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TorkelE committed Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 446f111 commit bfb0007
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Showing 3 changed files with 277 additions and 12 deletions.
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/catalyst_functionality/
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Expand Up @@ -622,3 +622,67 @@ Finally, some general rules for creating observables:
- Only a single `@observables` option block can be used in each `@reaction_network` call.
- The left-hand side of the observables expression must be a single symbol, indicating the observable's name.
- The right-hand side of the observables expression can be any valid algebraic expression.

## Incorporating (differential) equations into reaction network models
Some models cannot be purely described as a reaction network. E.g. consider the growth of a cell, where the rate of change in cell's volume depends on some growth factor. Here, the cell's volume would be described by a normal equation. Such equations can be incorporated into a model using the `@equations` option. Here, we create a model where a growth factor ($G$) is produced and degraded at a linear rates, and the rate of change in cell volume ($V$) os linear to the amount of growth factor:
```@example eqs1
using Catalyst #hide
rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations begin
D(V) ~ G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
Here, `D(V)` indicates the (time) derivative with respect to `D`. The differential equation left and right hand sides are separated by a `~`. The left-hand side should contain differential only, the right hand side can contain any algebraic expression.

We can check the differential equation corresponding to this reaction network using latexify:
```@example eqs1
using Latexify
latexify(rn; form=:ode)
We can also simulate it using the normal syntax
```@example eqs1
using DifferentialEquations, Plots # hide
u0 = [:G => 0.0, :V => 0.1]
ps = [:p => 1.0, :d => 0.5]
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 1.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob)
Here, growth is indefinite. To improve the model, [a callback](@ref advanced_simulations_callbacks) can be used to half the volume (cell division) once some threshold is reached.

When creating differential equations this way, the subject of the differential is automatically inferred to be a variable, however, any component on the right-hand side must be declare somewhere in the macro. E.g. to add a scaling parameter ($k$), we must declare that $k$ is a parmaeter using the `@paraemters` option:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@parameters k
@equations begin
D(V) ~ k*G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing #hide

It is possible to add several equations to the model. In this case, each have a separate line. E.g. to keep track of a supply of nutrition ($N$) in the growth media, we can use:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@parameters k
@equations begin
D(V) ~ G
D(N) ~ -G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing #hide

When only a single equation is added, the `begin ... end` statement can be omitted. E.g., the first model can be declared equivalently using:
```@example eqs1
rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations D(V) ~ G
(p,d), 0 <--> G
nothing # hide
29 changes: 18 additions & 11 deletions src/reaction_network.jl
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Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ const forbidden_variables_error = let

# Declares the keys used for various options.
const option_keys = (:species, :parameters, :variables, :ivs, :compounds, :observables, :equations)
const option_keys = (:species, :parameters, :variables, :ivs, :compounds, :differentials, :equations, :observables)

### The @species macro, basically a copy of the @variables macro. ###
macro species(ex...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,14 +361,17 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
# Reads options.
compound_expr, compound_species = read_compound_options(options)
observed_vars, observed_eqs = read_observed_options(options)
vars_extracted, add_default_diff, equations = read_equations_options(options)

# Parses reactions, species, and parameters.
reactions = get_reactions(reaction_lines)
species_declared = [extract_syms(options, :species); compound_species]
parameters_declared = extract_syms(options, :parameters)
variables = [extract_syms(options, :variables); vars_extracted]

variables_declared = extract_syms(options, :variables)

# Reads more options.
vars_extracted, add_default_diff, equations = read_equations_options(options, variables_declared)
variables = vcat(variables_declared, vars_extracted)

# handle independent variables
if haskey(options, :ivs)
ivs = Tuple(extract_syms(options, :ivs))
Expand All @@ -389,7 +392,7 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
parameters = vcat(parameters_declared, parameters_extracted)

# Create differential expression.
diffexpr = create_differential_expr(options, add_default_diff, [species; species; variables])
diffexpr = create_differential_expr(options, add_default_diff, [species; parameters; variables])

# Checks for input errors.
(sum(length.([reaction_lines, option_lines])) != length(ex.args)) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,10 +741,10 @@ end
# `vars_extracted`: A vector with extracted variables (lhs in pure differential equations only).
# `dtexpr`: If a differentialequation is defined, the default derrivative (D ~ Differential(t)) must be defined.
# `equations`: a vector with the equations provided.
function read_equations_options(options)
function read_equations_options(options, variables_declared)
# Prepares the equations. First, extracts equations from provided option (converting to block form if requried).
# Next, uses MTK's `parse_equations!` function to split input into a vector with the equations.
eqs_input = haskey(options, :equations) ? options[:equations].args[3] : :()
eqs_input = haskey(options, :equations) ? options[:equations].args[3] : :(begin end)
eqs_input = option_block_form(eqs_input)
equations = Expr[]
ModelingToolkit.parse_equations!(Expr(:block), equations, Dict{Symbol, Any}(), eqs_input)
Expand All @@ -752,11 +755,13 @@ function read_equations_options(options)
vars_extracted = []
add_default_diff = false
for eq in equations
((eq.head != :call) || (eq.args[1] != :~)) && error("Malformed equation: \"$eq\". Equation's left hand and right hand sides should be separated by a \"~\".")
(eq.args[2].head != :call) && continue
((eq.head != :call) || (eq.args[1] != :~)) && error("Malformed equation: \"$eq\". Equation's left hand and right hand sides should be separated by a \"~\".")
(eq.args[2] isa Symbol || eq.args[2].head != :call) && continue
if (eq.args[2].args[1] == :D) && (eq.args[2].args[2] isa Symbol) && (length(eq.args[2].args) == 2)
diff_var = eq.args[2].args[2]
in(diff_var, forbidden_symbols_error) && error("A forbidden symbol ($(diff_var)) was used as an variable in this differential equation: $eq")
add_default_diff = true
push!(vars_extracted, eq.args[2].args[2])
in(diff_var, variables_declared) || push!(vars_extracted, diff_var)

Expand All @@ -768,14 +773,16 @@ function create_differential_expr(options, add_default_diff, used_syms)
# Creates the differential expression.
# If differentials was provided as options, this is used as the initial expression.
# If the default differential (D(...)) was used in equations, this is added to the expression.
diffexpr = (haskey(options, :differentials) ? options[:differentials] : MacroTools.striplines(:(begin end)))
diffexpr = (haskey(options, :differentials) ? options[:differentials].args[3] : MacroTools.striplines(:(begin end)))
diffexpr = option_block_form(diffexpr)
add_default_diff && push!(diffexpr.args, :(D = Differential($(DEFAULT_IV_SYM))))

# Goes through all differentials, checking that they are correctly formatted and their symbol is not used elsewhere.
for dexpr in diffexpr.args
(dexpr.head != :(=)) && error("Differential declaration must have form like D = Differential(t), instead \"$(dexpr)\" was given.")
(dexpr.args[1] isa Symbol) || error("Differential left-hand side must be a single symbol, instead \"$(dexpr.args[1])\" was given.")
in(dexpr.args[1], used_syms) && error("Differential name ($(dexpr.args[1])) is also a species, variable, or parameter. This is ambigious and not allowed.")
in(dexpr.args[1], forbidden_symbols_error) && error("A forbidden symbol ($(dexpr.args[1])) was used as a differential name.")

return diffexpr
Expand Down
196 changes: 195 additions & 1 deletion test/dsl/dsl_options.jl
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Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ let
@test sol[:X][1] == u0[:X1]^2 + ps[:op_1]*(u0[:X2] + 2*u0[:X3]) + u0[:X1]*u0[:X4]/ps[:op_2] + ps[:p]

# Tests various erroneous declarations throw errors.
# Tests that various erroneous declarations throw errors.
# System with undeclared component as observable.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,4 +455,198 @@ let
(p,d), 0 <--> X1 + X2

### Equations ###

# Basic checks on simple case with additional differential equations.
# Checks indexing works.
# Checks that non-block form for single equation works.
# Creates model.
rn = @reaction_network rn begin
@parameters k
@equations begin
D(V) ~ X - k*V
(p,d), 0 <--> X

@unpack k, p, d, X, V = rn
@variables t
D = Differential(t)

# Checks that the internal structures have the correct lengths.
@test length(species(rn)) == 1
@test length(states(rn)) == 2
@test length(reactions(rn)) == 2
@test length(equations(rn)) == 3

# Checks that the internal structures contain the correct stuff, and are correctly sorted.
@test isspecies(states(rn)[1])
@test !isspecies(states(rn)[2])
@test equations(rn)[1] isa Reaction
@test equations(rn)[2] isa Reaction
@test equations(rn)[3] isa Equation
@test isequal(equations(rn)[3], D(V) ~ X - k*V)

# Checks that simulations has the correct output
u0 = Dict([X => 1 + rand(rng), V => 1 + rand(rng)])
ps = Dict([p => 1 + rand(rng), d => 1 + rand(rng), k => 1 + rand(rng)])
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 10000.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(); abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9)
@test sol[X][end] ps[p]/ps[d]
@test sol[V][end] ps[p]/(ps[d]*ps[k])

# Checks that set and get index works for variables.
@test oprob[V] == u0[V]
oprob[V] = 2.0
@test_broken oprob[V] == 2.0
integrator = init(oprob, Tsit5())
@test_broken integrator[V] == 2.0
integrator[V] = 5.0
@test integrator[V] == 5.0

# Checks that block form is not required when only a single equation is used.
rn2 = @reaction_network rn begin
@parameters k
@equations D(V) ~ X - k*V
(p,d), 0 <--> X
@test rn == rn2

# Tries complicated set of equations.
# Tries with pre-declaring some variables (and not others).
# Tries using default values.
# Tries using mixing of parameters, variables, and species in different places.
rn = @reaction_network begin
@species S(t)=2.0
@variables Y(t)=0.5 Z(t)
@parameters p1 p2 p3
@equations begin
D(X) ~ p1*S - X
D(Y) ~ p2 + X - Y
D(Z) ~ p + Y - Z
(p*T,d), 0 <--> S
(p*Z,d), 0 <--> T

u0 = [:X => 1.0, :Z => 10.0, :S => 1.0, :T => 1.0]
ps = [:p1 => 0.5, :p2 => 1.0, :p3 => 1.0, :p => 1.0, :d => 1.0]
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Rosenbrock23(); abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9)
@test sol[:S][end] 4
@test sol[:T][end] 4
@test sol[:X][end] 2
@test sol[:Y][end] 3
@test sol[:Z][end] 4

# Tries for reaction system without any reactions (just an equation).
# Tries with interpolating a value into an equation.
# Tries using rn.X notation for designating variables.
# Tries for empty parameter vector.
c = 4.0
rn = complete(@reaction_network begin
@equations D(X) ~ $c - X

u0 = [rn.X => 0.0]
ps = []
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 100.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(); abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9)
@test sol[rn.X][end] 4.0

# Checks hierarchical model.
base_rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations begin
D(V1) ~ X - 2V1
(p,d), 0 <--> X
@unpack X, V1, p, d = base_rn

internal_rn = @reaction_network begin
@equations begin
D(V2) ~ X - 3V2
(p,d), 0 <--> X

rn = compose(base_rn, [internal_rn])

u0 = [V1 => 1.0, X => 3.0, internal_rn.V2 => 2.0, internal_rn.X => 4.0]
ps = [p => 1.0, d => 0.2, internal_rn.p => 2.0, internal_rn.d => 0.5]
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(); abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9)

@test sol[X][end] 5.0
@test sol[V1][end] 2.5
@test sol[internal_rn.X][end] 4.0
@test sol[internal_rn.V2][end] 4/3

# Tests that various erroneous declarations throw errors.
# Using = instead of ~ (for equation).
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@equations D(pi) = 1 - pi
(p,d), 0 <--> S

# Using ~ instead of = (for differential).
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@differentials D ~ Differential(t)
(p,d), 0 <--> S

# Equation with component undeclared elsewhere.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@equations D(X) ~ p - X
(P,D), 0 <--> S

# Using default differential D and a symbol D.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@equations D(X) ~ -X
(P,D), 0 <--> S

# Declaring a symbol as a differential when it is used elsewhere.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@differentials d = Differential(t)
(p,d), 0 <--> S

# Declaring differential equation using a forbidden variable.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@equations D(pi) ~ 1 - pi
(p,d), 0 <--> S

# Declaring forbidden symbol as differential.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@differentials pi = Differential(t)
(p,d), 0 <--> S

# System with derivatives with respect to several independent variables.
@test_throws Exception @eval @reaction_network begin
@ivs s t
@variables X(s) Y(t)
@differentials begin
Ds = Differential(s)
Dt = Differential(t)
@equations begin
Ds(X) ~ 1 - X
Dt(Y) ~ 1 - Y

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