- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run via the CLI (you MUST specify the --watch argument due to a Webpack bug, see below):
au run --watch
- Provision the project with the Aurelia CLI:
au new <project name>
- Using the CLI's default template for TS and Webpack is probably fine
- Install Bootstrap and Jquery:
npm install --save jquery [email protected]`
- Install Kendo-UI:
npm install --save @progress/kendo-ui
- Install the Aurelia-Kendoui-Bridge:
npm install --save aurelia-kendoui-bridge
- Install JSZip, Kendo-UI dependency for exporting from grid:
npm install --save jszip
- Bootstrap the aurelia-kendoui-bridge plugin. Open main.ts and add this line:
- According to the Bart van Uden walkthrough below, we need to import the Kendo-UI JS and CSS files in main.ts like so:
import '@progress/kendo-ui/js/kendo.all';
import '@progress/kendo-ui/css/web/kendo.common.min.css';
import '@progress/kendo-ui/css/web/kendo.bootstrap-v4.css';
- Add the TypeScript definitions to main.ts:
/// <reference types="@progress/kendo-ui/index" />
- Fix "$ is not defined" problem (this also from van Uden's blog):
npm install expose-loader --save-dev
Then, add this rule to the rules collection of webpack.config.js:
test: require.resolve('jquery'),
use: [
{ loader: 'expose-loader', options: 'jQuery' },
{ loader: 'expose-loader', options: '$' }
Currently there is a bug with Webpack using
au run
. Webpack appears to run fine and everything looks ok until you go to the site (default localhost:8080), at which time Webpack will emit an error about "You ran Webpack twice." There is an issue filed on Github for the Aurelia-CLI here: aurelia/cli#852. You can get around this error running with the watch tag:au run --watch
. -
Good walkthrough here: https://bartvanuden.azurewebsites.net/2017/09/23/aurelia-kendoui-bridge/
To observe where the error occurs, since it does not show an error in Chrome Debugger, add a
statement to thekendo.ooxml.createZip
function in node_modules/@progress/kendo-ui/js/ooxml/utils.j, something like this:
kendo.ooxml.createZip = function() {
if (typeof JSZip === "undefined") {
console.log('utils.js - JSZip is undefined');
throw new Error("JSZip not found. Check http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/excel/introduction#requirements for more details.");
return new JSZip();