Selenium 2.53.1
13960 commits
to trunk
since this release
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- Fix basestring reference to work with python 3. Fixes #1820 :: AutomatedTestera74892783b
- Correct Length conditional when filtering in PhantomJS. Fixes #1817 :: AutomatedTesterb6b5006877
- Bump python version to 2.53.1 :: AutomatedTester9e9f099d7a
- When uploading wheels we should upload python 3 wheels too :: AutomatedTester6094ebf105
- Add a test for [Keys.ARROW_LEFT]. :: Joshua Bruning0b23aceebe
- Fixed temp cookie file handle leak in PhantomJS :: Shand72d483b4a
- Bump python to 2.53.2 :: AutomatedTester6aa6e059a4
- Resolve IPv6 addresses in Python remote WebDriver. :: Jason Juang5e6de50841
- updated file access modes on python files :: Corey Goldberg8f1721d56d
- Fix some more IPv6 stuff. :: Jason Juangaf28d14c26
- Return IPv6 address in resolve_ip, if both v4 and v6 are available, but only v6 is connectable. :: Jason Juangaadaa15d40
- Set hostname correctly when keep_alive=True and resolve_ip=False. :: Jason Juang71aa100f9d
- Find visible elements (#2041) :: Remco3527d6791f
- visibility_of_all implies it only returns elements if all visible (#2052) :: Rouke Broersma677618b3cf
- Add Firefox options to capabilities When the firefox_options argument is not provided we generate a FirefoxOptions object, but due to some broken logic we weren't updating the capabilities from these options. :: Dave Hunt4f5e65a2c7
- Allow homepage override in Firefox profile test :: Dave Hunt5e520b80cc
- Avoid overriding capabilities with the defaults when using Firefox options :: Dave Hunt62763bc046
- Clean up Firefox WebDriver constructor :: Dave Hunt9cdc744aec
- Fix Marionette specific Python tests :: Dave Huntdffb8e06e8
- Add Marionette launcher test for Python :: Dave Hunt0f0c066ed9
- Correct the expected capability name for the Firefox profile :: Dave Hunt4930a447a1
- Ensure all capabilities are either within desiredCapabilities or requiredCapabilities :: Dave Hunt5161a63fc9
- Add Python test for using Marionette with a custom profile :: Dave Huntfc824e7b71
- Attempt to remove Firefox profile when using Marionette :: Dave Hunt82ddbc11ce
- fix broken link to python documentation (#2159) :: Nik Nybye9928d6ede
- fixing rst table :: Luke Inman-Semerauf9c5ff85d6
- Fixed: Unhelpful error message when PhantomJS exits. (#2173) :: Giorgos Tzampanakisa62bbd6af1
- Use the correct binary path when using Marionette :: Dave Huntdfc1cd7f8a
- Bumping Python to 2.53.3 :: AutomatedTester2f3633adcc
- Filter ignored tests by marker instead of keyword :: Dave Hunt79cef4cab2
- Remove validation of locators and strategies in python client Validation should be performed by the driver implementation :: Dave Hunt6c9e23ca36
- Use pytest.raises in element finding tests :: Dave Huntd6840f54d9
- Fix a couple of flake8 issues in the python tests :: Dave Hunt985a800314
- Remove some invalid ignore comments for Marionette in python tests :: Dave Hunt316f2eb388
- Avoid checking exception details for invalid locators due to differences in server implementations :: Dave Hunt6f7a4abd37
- Avoid running the Marionette specific tests against FirefoxDriver :: Dave Huntd8c3617007
- Set Marionette flag appropriately in Python tests :: Dave Hunt07818b6150
- Include the Marionette specific tests :: Dave Hunte77cfde503
- Ignore tests using window_handles on Marionette due to a bug in GeckoDriver :: Dave Hunt1e6dd55547
- Pass the firefox_profile as a desired capability in the Python client when using a remote server :: Dave Hunt89495c9ee6
- Bumping Python to 2.53.4 :: Dave Hunt63e0aa8796
- rb - update to latest geckodriver :: Titus Fortnere4f30b815b
- ruby: Escape selector when converting it to CSS (cherry picked from commit a1b0fbd) :: Alex Rodionov44746cab89
- rb - update changelog & bump version :: Titus Fortner44161f53c1
- rb - set version to dev :: Titus Fortner2802b6fd34
- Move capabilities passed through to be only desiredCapabilities :: AutomatedTester4e92bf90e6
- Bump Python to 2.53.5 :: AutomatedTester31204aa26c
- Bump to 2.53.5 :: AutomatedTester63673eaeb0
- rb - fix bug for finding drivers on windows (cherry picked from commit c0d2fca) :: Titus Fortnerd753cd5282
- rb - update changelog & bump version :: Titus Fortnerb7e1951e06
- rb - change version to dev :: Titus Fortnerc68e2d93b4
- rb - this breaks things on remote machines and isn't needed anyway (cherry picked from commit d9843c3) :: Titus Fortnerf53d08ec1c
- rb - Update changelog and bump point version to 2.53.3 :: Titus Fortner2adcc584c2
- rb - Update version to dev :: Titus Fortner48cc1a9a77
- Implement location of element in view in javascript when speaking to a W3C Conformant endpoint :: AutomatedTester502cef20fa
- Round the X, Y of the element location :: AutomatedTester4e2eadbe5c
- Disable marionette tests on Position and Size tests :: AutomatedTester319f4314b7
- Update desired and required capabilities rather than replacing them in the Python client :: Dave Huntbd3d308aad
- Fix flake8 issues in Python client :: Dave Hunt5ad95f243a
- Bump max supported version for FirefoxDriver :: AutomatedTester5eba0fe70b
- Bump Python Version to 2.53.6 :: AutomatedTester843b848442
- rb - update changelog & point release :: Titus Fortner08aafaf0e8
- rb - bump version to dev :: Titus Fortner6616780677
- [js] Deprecate more stuff :: Jason Leyba53f5cc213a
- [js] Bump to 2.53.0 :: Jason Leybad033965f2d
- spell remote correctly :: Rob Richardson9bcba27be1
- [js] For consistency with java, the file detector should ignore directory paths. :: Jason Leyba28db4a4729
- [js] Use the gendocs script from the deploy script :: Jason Leyba22cbc241da
- [js] Slight reversal on thenFinally deprecation in 9dd3fe4 :: Jason Leyba0c04c7e950
- [js] Remove misleading test that trivially passes because it depends on a property that no longer exists. :: Jason Leyba4afcd2c692
- [js] Changed io.exists() to return a rejected promise if the input value is not a string. This would have caught the bad test from #1827 :: Jason Leyba1976737a1c
- I really need to stop coding when I'm tired :: Jason Leyba4a33bf9753
- Adding a space when encoding ids starting with digits :: Bob Baron32f59a3335
- [js] Use https.request() for https requests. :: Jason Leyba8843f96303
- Use more informative link to JS API. :: Jason Juang38c583e477
- [js] fix capabilities serialize :: Craig Nishina182b4665ae
- Properly handle responses in WebDriver.attachToSession :: Jason Leyba942d6d28c7
- Fix bug when Array prototype contains additional methods :: Bohdan Tkachenkobb566eb6c2
- [js] bump to 2.53.2 :: Jason Leybad11b56df66
- [js] Bump to 2.53.3 to pick up changes for #2110 :: Jason Leyba135b6f5943
- Adding *.VC.db (Visual Studio temp file) to .gitignore :: Jim Evans15fe5fcbda
- .NET bindings version 2.53.1 to work with Firefox 47.0.1 :: Jim Evans3da6b383a1
- Release 2.53.1 to work with Firefox 47.0.1 :: Jim Evansa36b8b1cd5
- 2.53.1 version number bump :: Luke Inman-Semerau