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Merge pull request #177 from SebKrantz/development
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SebKrantz authored Jul 24, 2021
2 parents 498817f + a8dce98 commit fce2b7b
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Showing 25 changed files with 136 additions and 127 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: collapse
Title: Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
Version: 1.6.4
Date: 2021-07-09
Version: 1.6.5
Date: 2021-07-24
Authors@R: c(
person("Sebastian", "Krantz", role = c("aut", "cre"),
email = "[email protected]"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.1)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: plm, data.table, sf, matrixStats, magrittr, fixest, lfe, vars, weights, kit,
RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, dplyr, ggplot2, scales, microbenchmark, testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown
Suggests: data.table, sf, matrixStats, magrittr, kit, plm, fixest, vars, weights, RcppArmadillo,
RcppEigen, dplyr, ggplot2, scales, microbenchmark, testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown
SystemRequirements: C++11
VignetteBuilder: knitr

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# collapse 1.6.5
* Use of `VECTOR_PTR` in C API now gives an error on R-devel even if `USE_RINTERNALS` is defined. Thus this patch gets rid of all remaining usage of this macro to avoid errors on CRAN checks using the development version of R.

* The print method for `qsu` now uses an apostrophe (') to designate million digits, instead of a comma (,). This is to avoid confusion with the decimal point, and the typical use of (,) for thousands (which I don't like).

# collapse 1.6.4
Checks on the gcc11 compiler flagged an additional issue with a pointer pointing to element -1 of a C array (which I had done on purpose to index it with an R integer vector).

Please note that nothing added in 1.6.1-1.6.4 affects in any way the operation of the package (except for the functions added in 1.6.1). This is just pleasing CRAN's strict conventions on how C code should be written.

# collapse 1.6.3
CRAN checks flagged a valgrind issue because of comparing an uninitialized value to something.

Expand Down
28 changes: 12 additions & 16 deletions R/GRP.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ GRP.default <- function(X, by = NULL, sort = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, na.last =

if(return.groups) {
ust <- if(sorted) st else o[st]
groups <- if(is.list(X)) .Call(C_subsetDT, X, ust, by) else
`names<-`(list(.Call(C_subsetVector, X, ust)), namby) # subsetVector preserves attributes (such as "label")
groups <- if(is.list(X)) .Call(C_subsetDT, X, ust, by, FALSE) else
`names<-`(list(.Call(C_subsetVector, X, ust, FALSE)), namby) # subsetVector preserves attributes (such as "label")
} else groups <- NULL

return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = length(st),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,10 +421,9 @@ GRP.grouped_df <- function(X, ..., return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) {
is_qG <- function(x) inherits(x, "qG")
is.qG <- is_qG

# TODO: fix na_rm speed for character data...
na_rm2 <- function(x, sort) {
if(sort) return(if([length(x)])) x[-length(x)] else x)
if(anyNA(x)) x[!] else x # use na_rm here when speed fixed.. (get rid of anyNA then ...)
na_rm(x) # if(anyNA(x)) x[!] else x # use na_rm here when speed fixed..

# What about NA last option to radixsort ? -> Nah, vector o becomes too short...
Expand All @@ -437,20 +436,18 @@ radixfact <- function(x, sort, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp = FALSE) {
if(fact) {
if(keep) duplattributes(f, x) else attributes(f) <- NULL
if(naincl) {
attr(f, "levels") <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) unattrib(tochar(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, st))) else
unattrib(tochar(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, o[st]))) # use C_subsetvector ?
attr(f, "levels") <- unattrib(tochar(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) st else o[st], FALSE)))
} else {
attr(f, "levels") <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) unattrib(tochar(na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, st), sort))) else
unattrib(tochar(na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, o[st]), sort)))
attr(f, "levels") <- unattrib(tochar(na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) st else o[st], FALSE), sort)))
oldClass(f) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "factor", if(naincl) "na.included")
} else {
if(naincl) attr(f, "N.groups") <- length(st) # the order is important, this before retgrp !!
if(retgrp) {
if(naincl) {
attr(f, "groups") <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) .Call(C_subsetVector, x, st) else .Call(C_subsetVector, x, o[st])
attr(f, "groups") <- .Call(C_subsetVector, x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) st else o[st], FALSE)
} else {
attr(f, "groups") <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, st), sort) else na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, o[st]), sort)
attr(f, "groups") <- na_rm2(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) st else o[st], FALSE), sort)
oldClass(f) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "qG", if(naincl) "na.included")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,8 +540,7 @@ qG <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = TRUE, return.groups
radixuniquevec <- function(x, sort, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE) {
o <- .Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, TRUE, FALSE, sort, pairlist(x))
if(attr(o, "maxgrpn") == 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted"))) return(x)
if(attr(o, "sorted")) .Call(C_subsetVector, x, attr(o, "starts")) else
.Call(C_subsetVector, x, o[attr(o, "starts")])
.Call(C_subsetVector, x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else o[attr(o, "starts")], FALSE)

funique <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("funique")
Expand All @@ -569,8 +565,8 @@ <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, ...) {
return(if(inherits(x, "data.table")) alc(x) else x)
st <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else o[attr(o, "starts")]
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x))))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x))), "row.names", rn[st]))
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE), "row.names", rn[st]))

funique.list <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, ...), cols, sort, ...)
Expand All @@ -582,8 +578,8 @@ funique.sf <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, ...) {
if(attr(o, "maxgrpn") == 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted"))) return(x)
st <- if(attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else o[attr(o, "starts")]
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x))))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x))), "row.names", rn[st]))
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE), "row.names", rn[st]))

fdroplevels <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fdroplevels")
Expand Down
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions R/fHDbetween_fHDwithin.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,22 +166,22 @@ getfl <- function(mf) {
subsetfl <- function(fl, cc) {
slopes <- attr(fl, "slope.vars") # fl could be a data.frame, slope vars not (getfl() unclasses)
if(is.null(names(fl))) names(fl) <- seq_along(unclass(fl))
if(is.null(slopes)) return(.Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(unclass(fl))))
if(is.null(slopes)) return(.Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(unclass(fl)), FALSE))
attr(fl, "slope.vars") <- NULL
if(is.null(names(slopes))) names(slopes) <- seq_along(slopes)
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(fl))
attr(res, "slope.vars") <- .Call(C_subsetDT, slopes, cc, seq_along(slopes)) # fdroplevels ??
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(fl), FALSE)
attr(res, "slope.vars") <- .Call(C_subsetDT, slopes, cc, seq_along(slopes), FALSE) # fdroplevels ??

# Old version:
# subsetfl <- function(fl, cc) {
# lapply(fl, function(f) { # use CsubsetDT or CsubsetVector ?? also check NA in regressors ??
# x <- attr(f, "x")
# if(is.null(x)) return(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc)) else
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc), "x",
# if(is.null(x)) return(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc, FALSE)) else
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc, FALSE), "x",
# if(is.matrix(x)) x[cc, , drop = FALSE] else
# .Call(C_subsetVector, x, cc)))
# .Call(C_subsetVector, x, cc, FALSE)))
# })
# }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ fhdwithin.pseries <- function(x, effect = seq_col(attr(x, "index")), w = NULL, n
effect <- cols2int(effect, ix, namix)
g <- .subset(ix, effect)
if(na.rm && length(cc <- which(! != length(x)) {
g <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g)) # lapply(g, `[`, cc) -> slower !
g <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g), FALSE) # lapply(g, `[`, cc) -> slower !
if(fill) {
x[cc] <- demean(.subset(`names<-`(x, NULL), cc), g, w[cc], ...) # keeps attributes ?? -> Yes !!
Expand All @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ fhdwithin.pseries <- function(x, effect = seq_col(attr(x, "index")), w = NULL, n
nix <- length(unclass(ix))
if(nix != length(g)) {
toss <- seq_len(nix)[-effect]
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss), g)[namix], ix)
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss, FALSE), g)[namix], ix)
} else reix <- copyMostAttributes(g, ix)
attr(reix, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(cc))
return(setAttributes(demean(xcc, g, w[cc], ...),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ fhdwithin.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = seq_col(attr(x, "index")), w = NUL
return(setAttributes(varwisecomp(x, g, w, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && any(miss <- .Call(C_dt_na, x, seq_along(unclass(x))))) {
cc <- which(!miss)
gcc <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g))
Y <- demean(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x))), gcc, w[cc], ...)
gcc <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g), FALSE)
Y <- demean(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE), gcc, w[cc], ...)
if(fill) {
ax <- attributes(x)
ax[["na.rm"]] <- which(miss)
Expand All @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ fhdwithin.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = seq_col(attr(x, "index")), w = NUL
nix <- length(unclass(ix))
if(nix != length(g)) {
toss <- seq_len(nix)[-effect]
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss), gcc)[namix], ix)
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss, FALSE), gcc)[namix], ix)
} else reix <- copyMostAttributes(gcc, ix)
attr(reix, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(cc))
attr(Y, "index") <- reix
Expand All @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, fill = FALSE, va
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) {
if(fill) nrx <- fnrow2(x) else ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] # best ??
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)))
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = TRUE, fil

xmat <- NULL
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
fcl <- !is.null(fl)
nallfc <- fcl && !is.null(xmat)
if(nallfc) xmat <- demean(xmat, fl, w, ...)
Expand All @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = TRUE, fil
}), ax))
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from fl !!
Y <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars) else .subset(x, Xvars)
Y <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, Xvars)
Y <- if(nallfc || !fcl) flmres(if(nallfc) demean(Y, fl, w, ...) else Y, xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else demean(Y, fl, w, ...)
if(na.rm && fill) # x[cc, ] <- Y; x[-cc, ] <- NA
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, nrx, cc, NA_real_), ax))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, fill = FALSE, v
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) {
if(fill) nrx <- fnrow2(x) else ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] # best ??
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)))
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = TRUE, fil

xmat <- NULL
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
fcl <- !is.null(fl)
nallfc <- fcl && !is.null(xmat)
if(nallfc) xmat <- demean(xmat, fl, w, ...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = TRUE, fil
}), ax))
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from fl !!
x <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars) else .subset(x, Xvars)
x <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, Xvars)
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
Y <- if(nallfc) x - flmres(demean(x, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else flmres(x, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
} else Y <- demean(x, fl, w, ..., means = TRUE)
Expand Down
22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions R/fsubset_ftransform.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ sbt <- fsubset
fsubset.default <- function(x, subset, ...) {
if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(fsubset.matrix(x, subset, ...))
if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
if(is.logical(subset)) return(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, which(subset)))
.Call(C_subsetVector, x, subset)
if(is.logical(subset)) return(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, which(subset), FALSE))
.Call(C_subsetVector, x, subset, TRUE)

fsubset.matrix <- function(x, subset, ..., drop = FALSE) {
Expand All @@ -35,17 +35,19 @@ ss <- function(x, i, j) {
j <- if(any(j < 0)) seq_along(unclass(x))[j] else as.integer(j)
} else stop("j needs to be supplied integer indices, character column names, or a suitable logical vector")
checkrows <- TRUE
if(!is.integer(i)) {
if(is.numeric(i)) i <- as.integer(i) else if(is.logical(i)) {
nr <- fnrow2(x)
if(length(i) != nr) stop("i needs to be integer or logical(nrow(x))") # which(r & ! not needed !
i <- which(i)
if(length(i) == nr) if(mj) return(x) else return(.Call(C_subsetCols, x, j, TRUE))
checkrows <- FALSE
} else stop("i needs to be integer or logical(nrow(x))")
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j), "row.names", rn[i]))
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j, checkrows))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j, checkrows), "row.names", rn[i]))
} <- function(x, subset, ...) {
Expand All @@ -67,16 +69,18 @@ <- function(x, subset, ...) {
attr(x, "names")[vars[nonmiss]] <- nam_vars[nonmiss]
checkrows <- TRUE
if(is.logical(r)) {
nr <- fnrow2(x)
if(length(r) != nr) stop("subset needs to be an expression evaluating to logical(nrow(x)) or integer") # which(r & ! not needed !
r <- which(r)
if(length(r) == nr) if(missing(...)) return(x) else return(.Call(C_subsetCols, x, vars, TRUE))
checkrows <- FALSE
} else if(is.numeric(r)) r <- as.integer(r) else
stop("subset needs to be an expression evaluating to logical(nrow(x)) or integer")
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars), "row.names", rn[r]))
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars, checkrows))
return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars, checkrows), "row.names", rn[r]))

# Example:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,7 +247,7 @@ fcomputev <- function(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE, keep = NULL) {
# ax[["dimnames"]][[1L]] <- ax[["dimnames"]][[1L]][subset]
# ax[["dim"]] <- c(length(subset), d[2L])
# ic <- seq_len(d[2L]) * d[1L] - d[1L]
# setAttributes(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, outer(subset, ic, FUN = "+")), ax)
# setAttributes(.Call(C_subsetVector, x, outer(subset, ic, FUN = "+"), TRUE), ax)
# }

# Older version: But classes for [ can also be very useful for certain objects !!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,8 +283,8 @@ fcomputev <- function(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE, keep = NULL) {
# if(is.logical(r)) r <- which(r) # which(r & ! not needed !!
# } # improve qDF !!!
# rn <- attr(x, "row.names") # || is.integer(rn) # maybe many have character converted integers ??
# if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars))
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars), "row.names", rn[r])) # fast ?? scalable ??
# if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars, TRUE))
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, r, vars, TRUE), "row.names", rn[r])) # fast ?? scalable ??
# }

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/pwcor_pwcov_pwNobs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ print.pwcor <- function(x, digits = 2L, sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.

print.pwcov <- function(x, digits = 2L, sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, ...) {
formfun <- function(x, adj = FALSE) {
xx <- format(round(x, digits), digits = 9, big.mark = ",", big.interval = 6)
xx <- format(round(x, digits), digits = 9, big.mark = "'", big.interval = 6)
# xx <- sub("(-?)0\\.", "\\1.", xx) # Not needed here...
if(adj) {
xna <-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,4 +261,4 @@ print.pwcov <- function(x, digits = 2L, sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.

# print.pwcov <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) print.default(formatC(round(x, digits), format = "g",
# digits = 9, big.mark = ",", big.interval = 6), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, ...)
# digits = 9, big.mark = "'", big.interval = 6), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, ...)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/qsu.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ print.qsu <- function(x, digits = 4, nonsci.digits = 9, na.print = "-", return =
formatfun <- function(x) { # , drop0trailing = FALSE redundat ??
class(x) <- NULL
xx <- formatC(vec2mat(round(x, digits)), format = "g", flag = "#",
digits = nonsci.digits, big.mark = ",", big.interval = 6,
digits = nonsci.digits, big.mark = "'", big.interval = 6, # "\u2009":
drop0trailing = TRUE, preserve.width = "individual") # format(unclass(round(x,2)), digits = digits, drop0trailing = TRUE, big.mark = ",", big.interval = 6, scientific = FALSE)
if(any(ina <- xx[ina] <- na.print
xx <- gsub(" ", "", xx, fixed = TRUE) # remove some weird white space (qsu(GGDS10S))
Expand Down

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