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Commands and Permissions

Scavenger3 edited this page Apr 1, 2013 · 8 revisions

List of Essential commands:

Please Note < > = Required, [ ] = Optional

  • /more [all] - /more will fill the item the player is currently holding, /more all will fill all items in the player's inventory.

    Required - essentials.more - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /pos [player] or /getpos [player] - tells the player their position (x and Y Coordinates), or [player]'s position (if allowed).

    Either - essentials.position.get - allows the player to execute the command but not use the [player] option.

    Or - essentials.position.getother - allows the player to execute the command and allows the player to user the [player] option.

  • /tppos <X> [Y] - Teleports the player to the specified X and Y Coordinates.

    Required - - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /ruler <1/2> - Tells the player the distance from the first position to the second position.

    Required - essentials.position.ruler - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /helpop <message> - Sends '<message>' to anyone online with the permission specified below.

    Required - essentials.helpop.ask - allows the player to execute the command.

    Optional - essentials.helpop.receive - the player will recieve '<message>' when a user executes the command.

  • /suicide or /die - Kills the player with the message 'Player decied it wasn't worth living'.

    Required - essentials.suicide - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /burn <player> [seconds] - Gives the player <player> the on fire debuff for <seconds> seconds.

    Required - essentials.pvp.burn - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /killnpc [name/id] - Kills all npcs with the name or id specified.

    Required - essentials.killnpc - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /kickall [reason] Kicks everyone from the server with the specified reason, except for players who are immune to kickall.

    Required - essentials.kickall.kick - allows the player to execute the command.

    Optional - essentials.kickall.immune - the player wont be kicked when the command gets executed.

  • /moon <new | 1/4 | half | 3/4 | full> - sets the current moon phase, Please Note: This might take a while to update for everyone.

    Required - essentials.moon - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /return or /b - Lets the player go back to their position before they teleported(after using /tp, /home, /spawn, /warp, /tppos, /myhome and more), or died (if allowed).

    Either - - allows the player to execute the command after they have teleported.

    Or - essentials.back.death - allows the player to execute the command after they have died.

  • /cbiome <from> <to> [region] or /bconvert <from> <to> [region] - lets the player convert the hard mode biomes (including normal grass/stone).

    Required - essentials.convertbiomes - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /sitem <search term> or /si <search term> or /searchitem <search term> - Displays a list of all Items and their id's that contain the specified search term.

  • /snpc <search term> or /sn <search term> or /searchnpc <search term> - Displays a list of all NPC's and their id's that contain the specified search term.

  • /spage <page> or /sp <page> - Lets you see more results when using '/sitem' or '/snpc'.

    Required - - allows the player to execute the commands.

  • /sethome [name] Lets the user set a home that they can teleport back to at any time with the '/myhome' command (requires them to be logged in).

    Required - essentials.home - allows the player to execute the command & only set 1 home.

    Optional - essentials.home.set.<max> - allows the player to set a maximum of '<max>' homes. set '<max>' to '*' for unlimited homes.

    Optional - essentials.home.bypassdisabled - Bypasses the SetHome Disabled regions specified in the config.

  • /myhome [name] - Teleports the user to their home that they set with the '/sethome' command (requires them to be logged in).

    Required - essentials.home - allows the player to execute the command.

  • `/delhome [name]' - deletes the players home.

    Required - essentials.home - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /teamunlock <Color> <Password> - Unlocks the <Color> team if <Password> is the same as the one set in the Config file.

    Every player can use this command.

  • /essentials - Reloads the config file!

    Required - essentials.essentials - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /= - Executes the last command the player typed!

    Required - essentials.lastcommand - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /killr <player name> <reason> - Kills the specified player with the reason '<reason>'. The reason shows with their death message, after their name.

    Required - essentials.pvp.killr - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /disable <player name> Disables / enables the specified player (This will not get removed even if the player re-logs). use /disable -list for a list of disabled players. Disabling the player will not allow them to move, and gives them some debuffs.

    Required - essentials.disable - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /top - Teleports you to the top-most block!

    Required - - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /up [amount] - Teleports you up one or more level!

    Required - essentials.level.up - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /down [amount] - Teleports you down one or more level!

    Required - essentials.level.down - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /left [amount] - Teleports you to the left through a wall!

    Required - essentials.level.side - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /right [amount] - Teleports you to the right through a wall!

    Required - essentials.level.side - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /ptime <day/night/noon/midnight/reset> [player] - Sets the players client time without changing the servers (everyone elses) time.

    Either - essentials.playertime.set - allows the player to execute the command but not set another players time.

    Or - essentials.playertime.setother - allows the player to to execute the command and set another players time.

  • /ping or /pong or /echo - returns 'pong!' as a means to test connection speed.

    Required - - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /sudo <player> <command> - Forces the specified player to execute the specified command.

    Required - essentials.sudo - allows the player to execute the command but cannot force players with the immune permission to execute a command.

    Optional - essentials.sudo.immune - The player cant be forced to execute a command by another player.

    Optional - essentials.sudo.super - forces the command to execute even if <player> doesnt have permission

  • /socialspy - Whenever a player whispers, anyone with socialspy enabled will see the message.

    Required - essentials.socialspy - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /near - lists the nearby players in order and their distance.

    Required - essentials.near - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /nick [player] <name> - Gives the player a nickname which is only shown in chat, their real name is still used when executing commands etc..

    Either - essentials.nick.set - allows the player to execute the command & set their own nickname.

    Or - essentials.nick.setother - allows the player to execute the command, set their own nickname & set other peoples nickname.

  • /realname <nickname> - returns the realname of a user with a nickname.

    Required - essentials.realname - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /exacttime or /etime <hours>:<minutes> where hours is in 24 hour time.

    Required - essentials.exacttime - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /forcelogin <account name> [player] logs [player] or the executing player into account <account name>

    Required - essentials.forcelogin - allows the player to execute the command.

  • /killproj - kills all projectiles on the server!

    Required - essentials.killprojectiles - allows the player to execute the command.

List of Sign Command's non-sign commands:

  • /destsign - Lets the player destroy a sign command, instead of using it.

    Required - essentials.signs.break - allows the player to execute the command.

    Required - essentials.signs.break.<name> - allows the player to break the specified Sign Command.

  • /screload - Reloads the config!

    Required - essentials.signs.reload - allows the player to execute the command.

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