What's Changed
Bug fixes
- Fix api-key expiration date handling. by @kavics in #2070
- Add Binary field to webhook payload after multi-chunk upload. by @kavics in #2077
- The parser error via OData API causes HTTP 400 instead of 500. by @kavics in #2081
- Fix GetInvertedIndex nullref exception. by @kavics in #2097
- Fix boolean optimizer bug by @kavics in #2095
- Fix floating point implementation in the inmem index. by @kavics in #2120
- Fix GetTreeSize. The DbNull returns 0 instead of throwing an error. by @kavics in #2126
Other Changes
- Remove obsolete code that causes compilation errors. by @kavics in #2080
- Added GetResourceClass odata function that gives back localization data by @hashtagnulla in #2085
- Persist and collect changed data id the content is locked. Fire events for CheckOut action. by @kavics in #2087
- New OData function: Help/GetOperations for administrators and developers by @kavics in #2089
- Rewrite the "Parse" element of FieldSetting and add a Customization subobject so that "GetSchema" returns better results. by @kavics in #2091
- If parsing the number with current culture throws FormatException, fallback to the invariant culture and try again. by @kavics in #2106
- Add Categories element to Field definition in CTD. by @kavics in #2108
- Enable parsing leading sign in the NumberIndexHandler. by @kavics in #2109
- Change RichText fields to LongText fields. by @kavics in #2111
- Change some SnLog callings to ILogger usages. by @kavics in #2112
- Add NodeObservers as singletons. Remove NodeObserver type discovery and old-school enable-disable mechanism. by @kavics in #2114
- Modernize or delete some IRepositoryBuilder features. by @kavics in #2116
- Add CurrencySymbol, CurrencyName and CurrencyNativeName readonly properties to the CurrencyFieldSetting. by @kavics in #2128
- New method: GenericContent.RestoreVersionAsync. Fix RestoreVersion REST action. by @kavics in #2130
- Health checker middleware by @kavics in #2144
- Get apikey for health from configuration section "sensenet:apikeys" by @kavics in #2146
New Contributors
- @hashtagnulla made their first contribution in #2085
Full Changelog: odata-controller-introduction...health-checker