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Insane native lib for WebAssembly using the Emscripten SDK.

In addition this project allows to create an Emscripten skeleton project. The project allows build, run and publish a WebAssembly module to use in your main web project.

The created Project contains:

  • Insane library configured as dependency.
  • Build script.
  • Run script.
  • Publish script.
  • Another related files scripts, tools, etc.


Install the following packages in your operating system.

* If your OS is Windows, you need to install the packages PowerShell, Python, Make, Git in WSL. This is required for building Botan due to incompatibilities with the Botan script on Windows platforms.

Concept List

  • DistDir, distDir, DIST_DIR refers to the dist folder of the library. Format is /my/destination/dir/Insane-<Version>-Emscripten-Wasm-<Configuration><DistDirSuffix> Configuration values are Debug or Release. DistDirSuffix is user defined value. All values are computed by the script. In total there are 2 DIST_DIRs, 1 for Debug configuration and 1 for Release configuration.

how to use?

First steps

  • Clone repository git clone
  • Update repository submodules. Inside repo run ./T-UpdateSubmodules.ps1

Build Botan library

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -BuildBotan [-DestinationDir <string>]
This command allows building Botan library for WebAssembly. If you have previously built ICU, ignore this step.


  • DestinationDir Optional. Defaults to <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs. This is the destination where the dist folder will be created.

Build ICU library

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -BuildICU
This command allows activating/pre building ICU library on the Emscripten SDK. If you have previously built ICU, ignore this step.

Build Insane library

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 [-Build] [-DestinationDir <string>] [-DistDirSuffix <string>] [-LibSuffix <string>] [-LibsDir <string>]
This command allows building the Insane library for WebAssembly.


  • DestinationDir Optional. Defaults to <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs. This is the destination where the dist folder will be created.

  • DistDirSuffix Optional. Defaults to empty. This is a suffix to add to the name of the dist folder.
    e.g. if DistDirSuffix is Dev, the dist folder is <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs/<DIST_DIR>-Dev

  • LibSuffix Optional. Defaults to empty. This is a suffix to add to the name of the library.
    e.g. LibSuffix is Internal, the library name is <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs/<DIST_DIR>/Lib/libInsaneInternal.a.

  • LibsDir Optional. Defaults to <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs This is the path where Botan library and others are located.

Build Combo - (Botan + ICU + Insane)

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -BuildAll [-DestinationDir <string>] [-DistDirSuffix <string>] [-LibSuffix <string>] [-LibsDir <string>] [-SkipBotan] [-SkipICU]
This command allows building Botan, ICU and Insane libs. Building Botan and ICU can be skipped.


Same parameters as Insane build command with the following aditions

  • SkipBotan Optional. This flag allow skipping Botan build.

  • SkipICU Optional. This flag allow skipping ICU build.

Clean - Temp

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -Clean
This Command allows to remove InsaneEmscripten temp dir <USER_DIRECTORY>/.InsaneEm

Install Emscripten

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -InstallEmscriptenSDK [-Force]
This Command allows to install Emscripten SDK.


  • Force Optional. This flag allow reinstall Emscripten SDK.

Create Emscripten project + Insane

Command ./X-InsaneEm.ps1 -CreateProject [-Name] <string>
This Command allows to create an Emscripten skeleton project with Insane as dependency, build script, run script, publish script and other related files(scripts, tools, configs, etc).


  • Name The name of the new project.
    The created project is located by default on Dist/<PROJECT_NAME>
    e.g Name is "MyProject", the project is created on Dist/MyProject

Results tree 

  Compiled Insane lib with default options.

├── Insane-1.0.0-Emscripten-Wasm-Debug
│   ├── Include
│   │   └── Insane
│   │       ├── Insane.h
│   │       ├── InsaneEmscripten.h
│   │       ├── InsaneCore.h
│   │       ├── InsaneCryptography.h
│   │       ├── InsaneException.h
│   │       ├── InsanePreprocessor.h
│   │       ├── InsaneString.h
│   │       └── InsaneTest.h
│   └── Lib
│       └── libInsane.a
└── Insane-1.0.0-Emscripten-Wasm-Release
    ├── Include
    │   └── Insane
    │       ├── Insane.h
    │       ├── InsaneEmscripten.h
    │       ├── InsaneCore.h
    │       ├── InsaneCryptography.h
    │       ├── InsaneException.h
    │       ├── InsanePreprocessor.h
    │       ├── InsaneString.h
    │       └── InsaneTest.h
    └── Lib
        └── libInsane.a

Next Steps - With new project 🚀

Change location to new project. Run cd Dist/MyProject.

You can change module type(normal script or ES6 module) in ProductInfo.json, the property IsES6Module you can set to true or false.

Build WebAssembly module

Command ./X-Build.ps1 [-NoMinifyJsFiles] [-ReleaseMode]
This command allows to build project in Debug or Release configuration.

  • Default configuration is Debug.
  • All Emscripten pre/post js files on ./Js are minified by default and generated in ./Bin/Js.
  • Generated module is located in ./Bin/Module.


  • NoMinifyJsFiles Optional. Allows skipping minify js files located in ./Js.
  • ReleaseMode Optional. Apply Release configuration instead of Debug configuration.

Run WebAssembly module

Command ./X-Run.ps1 [-NoLaunchBrowser] or ./X-Run.ps1 -Emrun [-NoLaunchBrowser]
Starts an Emscripten Emrun web server for serve project files and launchs ./index.html file on browser. This server type is not compatible with ES6 modules(*.mjs).

Command ./X-Run.ps1 -BrowserNode [-NoLaunchBrowser]
Starts a web server in NodeJs runtime for serve project files and launchs ./index.html file on browser. ES6(.mjs) or normal js(.js) modules are compatible.

Command ./X-Run.ps1 -BrowserDeno [-NoLaunchBrowser]
Starts a web server in Deno runtime for serve project files and launchs ./index.html file on browser. ES6(.mjs) or normal js(.js) modules are compatible.

Command ./X-Run.ps1 -ConsoleNode
Runs the module ./index.mjs using NodeJs runtime. Only ES6 modules are compatible.

Command ./X-Run.ps1 -ConsoleDeno
Runs the module ./index.ts using Deno runtime. Only ES6 modules are compatible.


NoLaunchBrowser Optional. In conjunction with -Emrun, -BrowserNode, -BrowserDeno. ./index.html is not launched in browser.

Publish WebAssembly module

Command X-Publish.ps1
It creates an optimized ES6 or Js module on ./Dist folder.
e.g ./Dist/MyProject-1.0.0-Release.mjs or ./Dist/MyProject-1.0.0-Release.js

Configure project

There are several configurations located in ./ProductInfo.json that you can modifify.

  • Version String. The product version. e.g. MyProject
  • IsES6Module Boolean. True for ES6 module(.mjs) or False for normal Js(.js)
  • NodeHttpServerPort Int. Port for web server.
  • DenoHttpServerPort Int. Port for web server.
  • EmrunHttpServerPort Int. Port for web server.
  • ConsoleNodeOptions Additional options for send to NodeJs runtime.
  • ConsoleDenoOptions Additional options for send to Deno runtime.
  • InsaneVersion String. Insane version to find Insane in <USER_DIRECTORY>/.CppLibs

There are several files to modify and test your module functionality.

  • index.html for Browser.
  • index.mjs for NodeJs runtime.
  • index.ts for Deno runtime.

Caution: Do not modify the sections labeled as autogenerated code in the aforementioned files, as they regenerate automatically with each build. One section contains markers that the build script detects to generate the code and function correctly when invoking the run script.


Insane for Emscripten.







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