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FHoltorf committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent 0ba652b commit 6f7ef29
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 45 deletions.
95 changes: 50 additions & 45 deletions src/trustRegion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ end
Expand All @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ function SciMLBase.__init(prob::NonlinearProblem{uType, iip}, alg::TrustRegion,
loss = get_loss(fu1)
uf, linsolve, J, fu2, jac_cache, du = jacobian_caches(alg, f, u, p, Val(iip);
u_c = zero(u)
u_tmp = zero(u)
u_cauchy = zero(u)

loss_new = loss
H = zero(J)
g = _mutable_zero(fu1)
shrink_counter = 0
step_size = zero(u)
fu_new = zero(fu1)
make_new_J = true
r = loss
Expand All @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function SciMLBase.__init(prob::NonlinearProblem{uType, iip}, alg::TrustRegion,
radius_update_scheme = alg.radius_update_scheme

# set default type for all trust region parameters
trustType = Float64 #typeof(alg.initial_trust_radius)
trustType = eltype(u) #typeof(alg.initial_trust_radius)
max_trust_radius = convert(trustType, alg.max_trust_radius)
if iszero(max_trust_radius)
max_trust_radius = convert(trustType, max(norm(fu1), maximum(u) - minimum(u)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ function SciMLBase.__init(prob::NonlinearProblem{uType, iip}, alg::TrustRegion,
jac_cache, false, maxiters, internalnorm, ReturnCode.Default, abstol, prob,
radius_update_scheme, initial_trust_radius, max_trust_radius, step_threshold,
shrink_threshold, expand_threshold, shrink_factor, expand_factor, loss, loss_new,
H, g, shrink_counter, step_size, du, u_c, fu_new, make_new_J, r, p1, p2, p3, p4, ϵ,
H, g, shrink_counter, du, u_tmp, u_cauchy, fu_new, make_new_J, r, p1, p2, p3, p4, ϵ,
NLStats(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))

Expand All @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ function perform_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache{true})

# Compute the potentially new u
cache.u_tmp .= u .+ cache.step_size
@. cache.u_tmp = u + cache.du
f(cache.fu_new, cache.u_tmp, p)
trust_region_step!(cache) += 1
Expand All @@ -358,11 +358,15 @@ function perform_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache{false})

@unpack g, H = cache
# Compute the Newton step.
cache.u_tmp = -H \ g
cache.u_tmp = -1 .* (H \ g)

# Compute the potentially new u
cache.u_tmp = u .+ cache.step_size
if u isa Number
cache.u_tmp = u + cache.du
@. cache.u_tmp = u + cache.du
cache.fu_new = f(cache.u_tmp, p)
trust_region_step!(cache) += 1
Expand All @@ -382,18 +386,18 @@ function retrospective_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
mul!(cache.g, J', fu)
cache.stats.njacs += 1
@unpack H, g, step_size = cache
@unpack H, g, du = cache

return -(get_loss(fu_prev) - get_loss(fu)) /
(dot(step_size, g) + dot(step_size, H, step_size) / 2)
(dot(du, g) + dot(du, H, du) / 2)

function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
@unpack fu_new, step_size, g, H, loss, max_trust_r, radius_update_scheme = cache
@unpack fu_new, du, g, H, loss, max_trust_r, radius_update_scheme = cache
cache.loss_new = get_loss(fu_new)

# Compute the ratio of the actual reduction to the predicted reduction.
cache.r = -(loss - cache.loss_new) / (dot(step_size, g) + dot(step_size, H, step_size) / 2)
cache.r = -(loss - cache.loss_new) / (dot(du, g) + dot(du, H, du) / 2)
@unpack r = cache

if radius_update_scheme === RadiusUpdateSchemes.Simple
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,9 +441,9 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
if r < cache.shrink_threshold # default 1 // 10
cache.trust_r *= cache.shrink_factor # default 1 // 2
elseif r >= cache.expand_threshold # default 9 // 10
cache.trust_r = cache.expand_factor * norm(cache.step_size) # default 2
cache.trust_r = cache.expand_factor * norm(cache.du) # default 2
elseif r >= cache.p1 # default 1 // 2
cache.trust_r = max(cache.trust_r, cache.expand_factor * norm(cache.step_size))
cache.trust_r = max(cache.trust_r, cache.expand_factor * norm(cache.du))

# convergence test
Expand All @@ -458,8 +462,8 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)

if r < 1 // 4
cache.trust_r = (1 // 4) * norm(cache.step_size)
elseif (r > (3 // 4)) && abs(norm(cache.step_size) - cache.trust_r)/cache.trust_r < 1e-6
cache.trust_r = (1 // 4) * norm(cache.du)
elseif (r > (3 // 4)) && abs(norm(cache.du) - cache.trust_r)/cache.trust_r < 1e-6
cache.trust_r = min(2*cache.trust_r, cache.max_trust_r)

Expand All @@ -473,14 +477,14 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
# Hei's radius update scheme
@unpack shrink_threshold, p1, p2, p3, p4 = cache
if rfunc(r, shrink_threshold, p1, p3, p4, p2) * cache.internalnorm(step_size) <
if rfunc(r, shrink_threshold, p1, p3, p4, p2) * cache.internalnorm(du) <
cache.shrink_counter += 1
cache.shrink_counter = 0
cache.trust_r = rfunc(r, shrink_threshold, p1, p3, p4, p2) *

if iszero(cache.fu) || cache.internalnorm(cache.fu) < cache.abstol ||
cache.internalnorm(g) < cache.ϵ
Expand All @@ -492,7 +496,7 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
cache.p1 = cache.p2 * cache.p1
cache.shrink_counter += 1
elseif r >= cache.expand_threshold &&
cache.internalnorm(step_size) > cache.trust_r / 2
cache.internalnorm(du) > cache.trust_r / 2
cache.p1 = cache.p3 * cache.p1
cache.shrink_counter = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,7 +545,7 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)
cache.loss = cache.loss_new
cache.make_new_J = true
if retrospective_step!(cache) >= cache.expand_threshold
cache.trust_r = max(cache.p1 * cache.internalnorm(step_size), cache.trust_r)
cache.trust_r = max(cache.p1 * cache.internalnorm(du), cache.trust_r)

Expand All @@ -556,61 +560,62 @@ function trust_region_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache)

function dogleg!(cache::TrustRegionCache{true})
@unpack u_tmp, u_c, trust_r = cache
@unpack u_tmp, u_cauchy, trust_r = cache

# Test if the full step is within the trust region.
# Take the full Gauss-Newton step if lies within the trust region.
if norm(u_tmp) trust_r
cache.step_size .= u_tmp
cache.du .= u_tmp

# Calcualte Cauchy point, optimum along the steepest descent direction.
l_grad = norm(cache.g)
# Take intersection of steepest descent direction and trust region if Cauchy point lies outside of trust region
l_grad = norm(cache.g) # length of the gradient
d_cauchy = l_grad^3 / dot(cache.g, cache.H, cache.g) # distance of the cauchy point from the current iterate
if d_cauchy > trust_r # cauchy point lies outside of trust region
@. cache.step_size = - (trust_r/l_grad) * cache.g # step to the end of the trust region
if d_cauchy > trust_r
@. cache.du = - (trust_r/l_grad) * cache.g # step to the end of the trust region

# cauchy point lies inside the trust region
@. u_c = - (d_cauchy/l_grad) * cache.g

# Find the intersection point on the boundary.
@. u_tmp -= u_c # calf of the dogleg, use u_tmp to avoid allocation
θ = dot(u_tmp, u_c) # ~ cos(∠(calf,thigh))
l_calf = dot(u_tmp,u_tmp) # length of the calf of the dogleg
aux = max^2 + l_calf*(trust_r^2 - d_cauchy^2), 0) # technically guaranteed to be non-negative but hedging against floating point issues
τ = ( - θ + sqrt( aux ) ) / l_calf # stepsize along dogleg
@. cache.step_size = u_c + τ * u_tmp
# Take the intersection of dogled with trust region if Cauchy point lies inside the trust region
@. u_cauchy = - (d_cauchy/l_grad) * cache.g # compute Cauchy point
@. u_tmp -= u_cauchy # calf of the dogleg -- use u_tmp to avoid allocation
a = dot(u_tmp, u_tmp)
b = 2*dot(u_cauchy, u_tmp)
c = d_cauchy^2 - trust_r^2
aux = max(b^2 - 4*a*c, 0.0) # technically guaranteed to be non-negative but hedging against floating point issues
τ = (-b + sqrt(aux)) / (2*a) # stepsize along dogleg to trust region boundary

@. cache.du = u_cauchy + τ * u_tmp

function dogleg!(cache::TrustRegionCache{false})
@unpack u_tmp, u_c, trust_r = cache
@unpack u_tmp, u_cauchy, trust_r = cache

# Test if the full step is within the trust region.
if norm(u_tmp) trust_r
cache.step_size = deepcopy(u_tmp)
cache.du = deepcopy(u_tmp)

# Calcualte Cauchy point, optimum along the steepest descent direction.
l_grad = norm(cache.g)
d_cauchy = l_grad^3 / dot(cache.g, cache.H, cache.g) # distance of the cauchy point from the current iterate
if d_cauchy > trust_r # cauchy point lies outside of trust region
cache.step_size = - (trust_r/l_grad) * cache.g # step to the end of the trust region
cache.du = - (trust_r/l_grad) * cache.g # step to the end of the trust region

# cauchy point lies inside the trust region
u_c = - (d_cauchy/l_grad) * cache.g
u_cauchy = - (d_cauchy/l_grad) * cache.g

# Find the intersection point on the boundary.
u_tmp -= u_c # calf of the dogleg, use u_tmp to avoid allocation
θ = dot(u_tmp, u_c) # ~ cos(∠(calf,thigh))
u_tmp -= u_cauchy # calf of the dogleg, use u_tmp to avoid allocation
θ = dot(u_tmp, u_cauchy) # ~ cos(∠(calf,thigh))
l_calf = dot(u_tmp,u_tmp) # length of the calf of the dogleg
aux = max^2 + l_calf*(trust_r^2 - d_cauchy^2), 0) # technically guaranteed to be non-negative but hedging against floating point issues
τ = ( - θ + sqrt( aux ) ) / l_calf # stepsize along dogleg
cache.step_size = u_c + τ * u_tmp
cache.du = u_cauchy + τ * u_tmp

function take_step!(cache::TrustRegionCache{true})
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