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redstonedesigner edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

DISCLAIMER: The line numbers are BEFORE any modification.

Line Number Content Description
1 Options: Not necessary to modify - Is for coding purposes and will break the plugin if modified
2 Prefix : " &6&lSkyblock &8»" The prefix for all chat messages. Colour & format codes supported.
3 HelpGUI : false Whether to display the plugin help as a GUI or use chat commands.
4 SpawnerMultiplier : 4 Decreases by a factor of v how long it takes mobs to spawn. Increasing this value will decrease the time taken for mobs to spawn from spawners.
5 XpMultiplier : 4 Increases the amount of XP gained. Increasing this number will increase the amount of XP gained.
6 EnableIsTop : true Enables/Disables island scores and leaderboard.
7/8/9 Level(1/2/3)Size: (25/50/75) Specifies how big the island upgrade levels are. Purchased using Island Crystals - more on that on another page.
10 IslandHomeMainCommand : true Should the default command be treated the same as /is home?
12/13/14/15/16 (Various inventory names) Allows you to customise the menu titles for the GUIs included with the plugin.
19/20/21 (1/2/3): (9/18/27) Defines how many island members can be included on your island per upgrade level.
23/24/25 (1/2/3): (1/3/5) Defiens how many island warps can be created per upgrade level.
28 - 31 (List of material IDs) Defines the blocks and their percentages of spawning in an ore generator. This section can be expanded as necessary.
33 - 37 (List of blocks and spawners) Defines the island top value of certain blocks and spawners. This section can be expanded as necessary.
39 - End of File (Help command output) Allows you to modify the default help message that is sent in chat.
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