GTK-sugar is a client package of GTK-server for Go.
The package aims to develop cross-platform GUI app without cgo binding.
- No cgo
- Cross-platform
- Supports GTK 1.x/2.x/3.x and so on...
- Provide both interpreted and embedded GTK API
- Runtime depend on GTK-server
Interpreted API is stable enough to run simple applications.
Embedded API is work in process, breaking change will be made.
- Install Go 1.10 or later
- Install GTK+ and GTK-server
- Windows
- Install GTK+ for Windows Runtime Environment Installer
- Download prebuilded GTK-server
- Others
tar zxvf gtk-server-2.x.x.tar.gz cd gtk-server-2.x.x/src ./configure --with-gtk2 make make install
- Windows
- Install GTK-sugar
go get -u
- Make
cd cfgs makecfg
package main
import (
sugar ""
func main() {
log.Println("start gtk-server...")
clt := sugar.NewClient(sugar.ConnStdin(), sugar.WithCfgPath("../../../cfgs/gtk-server-with-enum.cfg"), sugar.WithDebug(true))
err := clt.Start()
if err != nil {
defer clt.Stop()
gui := sugar.NewGuifyer(clt.Conn())
gui.Guify("gtk_init", nil, nil)
win := gui.Guify("gtk_window_new", 0)
gui.Guify("gtk_window_set_title", win, "Interpreted API demo")
gui.Guify("gtk_window_set_default_size", win, 400, 200)
gui.Guify("gtk_window_set_position", win, 1)
table := gui.Guify("gtk_table_new", 10, 10, true)
gui.Guify("gtk_container_add", win, table)
helloLabel := gui.Guify("gtk_label_new", "Hello world")
gui.Guify("gtk_table_attach_defaults", table, helloLabel, 2, 8, 2, 6)
showBtn := gui.Guify("gtk_button_new_with_label", "Show dialog")
gui.Guify("gtk_table_attach_defaults", table, showBtn, 1, 4, 6, 9)
exitBtn := gui.Guify("gtk_button_new_with_label", "Exit")
gui.Guify("gtk_table_attach_defaults", table, exitBtn, 6, 9, 6, 9)
gui.Guify("gtk_widget_show_all", win)
dialog := gui.Guify("gtk_message_dialog_new", win, "GTK_DIALOG_MODAL", "GTK_MESSAGE_INFO", "GTK_BUTTONS_OK", "Hello world", "''")
log.Println("start main loop...")
var event sugar.Response
for event != win && event != exitBtn {
event = gui.Guify("gtk_server_callback", "WAIT")
switch event {
case dialog:
gui.Guify("gtk_widget_hide", dialog)
case showBtn:
gui.Guify("gtk_dialog_run", dialog)
log.Println("exit gtk-server...")
package main
import (
sugar ""
func main() {
clt := sugar.NewClient(sugar.ConnStdin(),
err := clt.Start()
if err != nil {
defer clt.Stop()
gtk := gtks.NewGtk(sugar.NewCandy(clt.Conn()))
win := gtk.NewWindow(gtks.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
win.SetTitle("Embedded GTK API demo")
win.SetDefaultSize(400, 200)
table := gtk.NewTable(10, 10, true)
helloLabel := gtk.NewLabel("Hello world")
table.AttachDefaults(helloLabel, 2, 8, 2, 6)
dialog := gtk.NewMessageDialog(win, gtks.DIALOG_MODAL, gtks.MESSAGE_INFO, gtks.BUTTONS_OK, "Hello %s", "world")
showBtn := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Show dialog")
showBtn.ConnectDefault(func() {
go func() {
// the goroutine is not run in the main loop.
// so it's not safe to do any UI operation.
// need to invoke to main loop.
gtk.Invoke(func() { dialog.Run() })
table.AttachDefaults(showBtn, 1, 4, 6, 9)
exitBtn := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Exit")
table.AttachDefaults(exitBtn, 6, 9, 6, 9)
- Client - launch and communication to GTK-server
- stdin(2-way pipes)
- fifo(named pipe)
- ipc(message queue)
- tcp/udp
- socket
- Guifyer - interpreted API
- Sugar - Guifyer with GTK-server internal functions
- Candy - Sugar with signal handling and main loop control
- Client - launch and communication to GTK-server
- Xforms
- Motif
- tool to generate
from code - more comments
- more examples
- unit tests
- tool to generate
I’ve been looking for the librarys for native GUI app in Go. There are already many librarys, like gotk3, go-gtk, that binding GTK with Go. However, all of them link to libgtk via cgo which is heavy dependency in compile-time. In my usecase, it's hard to build all targets platform because of cgo.
So, I start to look for pure Go librarys for GUI programing. shiny is one of librarys do not need cgo, but it already not maintained and not support X-Server with remote display.
And then duit emerged, which is pure Go, cross-platform, but runtime depend on devdraw, a standslone tool talking to X window via stdin/stdout. It is nice, but in early development and not friendly to windows. Nevertheless, duit show a way to separate compile-time dependency and move it to runtime.
Finally, I found GTK-server, a standalone tool talking to libgtk via stdin/stdout. This is the beginning of everything.
Take from pronouncing sound like gtk-server
and meaning of syntactic sugar.
PRs welcome.