source tsn_ip_warpper.tcl
Vivado TSN project will be built in <work_space>/zcu_TSN
in vivado project manager ,click "Settings".![vivado project manager](README_md_files/image.png?v=1&type=image
select IP tab , and add "./ip" to ip dictionary
- create a new vivado RTL project
- add all file in "./ip/src" into project.
- set tsn_endpoint_ethernet_mac_0 as top in Hierarchy
- in library window , change 6 files' library in "Design Sorces > VHDL" from "xilinx_defaultlib" to "file_location".
Such as file fifo_generator_v13_1_rfs.vhd , its location is ./ip/src/fifo_generator_v13_1_4 , change its library to "fifo_generator_v13_1_4"
after modified , Libraries should be like this
then run systhesis , after successfully systhesis , using "Tools > Create and package new ip" to package the cracked TSN IP.