Easy to let your users synchronise their Exchange data (calendars, contacts, mails, tasks) with Nextcloud using groups.
The easiest way to install this app is by using the Nextcloud app store. If you like to build from source, please continue reading.
Clone this repo into your nextcloud app directory, or download it as zip and extract it there, and change into the new directory:
$ git clone https://github.com//Sendent-B-V/Sendent-Synchroniser-App-for-Nextcloud YOUR_NEXTCLOUD_ROOT/apps/sendentsynchroniser
$ cd YOUR_NEXTCLOUD_ROOT/apps/sendentsynchroniser
Next install all dependencies and create a build:
$ npm install
$ webpack -c webpack.common.js
Now you should be able to enable this app on your Nextcloud app page.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]