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Installation Instructions

scotthasse edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 28 revisions

This document describes the installation procedure for the gantry router at Sector67.

Special considerations and decisions for this project

Some considerations when building this machine as of 8/31/2019:

  • We are using Mesa hardware (7i93) that requires the hm2_eth driver, which only works in uspace. This means the stock RTAI kernel supplied with the current live CD will not work without modification. As a result, it makes sense to make use of a newer image. Images are available at ( ). These will eventually get officially released, but are usable for now. We are using the latest linuxcnc-stretch-uspace-amd64.iso, currently -r13. Starting from the RTPreempt kernel simplifies the install significantly. An additional benefit of this approach is that instead of the ancient wheezy distribution we move forward to the newer debian stretch distribution.

  • Configuring the XXYZ servo gantry configuration (tandem X motors) is much simpler in LinuxCNC 2.8.x. As a result we will be using 2.8.x to get the machine working. 2.8.x is not officially released yet either, but will be hopefully soon. PathPilot is also not yet based on 2.8.x, so we will not be able to move the configuration over to PathPilot for a while.

  • The pncconf wizard in LinuxCNC 2.8.x does not yet support the 7i93 Mesa card nor servo-based tandem axes. So we will need to make manual modifications to the pncconf-generated files to get a working configuration. UPDATE: Thanks to cmorely, as of 9/7/2019 the latest 2.8 branch does support the 7i93!


Basic LinuxCNC install

To get started we need to build an install USB stick from the .iso file and work through the installation process. That process is documented elsewhere and depends on what OS you are using to generate the install, so I am not documenting that here. During installation it is helpful to be connected to the Internet, although eventually we may have this machine isolated.

Auto login

To have the machine auto-login, edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file and configure the following:


in the [Seat:*] section of the configuration. Take extra care that you are not editing a comment section, as those same settings show up there as well.

Upgrade to 2.8.x

After installation, you will have LinuxCNC 2.7.x installed. To upgrade, you can add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linuxcnc.list file:

deb stretch 2.8-rtpreempt
deb-src stretch 2.8-rtpreempt

You should also comment out the existing 2.7 and base entries in that file. Then run the following to upgrade:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-uspace

Generating a config via pncconf

The following options are specified when generating the machine configuration via pncconf:


Name Value
Create a desktop shortcut to start LinuxCNC with this configuration checked

Base Information page

Name Value Notes
Actual Servo Period 500000 ns Setting this faster than the default is helpful for the H-bridge tuning. We were getting real time notifications at 250000 ns
Require homing before MDI / Running checked This is fairly important for the gantry configuration

Screen page

Name Value Notes
Display Geometry xyz This is different than the trajectory.
Max linear velocity 600 in/min Current tuning value

VCP page

Mesa Card 0 page

Name Value Notes
PWM base frequency 50000 Hz Per documentation on (

Configuration Page tab

Name Value Invert
Board name 7i93-Internal Data
Firmware SVST4_4d
Card address
Num of encoders 4
Num of pwm generators 4
Num of step generators 0

Then click "Accept component Changes"

I/O Connector 1 tab

Name Value Invert
Input 024 X Home Invert
Input 025 X2 Tandem Home Invert
Input 026 Y Home Invert
Input 027 Z Home Invert
Input 028 ESTOP In Invert
Output 040 Spindle Z Brake
Output 041 TODO: flood coolant?
Output 042 TODO: vacuum table custom signal?
Output 043 TODO: Spindle enable/CW?

We could set the switches as home+limit, but since we will be using software limits for the other extent of each axis, and homing is required before running this gantry, we are configuring the switches as homing only. The custom "Spindle Z Brake" signal is created by simply typing that name into the signal name box next to the 040 output.

We are using the flood coolant signal to represent the table vacuum cleaner.

I/O Connector 2 tab

Name Value Invert
Encoder 0 X Encoder
Encoder 1 X2 Tandem Encoder
Encoder 2 Y Encoder
Encoder 3 Z Encoder
PWM 0 X Axis PWM
PWM 1 X2 Tandem PWM
PWM 2 Y Axis PWM
PWM 3 Z Axis PWM

X Motor

Name Value
encoder Scale 7947.66
Maximum Velocity ?
Maximum Acceleration ?
Rapid Speed Following Error 0.500
Feed Speed Following Error 0.0500

X Axis

Name Value Note
Positive Travel Distance ?
Negative Travel Distance ?
Home Position Location ?
Home Switch Location ?
Home Search Velocity ?
Home Search Direction Towards Positive Limit
Home latch Velocity ?
Home Final Velocity ?
Use Encoder Index For Home Yes
Home Search Sequence 2 pncconf automatically adds the negative for tandem axes

Y Motor

Name Value
encoder Scale 6624.32
Maximum Velocity ?
Maximum Acceleration ?
Rapid Speed Following Error 0.500
Feed Speed Following Error 0.0500

Y Axis

Name Value
Positive Travel Distance ?
Negative Travel Distance ?
Home Position Location ?
Home Switch Location ?
Home Search Velocity ?
Home Search Direction Towards Positive Limit
Home latch Velocity ?
Home Final Velocity ?
Use Encoder Index For Home Yes
Home Search Sequence 1

Z Motor

Name Value
encoder Scale 17339.818
Maximum Velocity ?
Maximum Acceleration ?
Rapid Speed Following Error 0.500
Feed Speed Following Error 0.0500

Z Axis

Name Value
Positive Travel Distance ?
Negative Travel Distance ?
Home Position Location ?
Home Switch Location ?
Home Search Velocity ?
Home Search Direction Towards Negative Limit
Home latch Velocity ?
Home Final Velocity ?
Use Encoder Index For Home Yes
Home Search Sequence 0

Spindle Motor

Fixing the generated pncconf

There are a couple of defects in the generated configuration that we are fixing via shell script. These scripts should be run after each pncconf configuration change to ensure proper functionality:


The scripts can be seen in our repo in the scripts directory.

The spindle Z brake

This machine has a pneumatic brake on the Z axis to prevent the head from falling when not under power. Ideally this brake would disengage a short time after the machine is enabled, and engage a short while before the machine is disabled. This is different than the "spindle brake" that is handled by the motion component, as that is intended to stop the spindle spinning versus stopping the spindle dropping. Although reusing the spindle brake might work, it could have odd edge cases (moving the Z axis when the spindle is not supposed to be running, etc.). As a result, we'll have to handle this with a bit of customization. We can make use of the LinuxCNC timedelay component to achieve at least the first part of that:


To achieve that in harmony with our pnc-based configuration, we create a custom signal name for the spindle-brake in the pncconf GPIO configuration, and then put content in a custom.hal file to connect the machine enable signal to the timer input. To see the solution you can view our config/custom.hal file.

Spindle delay

We currently do not have RPM feedback for the spindle, so we want to introduce a fixed delay after starting the spindle and before cutting. In LinuxCNC 2.8 the signal is perfect for this, and you can view our config/custom.hal file to see how we introduced a 3 second delay after spindle startup. Rapids will still happen after spindle startup, but not cuts.

Squaring the gantry

If there are issues with the gantry squareness after homing, those can be addressed by changing the HOME_OFFSET of one of the X joints in the .ini file. This could also be fixed by adjusting the location of the home switch, but solving it in software is fairly simple. You can see the values in the config file for how we have fixed a 0.06 inch difference. Also you can see in the 'scripts/` script how we automated that for the X1 axis, since pncconf does not allow distinct HOME_OFFSET settings per joint.