Components for Espressif ESP32 ESP-IDF framework and ESP8266 RTOS SDK.
Part of them ported from esp-open-rtos.
Chip | Framework | Versions |
ESP32 | ESP-IDF | master, v4.x, v.3.3.5 |
ESP32-S2 [1] | ESP-IDF | master, v4.x, v.3.3.5 |
ESP32-C3 [1] | ESP-IDF | master, v4.x, v.3.3.5 |
ESP8266 [2] | ESP8266 RTOS SDK | master, v3.3 |
[1] Use " set-target esp32s2
" or " set-target esp32c3
" before " menuconfig
" to change
the chip type.
[2] Due to the incompatibility of ESP8266 drivers and hardware, some libraries are not supported on ESP8266 (see "ESP8266" column in the tables).
Clone this repository somewhere, e.g.:
cd ~/myprojects/esp
git clone
Add path to components in your project makefile, e.g:
PROJECT_NAME := my-esp-project
EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS := /home/user/myprojects/esp/esp-idf-lib/components
include $(IDF_PATH)/make/
or in CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS /home/user/myprojects/esp/esp-idf-lib/components)
or with CMake FetchContent
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS ${espidflib_SOURCE_DIR}/components)
Clone this repository somewhere, e.g.:
cd ~/myprojects/esp
git clone
Add path to components in your project makefile, e.g:
PROJECT_NAME := my-esp-project
EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS := /home/user/myprojects/esp/esp-idf-lib/components
EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS := max7219 mcp23x17 led_strip max31865 ls7366r
include $(IDF_PATH)/make/
See GitHub examples or GitLab examples.
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ads111x | Driver for ADS1113/ADS1114/ADS1115 and ADS1013/ADS1014/ADS1015 I2C ADC | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
hx711 | Driver for HX711 24-bit ADC for weigh scales | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
mcp342x | Driver for 18-Bit, delta-sigma ADC MCP3426/MCP3427/MCP3428 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
mcp4725 | Driver for 12-bit DAC MCP4725 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
pcf8591 | Driver for 8-bit ADC and an 8-bit DAC PCF8591 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ccs811 | Driver for AMS CCS811 digital gas sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
mhz19b | Driver for MH-Z19B NDIR CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
scd30 | Driver for SCD30 CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
scd4x | Driver for SCD40/SCD41 miniature CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
sgp40 | Driver for SGP40 Indoor Air Quality Sensor for VOC Measurements | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
color | Common library for RGB and HSV colors | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
esp_idf_lib_helpers | Common support library for esp-idf-lib | ISC | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
framebuffer | RGB framebuffer component | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
i2cdev | ESP-IDF I2C master thread-safe utilities | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
lib8tion | Math functions specifically designed for LED programming | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
noise | Noise generation functions | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
onewire | Bit-banging 1-Wire driver | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ina219 | Driver for INA219/INA220 bidirectional current/power monitor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ina260 | Driver for INA260 precision digital current and power monitor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ina3221 | Driver for INA3221 shunt and bus voltage monitor | ISC | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
mcp23008 | Driver for 8-bit I2C GPIO expander MCP23008 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
mcp23x17 | Driver for I2C/SPI 16 bit GPIO expanders MCP23017/MCP23S17 | BSD-3 | esp32 |
Yes |
pca9557 | Driver for PCA9537/PCA9557 remote 4/8-bit I/O expanders for I2C-bus | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
pcf8574 | Driver for PCF8574 remote 8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
pcf8575 | Driver for PCF8575 remote 16-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tca95x5 | Driver for TCA9535/TCA9555 remote 16-bit I/O expanders for I2C-bus | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ccs811 | Driver for AMS CCS811 digital gas sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
mhz19b | Driver for MH-Z19B NDIR CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
scd30 | Driver for SCD30 CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
scd4x | Driver for SCD40/SCD41 miniature CO₂ sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
aht | Driver for AHT10/AHT15/AHT20 temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bme680 | Driver for BME680 digital environmental sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
dht | Driver for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321), Itead Si7021 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
sht3x | Driver for Sensirion SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 digital temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
sht4x | Driver for Sensirion SHT40/SHT41/SHT45 digital temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
si7021 | Driver for Si7013/Si7020/Si7021/HTU2xD/SHT2x and compatible temperature and humidity sensors | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
button | HW timer-based driver for GPIO buttons | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
encoder | HW timer-based driver for incremental rotary encoders | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ls7366r | Driver for LS7366R Quadrature Encoder Counter | MIT | esp32 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
led_strip | RMT-based driver for WS2812B/SK6812/APA106 LED strips | MIT | esp32 |
Yes |
led_strip_spi | SPI-based driver for SK9822/APA102 LED strips | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
bh1750 | Driver for BH1750 light sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tsl2561 | Driver for light-to-digital converter TSL2561 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tsl2591 | Driver for light-to-digital converter TSL2591 | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tsl4531 | Driver for digital ambient light sensor TSL4531 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
hmc5883l | Driver for 3-axis digital compass HMC5883L | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
qmc5883l | Driver for QMC5883L 3-axis magnetic sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ds3502 | Driver for nonvolatile digital potentiometer DS3502 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
example | An example component | ISC | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
hd44780 | Driver for HD44780 compatible LCD text displays | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
max7219 | Driver for 8-Digit LED display drivers, MAX7219/MAX7221 | BSD-3 | esp32 |
Yes |
pca9685 | Driver for 16-channel, 12-bit PWM PCA9685 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
rda5807m | Driver for single-chip broadcast FM radio tuner RDA5807M | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tca9548 | Driver for TCA9548A/PCA9548A low-voltage 8-channel I2C switch | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tda74xx | Driver for TDA7439/TDA7439DS/TDA7440D audioprocessors | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ultrasonic | Driver for ultrasonic range meters, e.g. HC-SR04, HY-SRF05 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
wiegand | Wiegand protocol receiver | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
bme680 | Driver for BME680 digital environmental sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bmp180 | Driver for BMP180 digital pressure sensor | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bmp280 | Driver for BMP280/BME280 digital pressure sensor | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ms5611 | Driver for barometic pressure sensor MS5611-01BA03 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
ds1302 | Driver for DS1302 RTC module | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
ds1307 | Driver for DS1307 RTC module | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ds3231 | Driver for DS1337 RTC and DS3231 high precision RTC module | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
pcf8563 | Driver for PCF8563 real-time clock/calendar | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
Component | Description | License | Supported on | Thread safety |
aht | Driver for AHT10/AHT15/AHT20 temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bh1900nux | Driver for BH1900NUX temperature sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bme680 | Driver for BME680 digital environmental sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bmp180 | Driver for BMP180 digital pressure sensor | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
bmp280 | Driver for BMP280/BME280 digital pressure sensor | MIT | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
dht | Driver for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321), Itead Si7021 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
ds18x20 | Driver for DS18B20/DS18S20 families of 1-Wire temperature sensor ICs | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
No |
lm75 | Driver for LM75, a digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
max31725 | Driver for MAX31725/MAX31726 temperature sensors | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
max31865 | Driver for MAX31865 resistance converter for platinum RTDs | BSD-3 | esp32 |
Yes |
mcp960x | Driver for MCP9600/MCP9601, thermocouple EMF to temperature converter | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
mcp9808 | Driver for MCP9808 Digital Temperature Sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
ms5611 | Driver for barometic pressure sensor MS5611-01BA03 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
sht3x | Driver for Sensirion SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 digital temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
sht4x | Driver for Sensirion SHT40/SHT41/SHT45 digital temperature and humidity sensor | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
si7021 | Driver for Si7013/Si7020/Si7021/HTU2xD/SHT2x and compatible temperature and humidity sensors | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
tsys01 | Driver for precision digital temperature sensor TSYS01 | BSD-3 | esp32 , esp8266 |
Yes |
- Tomoyuki Sakurai, developer of the LM75 and SK9822/APA102 drivers, author of the RTOS SDK ESP82666 support, master CI
- Gunar Schorcht, developer of SHT3x, BME680 and CCS811 drivers
- Brian Schwind, developer of TS2561 and TSL4531 drivers
- Andrej Krutak, developer of BH1750 driver
- Frank Bargstedt, developer of BMP180 driver
- sheinz, developer of BMP280 driver
- Jonathan Hartsuiker, developer of DHT driver
- Grzegorz Hetman, developer of DS18B20 driver
- Alex Stewart, developer of DS18B20 driver
- Richard A Burton, developer of DS3231 driver
- Bhuvanchandra DV, developer of DS3231 driver
- Zaltora, developer of INA3231 driver
- Bernhard Guillon, developer of MS5611-01BA03 driver
- Pham Ngoc Thanh, developer of PCF8591 driver
- Lucio Tarantino, developer of ADS111x driver
- Julian Dörner, developer of TSL2591 driver
- FastLED community, developers of
libraries - Erriez, developer of MH-Z19B driver
- David Douard, developer of MH-Z19B driver
- Nate Usher, developer of SCD30 driver
- Josh Kallus, developer of LS7366R driver