- help - Shows help menu
- restart - Restarts bot
- stats - Shows bot info
- request (song) - Sends a request to the staff to add the given song to the playlist
- approve (song id) (playlist) - Approves a request by id. Places song into playlist.
- create (playlist) - Creates the playlist with the given name
- playlists - Shows all the playlists
- add (playlist) (song) - Adds the given song, to the given playlist
- remove (playlist) - Removes the given playlist
- remove (playlist) (song index) - Removes the given song from the given playlist
- skip - Skips the current song (if perms allow), or starts a skip vote. If song is skipped enough, its automatically remove
- play (playlist) - Starts playing the given playlist
- pause - Pauses the current song
- resume - Resumes the current song
- queue - Shows whats up in the queue
- playing - Shows the currently playing song
- clear (playlist) - Removes all songs from the given playlist
- shuffle - Shuffles the current queue
- DJ (user) - Toggles the DJ role for the given user
- volume (amount) - Changes the volume of the bot (0-100)
- mute - Mutes the bot
- unmute - Unmutes the bot
- summon - Moves the bot to your current channel