Ban-Peers (English/中文)
Ban-Peers wrote in Python, it is checking & banning BitTorrent leech peers via Web API, remove ads, working for μTorrent. The main banned are XunLei, Baidu, QQDownload, Offline download servers, other infamous leech clients, and BT players, fake clients, who reported fake progress, the fact in serious leech.
Execute checking per 10 seconds, the banned time can be specified by the start-up parameters, default is 12 hours. In some cases, temporary banned for 1 hour, if the torrent's AVAILABILITY greater than 20, or its DOWNLOAD SPEED overrun peer's UPLOAD SPEED by 1 MiB/s, or it's seeding. Also can temporary banned peers which refused upload 10 minutes in downloading torrents if AVAILABILITY greater than 10. At the same time, this script will not broke the existing IP ranges (non-single IP) in ipfilter, they will be stored as-is.
A gift to the users of μTorrent 3 classic desktop free version, it wrote in Chinese, you can read via a translator. e.g.
Resist leech strongly, this is our own rights. If you feels Ban-Peers a good work, please recommend it to your friends, Thanks.
- Does not work in old versions of μTorrent which did not provided API
. - Please use this script in local network, μTorrent Web API does not support HTTPS connections, it is not safe.
- If you can not accept read/write the ipfilter.dat file frequently, it can be soft/symbolic link to a RAM disk.
- I took preventive measures, if you stiil found a normal peer has been banned, please tell us via issues board.
- Report fake progress, most of the results are due to poor connection leads, in smooth connection case, I have seek to ensure there is no false positives. Even the peers due to network factor have be banned, there is no bad influence for both normal use the bittorrent network, unless that peer is the only seed.
- Refused upload, peer never transport even 1 byte valid data due to all causes, e.g. deliberately leech, network poor, bugs or unreasonable settings of μTorrent itself etc. So, if the situation has not changed at a period of time after refused flag has been checked, temporary banned to release its occupied connections, that helps connect to other peers which may upload smoothly.
pip3 install ban-peers
Or download and Install from source code, this will install as egg archive
python install
Or download and package into .pyz (Zip App), support three arguments of zipapp module (output/python/compress)
python bdist_pyz -compress
python bdist_pyz -compress -output ban_peers -python python38
- Python >= 3.7
- Zip safe
- Support call with
python -m
- Support I18N,welcome helps localization
First, Web UI must be enabled in μTorrent settings; then running Ban-Peers for specified ipfilter.dat file.
Setting file ipfilter.dat, it is generally located in the path corresponding to the following cases.
~/Library/Application Support/uTorrent
Unix utserver:
use utserver argument "-settingspath" to specify settings folder path.
Win XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\uTorrent
Win 7 & above:
Portable mode:
μTorrent installation folder path. To enable this mode, first put file
settings.dat into it.
<PortableApps folder>\App\uTorrent
I don't know any informations about it, welcome to help add those informations,
even Android is unavailable.
Network File:
run μTorrent at other machine, setup the settings folder as a network file path.
NFS mount –t nfs /mnt/utserver
SMB/CIFS //machine1/share/uTorrent
$ ban_peers -h
Welcome using Ban-Peers 1.0.0
usage: ban_peers [-H IP|DOMAIN] [-p PORT] [-a USERNAME:PASSWORD] [-e HOURS]
[-t MINUTES] [-f FORMAT] [-C] [-X] [-P] [-L] [-N] [-R] [-U]
[-A] [-O] [-s [CONFIG-FILE] | -l [CONFIG-FILE]] [-h] [-v]
Checking & banning BitTorrent leech peers via Web API, remove ads, working for
Positional Arguments:
IPFILTER-PATH Path of ipfilter dir/file, will try load from config file
or wait input if empty. IMPORTANT NOTICE: must be the
uTorrent settings path!
Optional Arguments:
WebUI host, default
-p PORT, --port PORT
WebUI port, default 8080
WebUI authorization, wait input if required
-e HOURS, --expire HOURS
Ban expire time for peers, default 12 hours
-t MINUTES, --time-allowed-refuse MINUTES
How much time to keep connecting before temporary banned
refused upload peers, at least 5 minutes, default 10
-f FORMAT, --log-header FORMAT
Format of log header, see time.strftime, default %H:%M:%S
-C, --resolve-country
Set uTorrent to resolved peer's country code at start-up
-X, --no-xunlei-reprieve
Banned XunLei directly, no more checking
-P, --no-fake-progress-check
Don't checking fake progress
-L, --no-serious-leech-check
Don't checking serious leech, except anonymous peers
-N, --no-refused-upload-check
Don't checking refused upload, this checking is useful to
connect potential active peers
-R, --private-check
Enable checking for private torrents
-U, --log-unknown
Logging unknown clients
-A, --remove-ads
Remove ads via set Advanced Settings, only working for
localhost, and to fail in older uTorrent
-O, --no-close-pairing
Don't turn off Web Pairing setting after
-s [CONFIG-FILE], --save-config [CONFIG-FILE]
Save current arguments to a config file except "--remove-
ads", "--help" and "--version". Save to default location
"<YOUR CONFIG DIR>/BanPeers/ban_peers.conf" if empty input
-l [CONFIG-FILE], --load-config [CONFIG-FILE]
Load arguments from a config file, will not overlaid the
inputted arguments. Load from current directory (use
conf/ini/cfg as extension name) or default location if
empty input
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --version Show version and exit
$ ban-peers
Welcome using Ban-Peers 1.0.0
No ipfilter has be inputted, try load from config file
Load ipfilter from config file fail, found nothing
Please input uTorrent settings folder path or ipfilter file path:
Please input WebUI username: username
Please input WebUI password: password **_No cover_**
19:44:33 Set uTorrent setting 'webui.allow_pairing' to True
19:44:35 Set uTorrent setting 'gui.show_plus_upsell_nodes' to False **_Remove upsell tip in the sidebar_**
19:44:35 Set uTorrent setting 'webui.allow_pairing' to False **_disallow pairing_**
19:44:35 Set uTorrent setting 'bt.use_rangeblock' to False **_Won't restore after quit_**
19:44:35 Set uTorrent setting 'ipfilter.enable' to True
19:44:35 Auto-banning script start running
Choose your operation: (Q)uit, (S)top, (R)estart, (P)ause/Proceed
19:44:36 Auto-banning script quit running
$ ban_peers -p 12345 -a username:password /var/lib/utserver --save-config
Welcome using Ban-Peers 1.0.0
Start saving config file "<YOUR CONFIG DIR>/BanPeers/ban_peers.conf"
Save argument "ipfilter = /var/lib/utserver"
Save argument "port = 12345"
Save argument "authorization = username:password"
$ ban-peers -p 54321
Welcome using Ban-Peers 1.0.0
No ipfilter has be inputted, try load from config file
Start loading config file "<YOUR CONFIG DIR>/BanPeers/ban_peers.conf"
Load argument "ipfilter = /var/lib/utserver"
**_Doesn't load inputted argument port_**
Load argument "authorization = username:password"
- Quit: stop checking and exit the Python.
- Stop: stop checking if run script via import as package, or same as Quit.
- Restart: reload ipfilter.dat, it is useful when manually modify ipfilter.dat.
- Pause: pause checking, it is useful when manually modify ipfilter.dat.
- Proceed: just proceed checking.
Visit the issues board and post them, maybe someone can help you.
- Integers in data form which have be received from Web API will be converted to 32-bit signed number,it caused numeric overflow. Integer numeric from 2G to 4G will overflow as -2G to 0, then loop overflow to 0 per 4G. Ban-Peers has taken some measures to relieve this issue, all download tasks which added and started after Ban-Peers running will not be caused false positives.
- The μTorrent of classic desktop versions seems identify its mobile versions as fack clients, Ban-Peers will take a unanimous and no special measures for. If problems, please feedback directly to the official forum.
bt.use_rangeblock, using this tool, build-in range block (by hash error) should be disabled.
when start-upipfilter.enable, enable/flush ipfilter.
when start-up, adding bannedwebui.allow_pairing, modify more settings have to got pairing, μTorrent will show a pop-up of pairing request, please confirm carefully.
before modify ads settings
after modify ads settings, can also use parameters-O
to do not disable itgui.show_plus_upsell_nodes, μTorrent sidebar upgrade tips will be reset at start-up.
when start-up, μTorrent re-startedpeer.resolve_country, resolve_peerips, resolve country code of peer IPs.
when start-up,need to use parameters-C
, not every timeOther ads settings, modify some settings have to got pairing.
For specific values see the part ofANTI_ADS_SETTINGS
in source code, when start-up, modify all settings at once after got pairing, need to use parameters-A
, not every time -
ulrate, for older/weaker Torrents (in terms of E.T.A, less than 10 GiB/day), limit its upload rate helps complete download, and increase read cache hits in passing.
download size less than 1 GiB, limit to 1 MiB/s
download size less than 10 GiB, limit to 512 KiB/s
μTorrent -