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🧮 analysis / stats
:abacus: analysis / stats
🎨 Data Viz / Reporting
:art: Data Viz / Reporting
Create a beautiful story
📖 documentation
:book: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
🏛️ Organize
:classical_building: Organize
file, folder, directory, architecture
👯 duplicate
:dancers: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✋ help wanted
:hand: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🪄 enhancement
:magic_wand: enhancement
New functionality or feature request
🧼 data cleaning
:soap: data cleaning
wrangle, organize, and clean data
💭 question
:thought_balloon: question
Further information is requested
🚥 on hold
:traffic_light: on hold
Something is holding this up