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Add Seldon Core 1.16.0 Helm charts (#34)
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adriangonz authored Apr 21, 2023
1 parent 060dc42 commit 8479017
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,925 additions and 701 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions helm-charts/seldon-core-operator/Chart.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
apiVersion: v1
appVersion: 1.15.1
description: Seldon Core v1 CRD and controller Helm chart for Kubernetes.
appVersion: 1.16.0
description: Seldon Core CRD and controller helm chart for Kubernetes.
- kubernetes
- machine-learning
Expand All @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ sources:
version: 1.15.1
version: 1.16.0
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions helm-charts/seldon-core-operator/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# seldon-core-operator

![Version: 1.15.1](
![Version: 1.16.0](

Seldon Core v1 CRD and controller Helm chart for Kubernetes.
Seldon Core CRD and controller helm chart for Kubernetes.

## Usage

Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ helm repo add seldonio
helm repo update

Onca that's done, you should then be able to deploy the chart as:
Once that's done, you should then be able to deploy the chart as:

kubectl create namespace seldon-system
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ helm install seldon-core-operator seldonio/seldon-core-operator --namespace seld
| executor.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| executor.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| executor.image.repository | string | `"seldonio/seldon-core-executor"` | |
| executor.image.tag | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| executor.image.tag | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| executor.metricsPortName | string | `"metrics"` | |
| executor.port | int | `8000` | |
| executor.prometheus.path | string | `"/prometheus"` | |
Expand All @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ helm install seldon-core-operator seldonio/seldon-core-operator --namespace seld
| executor.resources.memoryRequest | string | `"512Mi"` | |
| | string | `"default"` | |
| executor.user | int | `8888` | |
| explainer.image | string | `"seldonio/alibiexplainer:1.15.1"` | |
| explainer.image_v2 | string | `"seldonio/mlserver:1.2.0-alibi-explain"` | |
| explainer.image | string | `"seldonio/alibiexplainer:1.16.0"` | |
| explainer.image_v2 | string | `"seldonio/mlserver:1.3.0-alibi-explain"` | |
| hostNetwork | bool | `false` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"seldonio/seldon-core-operator"` | |
| image.tag | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| image.tag | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| istio.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| istio.gateway | string | `"istio-system/seldon-gateway"` | |
| istio.tlsMode | string | `""` | |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,27 +94,27 @@ helm install seldon-core-operator seldonio/seldon-core-operator --namespace seld
| predictiveUnit.grpcPort | int | `9500` | |
| predictiveUnit.httpPort | int | `9000` | |
| predictiveUnit.metricsPortName | string | `"metrics"` | |
| predictor_servers.HUGGINGFACE_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.2.0-huggingface"` | |
| predictor_servers.HUGGINGFACE_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.3.0-huggingface"` | |
| predictor_servers.HUGGINGFACE_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `"seldonio/mlserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image | string | `"seldonio/mlflowserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.2.0-mlflow"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.3.0-mlflow"` | |
| predictor_servers.MLFLOW_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `"seldonio/mlserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image | string | `"seldonio/sklearnserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.2.0-sklearn"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.3.0-sklearn"` | |
| predictor_servers.SKLEARN_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `"seldonio/mlserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.TEMPO_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.2.0-slim"` | |
| predictor_servers.TEMPO_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.3.0-slim"` | |
| predictor_servers.TEMPO_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `"seldonio/mlserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image | string | `"seldonio/tfserving-proxy"` | |
| predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.tensorflow.defaultImageVersion | string | `"2.1.0"` | |
| predictor_servers.TENSORFLOW_SERVER.protocols.tensorflow.image | string | `"tensorflow/serving"` | |
| predictor_servers.TRITON_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"21.08-py3"` | |
| predictor_servers.TRITON_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `""` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.15.1"` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.seldon.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.16.0"` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.seldon.image | string | `"seldonio/xgboostserver"` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.2.0-xgboost"` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.v2.defaultImageVersion | string | `"1.3.0-xgboost"` | |
| predictor_servers.XGBOOST_SERVER.protocols.v2.image | string | `"seldonio/mlserver"` | |
| rbac.configmap.create | bool | `true` | |
| rbac.create | bool | `true` | |
Expand All @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ helm install seldon-core-operator seldonio/seldon-core-operator --namespace seld
| singleNamespace | bool | `false` | |
| storageInitializer.cpuLimit | string | `"1"` | |
| storageInitializer.cpuRequest | string | `"100m"` | |
| storageInitializer.image | string | `"seldonio/rclone-storage-initializer:1.15.1"` | |
| storageInitializer.image | string | `"seldonio/rclone-storage-initializer:1.16.0"` | |
| storageInitializer.memoryLimit | string | `"1Gi"` | |
| storageInitializer.memoryRequest | string | `"100Mi"` | |
| usageMetrics.enabled | bool | `false` | |
Expand Down

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