This environment is a modification of the CliffWalking Toy Text environments from Gymnasium. General Information:
Action Space | Discrete(4) |
Observation Space | Discrete(1728) |
import | see below |
Monster cliff walking involves crossing a gridworld from start to goal while avoiding falling off a cliff and meeting a Monster.
The game starts with the player at location [3, 0] of the 4x12 grid world with the goal located at [3, 11]. If the player reaches the goal the episode ends. The Monster may starts on any square on the upper 3x12 cells.
A cliff runs along [3, 1..10]. If the player moves to a cliff location it returns to the start location.
There is a monster randomly roaming around. With each time step the monster either moves in one of 4 directions or stands still. If the player encounters the Monster the episodes terminates with a huge penalty.
Adapted from Example 6.6 (page 132) from Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto [1].
Code modified from:
The action shape is (1,)
in the range {0, 3}
which direction to move the player.
- 0: Move up
- 1: Move right
- 2: Move down
- 3: Move left
There are 4x12 x 3x12 possible states. All possible player states multiplied by all possible monster states.
The observation is an integer value representing the current combination of player and monster position as current_row * nrows + current_col for both entities and than using the Szudzik pairing function and a simple dictionary mapping to make the state indices dense.
The observation is returned as an int()
The episode starts with the player in location [3, 0] and the monster anywhere in its 3x12 grid.
Each time step incurs -1 reward, unless the player stepped into the cliff, which incurs -100 reward. Encountering the monster incurs -1000 reward.
The episode terminates when the player enters location [3, 11] or encounters the monster.
and reset()
return a dict with the following keys:
- "prob" - transition probability for the state.
Monster cliff walking is stochastic, as the movement of the monster is random.
import gymnasium as gym
[1] R. Sutton and A. Barto, “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction” 2020. [Online]. Available:
- v0: Initial version release