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Configuration File

Scavenger3 edited this page Oct 8, 2013 · 26 revisions

Essentials Config (/Essentials/EssentialsConfig.json):

ShowBackMessageOnDeath - Whether or not to show the /b message ("Type /b to return to your position before you died") when the player dies.

PrefixNicknamesWith - When a player with a nickname chats, their name will get prefixed with this string.

LockRedTeam - Locks the red team with a permission and or a password.

RedTeamPassword - The password used to lock the team, if the player enters this password when using /teamunlock, they can join the team.

RedTeamPermission - The permission used to lock the team, if the player has this permission, they can join the team.

LockGreenTeam - Locks the green team with a permission and or a password.

GreenTeamPassword - The password used to lock the team, if the player enters this password when using /teamunlock, they can join the team.

GreenTeamPermission - The permission used to lock the team, if the player has this permission, they can join the team.

LockBlueTeam - Locks the blue team with a permission and or a password.

BlueTeamPassword - The password used to lock the team, if the player enters this password when using /teamunlock, they can join the team.

BlueTeamPermission - The permission used to lock the team, if the player has this permission, they can join the team.

LockYellowTeam - Locks the yellow team with a permission and or a password.

YellowTeamPassword - The password used to lock the team, if the player enters this password when using /teamunlock, they can join the team.

YellowTeamPermission - The permission used to lock the team, if the player has this permission, they can join the team.

DisableSetHomeInRegions - If a player is standing in a region specified in this list, they won't be able to set a home.

Sign Commands Config (/Essentials/SignCommandConfig.json):

DefineSignCommand - let's you choose what all sign commands start with.

CommandsStartWith - All commands on a sign command must start with this. It can only be 1 character or it will default to '>'.

CooldownGroups - Cooldowns are now specified on the sign and can be put into groups and global groups, define these groups here, any group starting with global will be a global group. Group names Cannot be integers!

ShowDestroyMessage - set this to false to stop the "type /destsign to destroy this sign" message from showing.