUD operations through JavaScript event listeners and dynamic UI updates. β Secure task persistence with local storage methods, ensuring that your tasks are always available. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
Wikipedia Search Application A custom wikipedia search application that provides a simplified and intuitive way for users to access and view relevant information. With the ability to easily search for and view curated results, users can dive deeper into their interests with just a click. β Streamlined search results with HTML list elements, styled for a modern and user-friendly interface using CSS, Bootstrap and responsive design. β Effortlessly access information with asynchronous fetch GET HTTP API calls and the option to open the desired result in a new tab for further exploration. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, REST API Calls, Bootstrap
Feel free to explore my projects to get a sense of my coding style and problem-solving abilities.
I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations. If you're interested in working together or just want to chat about technology, you can reach out to me via:
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: Sasi Kumar Naik Ramavath
Thank you for visiting my GitHub! I look forward to connecting with you and exploring exciting software engineering opportunities.