Releases: SavageLabs/SkyblockX
Releases · SavageLabs/SkyblockX
Smoothing out stuff.
- IslandTop will now load chunks periodically to prevent lag.
- Improved IslandTop startup logic.
- Async chunk loading on PaperMC 1.13+
- Death Teleport, to teleport back to island on respawn. Set
to disable. - Send the correct plugin version to PlaceholderAPI.
- Fix issues in default lang (PR by @ItzDidoko)
- Fixed default quest config issues.
- Improved MemberGUI.
- Pages for
/is top
. - Check if player has island using
/is join
. - Fix NPE from BlockListeners.
- Moved
/is pos
commands into/sbx
suite. - bStats integration.
- Teleport to
/is go
location when visiting an island instead of using the island center. - Island Level Placeholder.
- All teleporting is now async on PaperMC 1.13+.
- Better void damage check logic.
- Use default world from config instead of "world" in
/is remove
. - Log to console if a async teleport fails.
- Suggest PaperMC on startup.
- Better Void teleport logic to prevent anticheat flagging and block glitching #54.
- New Island Placeholders.
- Fix island pasting issues with exotic blocks.
- Ability to disable automatic island calculation
- Placeholders return
instead ofnull
. - Register island type permissions so cool permissions plugins can see them.
- Update island limit permissions.
- Config options to clear inventory & enderchest on delete #39.
- Fix IslandMemberGUI breaking on legacy versions due to skull errors #41.
- Remove redundant PlaceholderAPI shading.
- Shade our own GSON version.
Lots o' Improvements!
Various Changes
- Removed prefix from island-top header messages for simplicity, can be added back manually in
. - Set the
/is go
location using the new/is set-go
command. - Island Chest opening message is now actually sent.
- Island Creation cooldown, configurable, default 6 hours.
- Actually teleport players back to default world on island deletion.
- Visitors can no longer access chests.
- Reconfigured Gradle, reduced binary size from 5.2 mb -> 2.2mb
- Remove Islands from
/is top
on deletion. - Changed description for
in/help SkyblockX
- Deny cross island enderpearls
- Require the
permission to reset islands. - Fix struct file saving with specific items in chests.
- Fix default world teleport on damage
- Improve startup log
Did stuff.
I did some stuff
- Disable the island menu from showing and use deluxemenus or something if you want. Set
to false in config. /is biome
command to set the island biome, you need to relog to see the change on client side.- Fix issues with events firing async.
- Use better scheduler methods.
- Cleanup island blocks on island deletion, this is disabled by default because it will cause lag.
- Teleport players to default world on island deletion.
- Remove protocol-lib as a library.
I made an example API usage page:
🏡 Housekeeping
- Fixes issues with permission managers and island size conflict, defaulting to island limit from config if permission size is less than 1.
- Automatic calculation task now matches the
/sbx calc
command. - Add 1 to vertical location on teleport to help prevent people getting stuck in blocks on newer versions of minecraft.
- Use air if material is unreadable on island paste. ( possibly due to cross version structure file usage )
- Removed protocol lib from plugin build path.
Various Improvements
Various Improvements
- Island Top has sync calculation temporarily whilst I rewrite it.
added to enable damage from mobs when visiting islands.- Fix bug with dynamic island permissions where people with
permission node would get islands with a size of 0, hence, basically having a read-only island. - Fixed the action gui in the /is member menu.
- Added
/sbx chest <player>
to allow administrators to view an island's virtual chest. - Global permission check now instantly allows if OP.
Thanks for using my plugin!
Stay Frosty,
PlaceholderAPI Fix
🔥 PlaceholderAPI Hot Fix
- added PlaceholderAPI to softdepend param in the plugin.yml. (Whoops.)
Better Custom Island Support
Better Custom Island Support
- Improved the custom island support and made it a bit more friendly to use.
- Fixed NPE when people delete data.json without actually deleting the world.
If you do not know how to create a structure
file that is required for island creation, use the wiki
Island chest
Island Chest & General Improvements
- Added virtual island chest, shared between players, accessible by using
/is chest
. - You can now run commands in console when a player's void death is prevented, for example charging them money.
- PlaceholderAPI gui fix.
- Commands are now even more intuitive, and offer tab complete support when using any combination of aliases.
/is tp
is now/is visit
to help prevent confusion, the old alias still works.- Added
/is worth
alias for/is top
Island Top Bug Fix
Island Top Bug Fix
I accidentally removed a line of code, which caused the islands to calculate, but not be stored in memory.
The Nether Update.
🔥 Nether Islands!
- Portals redirect to skyblock nether world.
- New Island structure file comes bundled in SkyblockX.jar.
- Nether Island is automatically generated on demand (First time entering nether portal on island).
- WorldBorder packet is sent in context to Nether Island to show borders.
- Block, Mob, and Interact protection listeners updated to work inside of the nether world.
- Nether World is generated on startup like the SkyblockX overworld is.
- Updated Island Type Config option with property for nether structure file.
- Full PlaceholderAPI support.
/is value
command to check block's worth.- IslandPostLevelCalcEvent & IslandPreLevelcalcEvent added as API for plugin hooks.