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add utilities and tests for disturbance modeling
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baggepinnen committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 9a7e006 commit fb63dd0
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Showing 4 changed files with 266 additions and 3 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/systems/analysis_points.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -643,3 +643,38 @@ function linearization_function(sys::AbstractSystem,

return linearization_function(system_modifier(sys), input_vars, output_vars; kwargs...)


generate_control_function(sys::ModelingToolkit.AbstractODESystem, input_ap_name::Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, AnalysisPoint, Vector{AnalysisPoint}}, dist_ap_name::Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, AnalysisPoint, Vector{AnalysisPoint}}; system_modifier = identity, kwargs)
When called with analysis points as input arguments, we assume that all analysis points corresponds to connections that should be opened (broken). The use case for this is to get rid of input signal blocks, such as `Step` or `Sine`, since these are useful for simulation but are not needed when using the plant model in a controller or state estimator.
function generate_control_function(
sys::ModelingToolkit.AbstractODESystem, input_ap_name::Union{
Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, AnalysisPoint, Vector{AnalysisPoint}},
Nothing, Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, AnalysisPoint, Vector{AnalysisPoint}} = nothing;
system_modifier = identity,
input_ap_name = canonicalize_ap(input_ap_name)
u = []
for input_ap in input_ap_name
sys, (du, _) = open_loop(sys, input_ap)
push!(u, du)
if dist_ap_name === nothing
return ModelingToolkit.generate_control_function(system_modifier(sys), u; kwargs...)

dist_ap_name = canonicalize_ap(dist_ap_name)
d = []
for dist_ap in dist_ap_name
sys, (du, _) = open_loop(sys, dist_ap)
push!(d, du)

ModelingToolkit.generate_control_function(system_modifier(sys), u, d; kwargs...)

18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions src/systems/diffeqs/odesystem.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ an array of inputs `inputs` is given, and `param_only` is false for a time-depen
function build_explicit_observed_function(sys, ts;
inputs = nothing,
disturbance_inputs = nothing,
disturbance_argument = false,
expression = false,
eval_expression = false,
eval_module = @__MODULE__,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,12 +577,15 @@ function build_explicit_observed_function(sys, ts;
if inputs !== nothing
ps = setdiff(ps, inputs) # Inputs have been converted to parameters by io_preprocessing, remove those from the parameter list
if disturbance_inputs !== nothing
ps = setdiff(ps, disturbance_inputs)
_ps = ps
if ps isa Tuple
ps = DestructuredArgs.(unwrap.(ps), inbounds = !checkbounds)
elseif has_index_cache(sys) && get_index_cache(sys) !== nothing
ps = DestructuredArgs.(reorder_parameters(get_index_cache(sys), unwrap.(ps)))
if isempty(ps) && inputs !== nothing
if isempty(ps) && (inputs !== nothing || disturbance_inputs !== nothing)
ps = (:EMPTY,)
Expand All @@ -601,13 +606,20 @@ function build_explicit_observed_function(sys, ts;
args = param_only ? [ipts, ps..., ivs...] : [dvs..., ipts, ps..., ivs...]
p_start += 1
if disturbance_argument
disturbance_inputs = unwrap.(disturbance_inputs)
dist_inputs = DestructuredArgs(disturbance_inputs, inbounds = !checkbounds)
args = [args; dist_inputs]
pre = get_postprocess_fbody(sys)

array_wrapper = if param_only
wrap_array_vars(sys, ts; ps = _ps, dvs = nothing, inputs, history = is_dde(sys)) .∘
wrap_array_vars(sys, ts; ps = _ps, dvs = nothing, inputs,
history = is_dde(sys), extra_args = (disturbance_inputs,)) .∘
wrap_parameter_dependencies(sys, isscalar)
wrap_array_vars(sys, ts; ps = _ps, inputs, history = is_dde(sys)) .∘
wrap_array_vars(sys, ts; ps = _ps, inputs, history = is_dde(sys),
extra_args = (disturbance_inputs,)) .∘
wrap_parameter_dependencies(sys, isscalar)
mtkparams_wrapper = wrap_mtkparameters(sys, isscalar, p_start)
Expand Down
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions test/downstream/test_disturbance_model.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
This file implements and tests a typical workflow for state estimation with disturbance models
The primary subject of the tests is the analysis-point features and the
analysis-point specific method for `generate_control_function`.
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearAlgebra, Test
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Rotational
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using ModelingToolkit: connect
# using Plots

using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

indexof(sym, syms) = findfirst(isequal(sym), syms)

## Build the system model ======================================================
@mtkmodel SystemModel begin
@parameters begin
m1 = 1
m2 = 1
k = 10 # Spring stiffness
c = 3 # Damping coefficient
@components begin
inertia1 = Inertia(; J = m1, phi = 0, w = 0)
inertia2 = Inertia(; J = m2, phi = 0, w = 0)
spring = Spring(; c = k)
damper = Damper(; d = c)
torque = Torque(use_support = false)
@equations begin
connect(torque.flange, inertia1.flange_a)
connect(inertia1.flange_b, spring.flange_a, damper.flange_a)
connect(inertia2.flange_a, spring.flange_b, damper.flange_b)

@mtkmodel ModelWithInputs begin
@components begin
input_signal = Blocks.Sine(frequency = 1, amplitude = 1)
disturbance_signal1 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_signal2 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_torque1 = Torque(use_support = false)
disturbance_torque2 = Torque(use_support = false)
system_model = SystemModel()
@equations begin
connect(input_signal.output, :u, system_model.torque.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal1.output, :d1, disturbance_torque1.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal2.output, :d2, disturbance_torque2.tau)
connect(disturbance_torque1.flange, system_model.inertia1.flange_b)
connect(disturbance_torque2.flange, system_model.inertia2.flange_b)

@named model = ModelWithInputs() # Model with load disturbance
ssys = structural_simplify(model)
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0.0, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())

using ControlSystemsBase
# cmodel = complete(model)
# P = cmodel.system_model
# lsys = named_ss(
# model, [:u, :d1], [P.inertia1.phi, P.inertia2.phi, P.inertia1.w, P.inertia2.w])

# If we now want to add a disturbance model, we cannot do that since we have already connected a constant to the disturbance input. We have also already used the name `d` for an analysis point, but that might not be an issue since we create an outer model and get a new namespace.

s = tf("s")
dist(; name) = ODESystem(1 / s; name)

@mtkmodel SystemModelWithDisturbanceModel begin
@components begin
input_signal = Blocks.Sine(frequency = 1, amplitude = 1)
disturbance_signal1 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_signal2 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_torque1 = Torque(use_support = false)
disturbance_torque2 = Torque(use_support = false)
disturbance_model = dist()
system_model = SystemModel()
@equations begin
connect(input_signal.output, :u, system_model.torque.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal1.output, :d1, disturbance_model.input)
connect(disturbance_model.output, disturbance_torque1.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal2.output, :d2, disturbance_torque2.tau)
connect(disturbance_torque1.flange, system_model.inertia1.flange_b)
connect(disturbance_torque2.flange, system_model.inertia2.flange_b)

@named model_with_disturbance = SystemModelWithDisturbanceModel()
# ssys = structural_simplify(open_loop(model_with_disturbance, :d)) # Open loop worked, but it's a bit awkward that we have to use it here
# lsys2 = named_ss(model_with_disturbance, [:u, :d1],
# [P.inertia1.phi, P.inertia2.phi, P.inertia1.w, P.inertia2.w])
ssys = structural_simplify(model_with_disturbance)
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0.0, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
# plot(sol)

# Now we only have an integrating disturbance affecting inertia1, what if we want both integrating and direct Gaussian? We'd need a "PI controller" disturbancemodel. If we add the disturbance model (s+1)/s we get the integrating and non-integrating noises being correlated which is fine, it reduces the dimensions of the sigma point by 1.

dist3(; name) = ODESystem(ss(1 + 10 / s, balance = false); name)

@mtkmodel SystemModelWithDisturbanceModel begin
@components begin
input_signal = Blocks.Sine(frequency = 1, amplitude = 1)
disturbance_signal1 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_signal2 = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
disturbance_torque1 = Torque(use_support = false)
disturbance_torque2 = Torque(use_support = false)
disturbance_model = dist3()
system_model = SystemModel()

y = Blocks.Add()
angle_sensor = AngleSensor()
output_disturbance = Blocks.Constant(k = 0)
@equations begin
connect(input_signal.output, :u, system_model.torque.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal1.output, :d1, disturbance_model.input)
connect(disturbance_model.output, disturbance_torque1.tau)
connect(disturbance_signal2.output, :d2, disturbance_torque2.tau)
connect(disturbance_torque1.flange, system_model.inertia1.flange_b)
connect(disturbance_torque2.flange, system_model.inertia2.flange_b)

connect(system_model.inertia1.flange_b, angle_sensor.flange)
connect(angle_sensor.phi, y.input1)
connect(output_disturbance.output, :dy, y.input2)

@named model_with_disturbance = SystemModelWithDisturbanceModel()
# ssys = structural_simplify(open_loop(model_with_disturbance, :d)) # Open loop worked, but it's a bit awkward that we have to use it here
# lsys3 = named_ss(model_with_disturbance, [:u, :d1],
# [P.inertia1.phi, P.inertia2.phi, P.inertia1.w, P.inertia2.w])
ssys = structural_simplify(model_with_disturbance)
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0.0, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
# plot(sol)

## Generate function for an augmented Unscented Kalman Filter =====================
# temp = open_loop(model_with_disturbance, :d)
outputs = [P.inertia1.phi, P.inertia2.phi, P.inertia1.w, P.inertia2.w]
(f_oop1, f_ip), x_sym, p_sym, io_sys = ModelingToolkit.generate_control_function(
model_with_disturbance, [:u], [:d1, :d2, :dy], split = false)

(f_oop2, f_ip2), x_sym, p_sym, io_sys = ModelingToolkit.generate_control_function(
model_with_disturbance, [:u], [:d1, :d2, :dy],
disturbance_argument = true, split = false)

measurement = ModelingToolkit.build_explicit_observed_function(
io_sys, outputs, inputs = ModelingToolkit.inputs(io_sys)[1:1])
measurement2 = ModelingToolkit.build_explicit_observed_function(
io_sys, [io_sys.y.output.u], inputs = ModelingToolkit.inputs(io_sys)[1:1],
disturbance_inputs = ModelingToolkit.inputs(io_sys)[2:end],
disturbance_argument = true)

op = ModelingToolkit.inputs(io_sys) .=> 0
x0, p = ModelingToolkit.get_u0_p(io_sys, op, op)
x = zeros(5)
u = zeros(1)
d = zeros(3)
@test f_oop2(x, u, p, t, d) == zeros(5)
@test measurement(x, u, p, 0.0) == [0, 0, 0, 0]
@test measurement2(x, u, p, 0.0, d) == [0]

# Add to the integrating disturbance input
d = [1, 0, 0]
@test sort(f_oop2(x, u, p, 0.0, d)) == [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] # Affects disturbance state and one velocity
@test measurement2(x, u, p, 0.0, d) == [0]

d = [0, 1, 0]
@test sort(f_oop2(x, u, p, 0.0, d)) == [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] # Affects one velocity
@test measurement(x, u, p, 0.0) == [0, 0, 0, 0]
@test measurement2(x, u, p, 0.0, d) == [0]

d = [0, 0, 1]
@test sort(f_oop2(x, u, p, 0.0, d)) == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Affects nothing
@test measurement(x, u, p, 0.0) == [0, 0, 0, 0]
@test measurement2(x, u, p, 0.0, d) == [1] # We have now disturbed the output

## Further downstream tests that the functions generated above actually have the properties required to use for state estimation
# using LowLevelParticleFilters, SeeToDee
# Ts = 0.001
# discrete_dynamics = SeeToDee.Rk4(f_oop2, Ts)
# nx = length(x_sym)
# nu = 1
# nw = 2
# ny = length(outputs)
# R1 = Diagonal([1e-5, 1e-5])
# R2 = 0.1 * I(ny)
# op = ModelingToolkit.inputs(io_sys) .=> 0
# x0, p = ModelingToolkit.get_u0_p(io_sys, op, op)
# d0 = LowLevelParticleFilters.SimpleMvNormal(x0, 10.0I(nx))
# measurement_model = UKFMeasurementModel{Float64, false, false}(measurement, R2; nx, ny)
# kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter{false, false, true, false}(
# discrete_dynamics, measurement_model, R1, d0; nu, Ts, p)

# tvec = 0:Ts:sol.t[end]
# u = vcat.(Array(sol(tvec, idxs = P.torque.tau.u)))
# y = collect.(eachcol(Array(sol(tvec, idxs = outputs)) .+ 1e-2 .* randn.()))

# inds = 1:5805
# res = forward_trajectory(kf, u, y)

# plot(res, size = (1000, 1000));
# plot!(sol, idxs = x_sym, sp = (1:nx)', l = :dash);
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ end
@safetestset "Linearization Dummy Derivative Tests" include("downstream/linearization_dd.jl")
@safetestset "Inverse Models Test" include("downstream/inversemodel.jl")
@safetestset "Analysis Points Test" include("downstream/analysis_points.jl")
@safetestset "Analysis Points Test" include("downstream/test_disturbance_model.jl")

if GROUP == "All" || GROUP == "Extensions"
Expand Down

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