ScanYourBill is a cutting-edge mobile money management application designed to simplify and automate the process of tracking expenses and managing income. Leveraging advanced technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), ScanYourBill provides a user-friendly solution for individuals looking to take control of their finances efficiently.
You can download the latest version of the app from the following link: Download APK
This section outlines the technologies and tools used to develop the app:
- Programming Language: Kotlin
- IDE: Android Studio
- Architecture: MVVM
Click to expand
Library | Purpose |
Google Play Services | Provides core functionalities for Google services |
MPAndroidChart | Charting library for Android |
Donut | Library for creating donut charts |
Pie Chart | Library for creating pie charts |
AndroidX Core | Core Kotlin extensions for Android |
AppCompat | Backward-compatible versions of Android components |
Material Components | Implements Material Design UI components |
Activity KTX | Kotlin extensions for Android activities |
ConstraintLayout | Layout manager for complex Android UIs |
DataStore Preferences | Data storage solution for Android |
Lifecycle ViewModel KTX | ViewModel with Kotlin extensions |
Lifecycle LiveData KTX | LiveData with Kotlin extensions |
Fragment KTX | Kotlin extensions for Android fragments |
Coroutines Core | Kotlin coroutines support for concurrency |
Coroutines Android | Kotlin coroutines support for Android |
CircleImageView | Custom view for circular image display |
Glide | Image loading and caching library for Android |
Retrofit | Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java |
Retrofit Converter Gson | Converts JSON to Java objects |
OkHttp Logging Interceptor | Logs HTTP requests and responses |
PinEditTextField | Custom view for PIN input fields |
JUnit | Unit testing framework for Java |
AndroidX Test Ext JUnit | JUnit extensions for Android testing |
Espresso Core | UI testing framework for Android |
SSL Utils | Utility library for SSL handling in Android |
ViewPager2 | ViewPager library with enhanced features |
EasyAdapter | Simplifies RecyclerView adapter creation |
Month Year Picker Dialog | Custom dialog for selecting month and year |
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio:
- Open Android Studio.
- Click on
File > Open
. - Navigate to the cloned repository and select it.
Build the project:
- Make sure you have the necessary SDK and tools installed.
- Click on
Build > Rebuild Project
Run the app:
- Connect an Android device or start an emulator.
- Click on
Run > Run 'app'
Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues or have questions about the setup process.